Index of Spells by Domain - Knowledge

Deities: Afflux (NE), Angharradh (CG), Annam (N), Aulasha (LG), Aureon (LN), Azuth (LN), Boccob (N), Celestian (N), Chronepsis (N), Dallah Thaun (CN), Deep Sashelas (CG), Delleb (LG), Deneir (NG), Dugmaren Brightmantle (CG), Dumathoin (N), Gond (N), Gwaeron Windstrom (NG), Hruggek (CE), Iallanis (NG), Ilsensine (LE), Io (N), Istus (N), Labelas Enoreth (CG), Lirr (CG), Mak Thuum Ngatha (CE), Milil (NG), Mouqol (N), Mystra (NG (LN)), Oghma (N), Pholtus (LG), Rao (LG), Savras (LN), Sehanine Moonbow (CG), Shar (NE), Shekinester (N), Siamorphe (LN), Skoraeus Stonebones (N), Sovereign Host (pantheon) (NG), Tem-Et-Nu (LN), Thoth (N), Tyr (LG), Urbanus (NG), Vecna (NE), Waukeen (N), Xan Yae (N), Zagyg (CN), Zouken (N)

Name: Knowledge

Granted Power: Add all Knowledge skills to your list of cleric class skills. You cast divination spells at +1 caster level.

Detect Secret Doors
Detect Thoughts
Divination (M)
True Seeing (M)
Find the Path
Legend Lore (M) (F)
Discern Location