Knock Off

NameKnock Off
Power Points20
RangeOne Enemy
Contacts Other PokemonYes
Contest TypeSmart
Red Machine
Gold Machine
Ruby Machine
BattleWhen this attack hits, the opponent Pokemon will drop the item it's holding. The item is returned after battle.
ContestBadly startles the POKEMON in front.
Abra Psychic E
Learns From:
Kadabra P
Alakazam P
Makuhita 28
Hariyama 29 P
Sableye 33
Kadabra Psychic P
Teaches To:
Abra E
Alakazam Psychic P
Teaches To:
Abra E
Farfetch'd Normal Flying 21
Krabby Water E
Teaches To:
Anorith E
Kabuto E
Learns From:
Anorith E
Armaldo P
Kingler P
Kabuto E
Kabutops P
Kingler Water P
Teaches To:
Anorith E
Krabby E
Kabuto E
Lickitung Normal 18
Kabuto Rock Water E
Teaches To:
Anorith E
Krabby E
Learns From:
Anorith E
Armaldo P
Krabby E
Kingler P
Kabutops P
Kabutops Rock Water P
Teaches To:
Anorith E
Krabby E
Kabuto E
Makuhita Fighting 28
Teaches To:
Abra E
Hariyama Fighting 29 P
Teaches To:
Abra E
Sableye Dark Ghost 33
Teaches To:
Abra E
Corphish Water 25
Corphish Water 26
Crawdaunt Water Dark 25 P
Crawdaunt Water Dark 26 P
Anorith Rock Bug E
Teaches To:
Krabby E
Kabuto E
Learns From:
Armaldo P
Krabby E
Kingler P
Kabuto E
Kabutops P
Armaldo Rock Bug P
Teaches To:
Anorith E
Krabby E
Kabuto E
Shuppet Ghost I
Banette Ghost IP