Abjur |
- Demonhide: The subject gains damage reduction 5/cold iron or good.
- Zeal: You move through foes to attack the enemy you want.
Conj | |
Div |
- Demoncall: You gain +10 on one Knowledge (the planes), Knowledge (arcana)or Knowledge (religion) check.
- Devil's Eye: You can see even in magical darkness up to 30 feet.
Ench |
- Wave of Grief: Cone imposes -3 penalty on attacks, checks, and saves.
Evoc | |
Necr | |
Tran | |
Abjur | |
Conj | |
Ench |
- Masochism: For every 10 hp damage you take, you gain +1 on attacks, saves, and checks.
- Sadism: For every 10 hp damage you deal, you gain +1 on attacks, saves, and checks.
Evoc | |
Necr | |
Tran | |