Deities: Bane (LE), Beltar (CE), Beshaba (CE), Cyric (CE), Gargauth (LE), Garl Glittergold (NG), Hoar (LN), Kiaransalee (CE), Kurtulmak (LE), Lolth (CE), Mask (NE), Nerull (NE), Onatar (NG), Set (LE), Shar (NE), Sharess (CG), Shargaas (CE), Talona (CE), Tharizdun (NE), The Mockery (NE), Umberlee (CE), Urdlen (CE), Velsharoon (NE), Vhaeraun (CE), Waukeen (N)
Name: Sin-Envy
Granted Power: Add Bluff to your list of cleric class skills. In addition, you cast spells that damage or drain ability scores or bestow negative levels at +1 caster level. (D#323)
Name |
Disguise Self |
Ray of Enfeeblement |
Touch of Idiocy |
Vampiric Touch |
Crushing Despair |
Magic Jar (F) |
Limited Wish (XP) |
Simulacrum (M) (XP) |
Wish (XP) |