Index of Spells by Sources - Miniatures


Name Scl Sv Rs Dur CT Rng Re Description
Mass Aid A N Y 1m/l 1a C 5m

Allies gain +1 on attack rolls, +1 against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +15).

Align Fang T W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Natural weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or chaotic.

Mass Align Fang T W- Y 1m/l 1a C 30m

This spell functions like align fang, except that it affects multiple allies at a distance.

Mass Align Weapon T N N 1m/l 1a C 30m

Allies' weapons become good, evil, lawful, or chaotic.

Angelskin A+ W- Y 1r/l 1a T G

The subject gains damage reduction 5/evil.

Arc of Lightning C N ! 1a C G

Line of lightning between 2 creatures deals 1d6/level (max 15d6) electricity damage to all in the line.

Baleful Transposition C W- Y ! 1a M G

Two subjects switch places.

Benign Transposition C N N ! 1a M G

Two willing subjects switch places.

Blades of Fire C N N 1r 1sw T G

Your melee weapons deal +1d8 fire damage for 1 round (swift).

Blast of Flame C N ! 1a 60f G

60-ft. cone of fire deals 1d6/level (max 10d6) damage.

Swift Bless Weapon T N N 1r 1sw T G

Weapon strikes true against evil foes for 1 round (swift).

Buzzing Bee C N N 1m/l* 1a M 5m

Bee gives subject -10 penalty on Move Silently and Concentration checks.

Close Wounds C Y ! 1ia C G

Cure 1d4 +1/level (max +5) damage, even on another's turn (immediate).

Conviction A W- Y 10m/l 1a T 1h

Subject gains +2 or higher save bonus.

Mass Conviction A W- Y 10m/l 1a M 1h

Allies gain +2 or higher save bonus.

Mass Curse of Ill Fortune N W- Y 1m/l 1a M 30m

Enemies take -3 penalty on attack rolls and saves.

Curse of Impending Blades N N Y 1m/l 1a M 5m

Subject takes -2 penalty to AC.

Mass Curse of Impending Blades N N Y 1m/l 1a M 30m

Enemies take -2 penalty to AC.

Curse of Petty Failing N N Y 1m/l 1a C 5m

Subject takes -2 penalty on attack rolls and saves.

Delay Death N W- Y 1r/l 1ia C G

Losing hit points doesn't kill subject.

Demonhide A- W- Y 1r/l 1a T G

The subject gains damage reduction 5/cold iron or good.

Divine Protection En W- Y 1m/l 1a M 30m

Allies gain a +1 morale bonus to their Armor Class and on saving throws.

Swift Expeditious Retreat T N N 1r 1sw P G

Your speed increases by 30 ft. for 1 round (swift).

Favorable Sacrifice (M) A W- Y 1h/l 1a T G

Subject gains better protection the more gems you sacrifice.

Mass Fire Shield Ev N Y 1r/l* 1a M G

Creatures attacking allies take 1d6 +1/level (max +15) cold damage if shield protects allies from fire, fire damage if it protects allies from cold.

Fireburst Ev Y ! 1a 10f G

Adjacent subjects take 1d8/level (max 5d8) fire damage.

Greater Fireburst Ev Y ! 1a 15f G

Subjects within 15 ft. take 1d10/level (max 15d10) fire damage.

Swift Fly T N N 1r 1sw P G

This spell functions like fly except for 1 round (swift).

Guided Shot D N N 1r 1sw P G

Swift. You ignore distance penalties with your ranged attacks for 1 round.

Guiding Light Ev N Y 1m/l* 1a L 5m

+2 on ranged attacks against creatures in illuminated area.

Swift Haste T N N 1d4r 1sw P G

You are hasted for 1d4 rounds (swift).

Holy Spurs T W- Y 1r 1sw C G

Special mount's speed increases by 40 ft. for 1 round (swift).

Incite En W- Y 1m/l 1sw C 5m

Subject can't ready actions or delay.

Inhibit En W- Y ! 1a M G

Subject delays until next round.

Swift Invisibility I N N 1r 1sw P G

Invisibility lasts 1 round (swift).

Lightfoot T N N 1r 1sw P G

Your move does not provoke attacks of opportunity for 1 round (swift)

Lion's Charge T N N 1r 1sw P G

You gain the pounce special ability.

Lionheart A W- Y 1r/l 1a T G

The subject gains immunity to fear effects.

Living Undeath N F- Y 1m/l 1a T 30m

Subject becomes immune to critical hits and sneak attacks.

Lesser Orb of Acid C N N ! 1a C G

Ranged touch, 1d8 or more acid damage.

Lesser Orb of Cold C N N ! 1a C G

Ranged touch, 1d8 or more cold damage.

Lesser Orb of Electricity C N N ! 1a C G

Ranged touch, 1d8 or more electricity damage.

Lesser Orb of Fire C N N ! 1a C G

Ranged touch, 1d8 or more fire damage.

Lesser Orb of Sound C N N ! 1a C G

Ranged touch, 1d6 or more sonic damage.

Panacea C Y ! 1a T G

Removes most afflictions.

Quick March T W- Y 1r 1a M G

Allies' speed increases by 30 ft. for 1 round

Repair Critical Damage T N N ! 1a T G

"Cures" 4d8 +1/level (max +20) points of damage to a construct.

Repair Light Damage T N N ! 1a T G

"Cures" 1d8+1/level (max +5) points of damage to a construct.

Repair Minor Damage T N N ! 1a T G

"Cures" 1 point of damage to a construct.

Repair Moderate Damage T N N ! 1a T G

"Cures" 2d8+1/level (max +10) points of damage to a construct.

Repair Serious Damage T N N ! 1a T G

"Cures" 3d8+1/level (max +15) points of damage to a construct.

Revivify (M) C N Y ! 1a T G

Restore recently dead to life with no level loss.

Rhino's Rush T N N 1r 1sw P G

Deal double damage when charging for one round.

Righteous Aura A+ N N 1h/l 1a P 6h

You detonate on death, healing good creatures and damaging others (2d6/level damage).

Ring of Blades (M) C N N 1m/l 1a P 30m

Blades surround you, damaging other creatures (1d6+1/level damage).

Mass Shield of Faith A W- Y 1m/l 1a M 30m

Allies gain +3 or higher AC bonus.

Sign En N N 1m/l 1a P 5m

Your initiative check result improves, and you know enemies' initiative check results.

Slapping Hand Ev N Y ! 1a M G

Hand makes creature provoke attacks of opportunity.

Slashing Darkness Ev N Y ! 1a M G

Ray deals 1d8/two levels damage and heals undead the same amount.

Slide T W- Y ! 1a C G

Move subject 5 feet.

Greater Slide T W- Y ! 1a M G

Move subject 20 feet.

Snake's Swiftness T W- Y ! 1a C G

Subject immediately makes one attack.

Mass Snake's Swiftness T W- Y ! 1a M G

Allies each immediately make one attack.

Tiger's Tooth T N N 1r 1sw P G

One natural weapon of subject gets +1/four levels on attack and damage rolls (max +5) for 1 round (swift).

Undeniable Gravity T W- Y 1m/l 1a L 30m

Flying creature loses flying ability.

Mass Undeniable Gravity T W- Y 1m/l 1a L 30m

Flying creatures lose flying ability.

Veil of Shadow Ev N N 1m/l 1a P 30m

Darkness grants you concealment.