Dragon Claw

NameDragon Claw
Power Points15
RangeOne Enemy
Contacts Other PokemonYes
Contest TypeCool
Red Machine
Gold Machine
Ruby MachineTM02
BattleNormal Attack.
ContestSubtracts 4 appeal points from any Pokemon who appealed before you and used the same type of move. Subtracts points from any one else who did not use the same type move. (Cool, Appeal=2pts, Jam=1pt)
Charmander Fire M
Teaches To:
Bagon 49
Totodile E
Learns From:
Sceptile M
Aggron M
Altaria M
Bagon 49
Shelgon 69 P
Salamence 79 P
Charmeleon M
Charizard M
Dragonite M
Totodile E
Croconaw P
Feraligatr M
Tyranitar M
Charmeleon Fire M
Teaches To:
Bagon 49
Charmander M
Totodile E
Charizard Fire Flying M
Teaches To:
Bagon 49
Charmander M
Totodile E
Aerodactyl Rock Flying M
Learns From:
Altaria M
Dragonite Dragon Flying M
Teaches To:
Bagon 49
Charmander M
Totodile E
Mew Psychic M
Totodile Water EM
Teaches To:
Charmander M
Learns From:
Sceptile M
Aggron M
Charmander M
Charmeleon M
Charizard M
Dragonite M
Croconaw P
Feraligatr M
Tyranitar M
Croconaw Water PM
Teaches To:
Charmander M
Totodile E
Feraligatr Water M
Teaches To:
Charmander M
Totodile E
Tyranitar Rock Dark M
Teaches To:
Charmander M
Totodile E
Sceptile Grass M
Teaches To:
Bagon 49
Charmander M
Totodile E
Aggron Steel Rock M
Teaches To:
Charmander M
Totodile E
Flygon Ground Dragon M
Altaria Dragon Flying M
Teaches To:
Bagon 49
Charmander M
Aerodactyl M
Bagon Dragon 49 M
Teaches To:
Charmander M
Learns From:
Sceptile M
Altaria M
Shelgon 69 P
Salamence 79 P
Charmander M
Charmeleon M
Charizard M
Dragonite M
Shelgon Dragon 69 PM
Teaches To:
Bagon 49
Charmander M
Salamence Dragon Flying 79 PM
Teaches To:
Bagon 49
Charmander M
Beldum Steel Psychic M
Metang Steel Psychic PM
Metagross Steel Psychic PM
Latias Dragon Psychic M
Latios Dragon Psychic M
Groudon Ground M
Rayquaza Dragon Flying 20 M