Deities: Deneir (NG), Dugmaren Brightmantle (CG), Hlal (CG), Jergal (LN), Mystra (NG (LN)), Thoth (N)
Name: Rune
Granted Power: You gain scribe scroll as a bonus feat.
Name | Scl | Sv | Rs | Dur | CT | Rng | Re | Description |
Erase | T | N | N | ! | 1a | C | G | Mundane or magical writing vanishes. |
Secret Page | T | N | N | P | 10m | T | 12h | Changes one page to hide its real content. |
Glyph of Warding (M) | A | N | M;* | P#* | 10m | T | G | Inscription harms those who pass it. |
Explosive Runes | A | N | Y | P#* | 1a | T | 24h | Deals 6d6 force damage when read. |
Lesser Planar Binding | C | W- | M;* | ! | 10m | C | 24h | Traps extraplanar creature of 6 HD or less until it performs a task. |
Greater Glyph of Warding (M) | A | N | M;* | P#* | 10m | T | G | As glyph of warding, but up to 10d8 damage or 6th-level spell. |
Instant Summons (M) | C | N | N | P# | 1a | txt | G | Prepared object appears in your hand. |
Transcribe Symbol | A | N | N | 10m# | 1a | T | 1h | Safely moves an untriggered magical symbol to another location. |
Teleportation Circle (M) | C | N | Y | 10m/l* | 10m | 0f | G | Circle teleports any creature inside to designated spot. |