Index of Spells by Domain - Destiny

Deities: Glautru (N), Haela Brightaxe (CG), Heironeous (LG), Horus-Re (LG), Istus (N), Lyris (N), Savras (LN), The Undying Court (NG), Vecna (NE), Zarus (LE)

Name: Destiny

Granted Power: Once per day as an immediate action, you can grant a willing creature within 30 feet the ability to reroll an attack, save, ability check, or skill check. You must be able to see the creature to be affected. You cannot use this power on yourself. This is a supernatural ability.

Omen of Peril (F)
Augury (M) (F)
Delay Death
Bestow Curse
Stalwart Pact (XP)
Warp Destiny
Greater Bestow Curse
Moment of Prescience
Choose Destiny