Index of Spells by Domain - Family

Deities: Berronar Truesilver (LG), Boldrei (LG), Cyrrollalee (LG), Eldath (NG), Hathor (NG), Isis (NG), Lliira (CG), Luthic (NE), Sovereign Host (pantheon) (NG), Tamara (NG), Yondalla (LG)

Name: Family

Granted Power: As a free action, you may protect a number of creatures equal to our Charisma modifier (minimum one creature) with a +2 doge bonus to AC. This is a supernatural ability, and the protection lasts for 1 round per level. An affected creature loses this protection if it moves more than 10 feet away from you. You may also affect yourself with this ability.

Shield Other (F)
Helping Hand
Imbue with Spell Ability
Telepathic Bond
Heroes' Feast
Refuge (M)
Protection from Spells (M) (F)
Prismatic Sphere