Index of Spells by Level - Shu 4

Save - Res Level Comps
Dur Range Recharge
Air Walk
None - Yes (harmless) Air 4, APeace 4, Arc 4, Clr 4, Drd 4, Shu 4 V, S, DF
10 min./level Touch 1 hour

Subject treads on air as if solid (climb at 45-degree angle).

Control Water
None; see text - No APeace 4, Arc 4, Clr 4, Drd 4, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 6, Water 4, Watery Death 3, Wuj 6 V, S, M/DF
10 min./level (D) Long 1 hour

Raises or lowers bodies of water.

Greater Creeping Cold (F)
  Arc 4, Drd 4, Shu 4  

As creeping cold, but longer duration and more damage.

Cure Critical Wounds
Will half (harmless); see text - Yes (harmless); see text Adp 4, APeace 4, Arc 4, Blk 4, Brd 4, BVal 4, Clr 4, Drd 5, EmBarachiel 4, Healing 4, Hlr 4, HotD 4, Shu 4 V, S
Instant Touch General

Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20).

Death Ward
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) APeace 4, Arc 4, Blg 4, ChamGwyn 4, Clr 4, Death 4, Drd 5, Hlr 4, HotD 4, Life 4, Pal 4, Repose 4, Shu 4, Slayer of Domiel 4, Undeath 4 V, S, DF
1 min./level Touch 5 minutes

Grants immunity to death spells and negative energy effects.

Detect Scrying
None - No Arc 4, Brd 4, HB 4, Planning 5, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Wealth 4 V, S, M
1 day 40 ft. General

Alerts you of magical eavesdropping.

Dimensional Anchor
None - Yes (object) Arc 4, Clr 4, Dem 3, Demonic 4, KotC 4, Portal 3, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 4 V, S
1 min./level Medium General

Bars extradimensional movement.

Discern Lies
Will negates - No APeace 4, Arc 4, BVal 3, ChamGwyn 3, Clr 4, Drow 4, Inquisition 4, KotC 4, Mind 4, Nobility 4, Pal 3, Shu 4, Truth 4, Tyranny 3, Vassal of Bahamut 3 V, S, DF
Concentration, up to 1 round/level Close 6 hours

Reveals deliberate falsehoods.

Will negates; see text - Yes APeace 4, Arc 4, Balance 4, Clr 4, Dem 4, Exorcism 4, KotC 4, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 5, Wuj 4 V, S, DF
Instant Close General

Forces a creature to return to native plane.

Fire Shield
- Arc 4, Duskblade 4, Fire 5, Retribution 4, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Sun 4, Wmg 3, Wuj 4 V, S, M/DF
1 round/level (D) Personal General

Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you're protected from heat or cold.

Flame Arrow
None - No Arc 4, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 3, Wmg 3 V, S, M
10 min./level Close General

Arrows deal +1d6 fire damage.

Hallucinatory Terrain
Will disbelief (if interacted with) - No Arc 4, Brd 4, Gnome 5, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 4 V, S, M
2 hours/level (D) Long 6 hours

Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field into forest, or the like).

Illusory Wall
Will disbelief (if interacted with) - No Arc 4, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 4 V, S
Permanent Close 24 hours

Wall, floor, or ceiling looks real, but anything can pass through.

Lightning Bolt
Reflex half - Yes Adp 3, Arc 3, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 3, Wmg 3 V, S, M
Instant 120 ft. General

Electricity deals 1d6/level damage.

Locate Creature
None - No Arc 4, Asn 4, Beguiler 4, Brd 4, MH 4, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Wuj 4 V, S, M
10 min./level Long 4 hours

Indicates direction to familiar creature.

Neutralize Poison
Will negates (harmless, object) - Yes (harmless, object) Adp 3, APeace 4, Arc 4, Brd 4, BVal 3, ChamGwyn 4, Clr 4, Drd 3, Feast 4, Hlr 3, Pal 4, Rgr 3, Shu 4 V, S, M/DF
10 min./level Touch 1 hour

Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.

None or Will negates (object) - No or Yes (object) Arc 3, Drd 3, Shu 4 V, S, DF
Instant Medium General

Extinguishes nonmagical fires or one magic item.

Restoration (M)
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) Adp 4, APeace 4, Arc 4, BVal 4, ChamGwyn 4, Clr 4, Hlr 3, HotD 4, Pal 4, Shu 4 V, S, M
Instant Touch General

Restores level and ability score drains.

Spell Immunity
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) APeace 4, Arc 4, Clr 4, Protection 4, Shu 4, Strength 4 V, S, DF
10 min./level Touch 1 hour

Subject is immune to one spell per four levels.

Spike Stones
Reflex partial - Yes Arc 4, Drd 4, Earth 4, Shu 4 V, S, DF
1 hour/level (D) Medium 6 hours

Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may be lowed.

Wall of Fire
None - Yes Adp 4, Arc 4, Blg 4, Drd 5, Fire 4, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 4, Wmg 4, Wuj 4 V, S, M/DF
Concentration + 1 round/level Medium General

Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1/level.