Deities: Dark Six (Pantheon) (NE), Erythnul (CE), Mak Thuum Ngatha (CE), Tharizdun (NE), The Cults of the Dragon Below (NE), The Fury (NE), Vecna (NE)
Name: Madness
Granted Power: Your insanity gives you insight. You subtract 1 from all Wisdom-based skill checks and all Will saves. However, once per day, you can see and act with the clarity of true Madness: Add one-half your level to a single Wisdom-based skill check or Will save. You must choose to use this benefit before the check or save is rolled.
Name |
Lesser Confusion |
Touch of Madness |
Rage |
Confusion |
Bolts of Bedevilment |
Phantasmal Killer |
Insanity |
Maddening Scream |
Weird |