Index of Spells by Domain - Dwarf

Deities: Abbathor (NE), Berronar Truesilver (LG), Clangeddin Silverbeard (LG), Deep Duerra (LE), Dugmaren Brightmantle (CG), Dumathoin (N), Gorm Gulthyn (LG), Haela Brightaxe (CG), Laduguer (LE), Marthammor Duin (NG), Moradin (LG), Sharindlar (CG), Thard Harr (CG), Vergadain (N)

Name: Dwarf

Granted Power: You gain Great Fortitude as a bonus feat.

Magic Weapon
Bear's Endurance
Glyph of Warding (M)
Greater Magic Weapon
Fabricate (M)
Stone Tell
Protection from Spells (M) (F)
Elemental Swarm