Magical Leaf

NameMagical Leaf
Power Points20
RangeOne Enemy
Contacts Other PokemonNo
Contest TypeBeauty
Red Machine
Gold Machine
Ruby Machine
BattleAttack always hits regardless of user's accuracy.
ContestWorks well if it's the same type as the one before.
Bulbasaur Grass Poison E
Teaches To:
Bellsprout E
Learns From:
Roselia 25
Tropius 31
Ivysaur P
Venusaur P
Bellsprout E
Weepinbell P
Victreebel P
Ivysaur Grass Poison P
Teaches To:
Bulbasaur E
Bellsprout E
Venusaur Grass Poison P
Teaches To:
Bulbasaur E
Bellsprout E
Clefairy Normal P
Clefable Normal P
Bellsprout Grass Poison E
Teaches To:
Bulbasaur E
Learns From:
Roselia 25
Tropius 31
Bulbasaur E
Ivysaur P
Venusaur P
Weepinbell P
Victreebel P
Weepinbell Grass Poison P
Teaches To:
Bulbasaur E
Bellsprout E
Victreebel Grass Poison P
Teaches To:
Bulbasaur E
Bellsprout E
Mr. Mime Psychic 22
Cleffa Normal 17
Togetic Normal Flying I
Bellossom Grass I
Kirlia Psychic I
Gardevoir Psychic P
Roselia Grass Poison 25
Teaches To:
Bulbasaur E
Bellsprout E
Tropius Grass Flying 31
Teaches To:
Bulbasaur E
Bellsprout E