Name | Silver Wind |
Base | 60 |
Accuracy | 100 |
Power Points | 5 |
Type | Bug |
Special | Special |
Range | Selected Pokemon |
Contacts Other Pokemon | No |
Contest Type | beauty |
Appeals | 1 |
Jams | 0 |
Red Machine | |
Gold Machine | |
Ruby Machine | |
Diamond Machine | TM62 |
Black/White Machine | |
Battle | Has a 10% chance to raise all of the user's stats by one stage. |
Contest | User gains one star. |
Butterfree | Bug Flying | 28 |
Venomoth | Bug Poison | 1 |
Scyther | Bug Flying | E |
Ledyba | Bug Flying | 25 E |
Ledian | Bug Flying | 29 P |
Yanma | Bug Flying | E |
Scizor | Bug Steel | P |
Beautifly | Bug Flying | 34 |
Dustox | Bug Poison | 34 |
Masquerain | Bug Flying | 40 |
Nincada | Bug Ground | E |
Ninjask | Bug Flying | P |
Shedinja | Bug Ghost | P |
Volbeat | Bug | E |
Illumise | Bug | E |
Mothim | Bug Flying | 38 |
Finneon | Water | 49 |
Lumineon | Water | 59 P |
Yanmega | Bug Flying | P |
Sewaddle | Bug Grass | E |
Swadloon | Bug Grass | P |
Leavanny | Bug Grass | P |
Volcarona | Bug Fire | 50 |