Index of Feats by Type - Metamagic

Alternative Source Spell
Black Lore of Moil
Born of the Three Thunders
Chain Spell
Consecrate Spell
Cooperative Spell
Corrupt Spell
Delay Spell
Disguise Spell
Easy Metamagic
Empower Spell
Sudden Empower
Energize Spell
Energy Admixture
Energy Substitution
Sudden Energy Substitution
Enervate Spell
Enlarge Spell
Sudden Enlarge
Entangling Spell
Explosive Spell
Extend Spell
Sudden Extend
Fell Animate
Fell Drain
Fell Frighten
Fell Weaken
Forceful Spell
Fortify Spell
Heighten Spell
Insidious Magic
Lord of the Uttercold
Maximize Spell
Sudden Maximize
Metanode Spell
Nonlethal Substitution
Ocular Spell
Pernicious Magic
Persistent Spell
Piercing Cold
Purify Spell
Quicken Spell
Sudden Quicken
Reach Spell
Reaping Spell
Repeat Spell
Sacred Spell
Sanctum Spell
Sculpt Spell
Silent Spell
Sudden Silent
Slimy Spell
Split Ray
Still Spell
Sudden Still
Subdual Substitution
Touch Spell
Transdimensional Spell
Twin Spell
Violate Spell
Widen Spell
Sudden Widen