Abjur | |
Conj | |
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Ench | |
Illu | |
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- Knock: Opens locked or magically sealed door.
- Spider Climb: Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.
Abjur | |
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Illu | |
Tran |
- Glibness: You gain +30 bonus on Bluff checks, and your lies can escape magical discernment.
- Halt: Subject's feet become stuck to the ground.
- Haste: One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
- Slow: One subject/level takes only one action/round, -2 to AC and attack rolls.
Abjur | |
Conj | |
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Ench |
- Charm Monster: Makes monster believe it is your ally.
- Confusion: For 1 round/level, subject will attack caster 10%, act normally 10%, babble 30%, flee 20%, attack nearest creature 30%.
- Crushing Despair: Subjects take -2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
Illu | |