Index of Spells by Domain - Madness

Deities: Dark Six (Pantheon) (NE), Erythnul (CE), Mak Thuum Ngatha (CE), Tharizdun (NE), The Cults of the Dragon Below (NE), The Fury (NE), Vecna (NE)

Name: Madness

Granted Power: Your insanity gives you insight. You subtract 1 from all Wisdom-based skill checks and all Will saves. However, once per day, you can see and act with the clarity of true Madness: Add one-half your level to a single Wisdom-based skill check or Will save. You must choose to use this benefit before the check or save is rolled.

Lesser Confusion
Touch of Madness
Bolts of Bedevilment
Phantasmal Killer
Maddening Scream