Abjur | |
Conj | |
Div | |
Ench |
- Bless: Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear.
- Command: One subject obeys selected command for 1 round.
- Ray of Hope: Subject gains +2 bonus on attacks, saves, and checks.
- Vision of Heaven: Evil creature is dazed for 1 round.
Tran | |
Abjur |
- Glorious Raiment: Wearer gains +1 sacred bonus to AC per five caster levels and damage reduction 5/evil.
- Resist Energy: Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.
- Shield OtherF: You take half of subjects damage.
Conj | |
Div |
- AuguryMF: Learns whether an action will be good or bad.
- Status: Monitors condition, position of allies.
Ench |
- Aid: +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +10).
- Calm Emotions: Calms creatures, negating emotion effects.
- Enthrall: Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level.
- Yoke of Mercy: Target deals nonlethal damage.
- Zone of Truth: Subjects within range cannot lie.
Evoc |
- ConsecrateM: Fills area with positive energy, making undead weaker.
Illu |
- Silence: Negates sound in 15-ft. radius.
Tran | |
Abjur | |
Conj | |
Div | |
Ench |
- Prayer: Allies +1 bonus on most rolls, enemies -1 penalty.
Evoc | |
Tran | |
Abjur | |
Conj | |
Div | |
Ench |
- Good Hope: Subjects gain +2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
Evoc | |
Necr | |
Tran | |
Abjur | |
Conj | |
Div | |
Ench | |
Evoc |
- HallowM: Designates location as holy.
Necr | |
Abjur |
- Antilife Shell: 10-ft. field hedges out living creatures.
- Banishment: Banishes 2 HD/level of extraplanar creatures.
- Celestial BloodM: Gain acid, cold, and electricity resistance 10, +4 to saves versus poison, and DR 10/evil.
- ForbiddanceM: Blocks planar travel, damages creatures of different alignment.
- Greater Dispel Magic: As dispel magic, but +20 on check.
Conj | |
Ench | |
Tran | |