Deities: Arawai (NG), Dark Six (Pantheon) (NE), Fharlanghn (N), Geshtai (N), Obad-Hai (N), Procan (CN), Sovereign Host (pantheon) (NG), Stronmaus (CG), The Devourer (NE)
Name: Weather
Granted Power: Inclement weather has less of an effect on you. Rain and snow don't penalize your Spot and Search checks. You can move through snow-covered and icy terrain at your normal movement. Wind effects, whether natural or magical, affect you as if you were one size category larger.
Name | Scl | Sv | Rs | Dur | CT | Rng | Re | Description |
Obscuring Mist | C | N | N | 1m/l | 1a | 20f | G | Fog obscures all sight incl darkvision, 20% miss chance on adjacent, 50% on farther creatures. |
Gust of Wind | Ev | F- | Y | 1r | 1a | 60f | G | Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures. |
Call Lightning | Ev | R½ | Y | 1m/l | 1r | M | G | Calls down 1 lightning bolt (3d6 electricity damage) every 1 round/level (max 10 rounds). |
Ice Storm | Ev | N | Y | 1r | 1a | L | G | Hail deals 3d6 bludgeoning damage and 2d6 cold damage in cylinder 40 ft. across. |
Binding Winds | Ev | R- | Y | C | 1a | M | G | Sound cannot penetrate to or from target and -2 on ranged attacks. |
Cloud-walkers | T | R- | Y | 10m/l* | 1a | T | 1h | Targets can walk on clouds, flying at high altitudes. |
Control Weather | T | N | N | 4d12h;x | 10m | 2m | G | Changes weather in local area. |
Whirlwind | Ev | R- | Y | 1r/l* | 1a | L | G | Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures. |
Greater Whirlwind | Ev | F~ | Y | 1r/l | 1a | M | G | As whirlwind, but larger and more destructive. |