Name | Scl | Sv | Rs | Dur | CT | Rng | Re | Description |
Blinding Beauty | T+ | F- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | P | G | Permanently blind any who look at you. |
Break Enchantment | A | N | N | ! | 1m | C | 1h | Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification. |
Cacophonic Shield | Ev | F~ | Y | 1m/l* | 1a | 10f | 5m | Immobile shield blocks sound, deflects missiles, deals 1d6+1/level and deafens intruders. |
Celebration | En | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | C | G | Intoxicate Subjects. |
Celerity | T | N | N | ! | 1ia | P | G | Take a standard action immediately, but be dazed for a round. |
Mass Charm Person | En | W- | Y | 1h/l | 1a | C | 6h | As charm person, but all within 30 feet. |
Choir | I | Wd | N | C+4r | 1a | C | G | Creates illusory accompanists; +2 on Perform checks. |
Cure Critical Wounds | C | W½ | Y;* | ! | 1a | T | G | Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +20). |
Detect Scrying | D | N | N | 1d | 1a | 40f | G | Alerts you of magical eavesdropping. |
Dimension Door | C | N&W- | M | ! | 1a | L | G | Teleports you short distance. |
Dispel Water | A | N | * | ! | 1a | M | G | Cancels water spells and effects or dismisses water creatures. |
Dolorous Motes | En | W- | Y | 1r/l* | 1a | L | G | Creates clouds of flickering light (1 10-ft. cube/level) that dazes creatures. |
Dominate Person | En | W- | Y | 1d/l | 1r | C | 1h | Controls humanoid telepathically. |
Drums of War (F) | En | N | Y | C+1r/l* | 1a | M | G | Enemies take -2 penalty on attacks and saves. |
Ethereal Mount | C | N | N | 1h/l* | 10m | 0f | 6h | Creates ethereal mounts. |
Fire Dance | Ev | N | N | <=1r/l | 1a | P | G | Perform (dance) DC 15 + 2/round, gain fire immunity, cast off light. End dance with ray of heat or personal healing 1d6/level. Failure results in fatigue and no ray of heat or healing. |
Flowsight | D | W- | Y | 1r/l* | 1m | T | 4h | You can scry creatures in contact with a body of water. |
Follow the Leader (F) | En | W- | Y | C:1m/l | 1r | M | G | Causes 1 HD/level of creatures to follow. |
Freedom of Movement | A | W- | Y | 10m/l | 1a | P|T | 1h | Move normally despite impediments. Automatic success on grapples and Escape Artist checks vs grapple or pin. Normal movement underwater. |
Fugue (F) | Ev | W- | Y | C:1r/l | 1a | M | G | The target is hindered or harmed in a manner dictated by your Perform skill. |
Hallucinatory Terrain | I | Wd | N | 2h/l* | 10m | L | 6h | Makes one type of terrain appear like another (field into forest, or the like). |
Greater Harmonize | T | N | N | 1m/l* | 1a | P | 5m | Same as Harmonize, but more powerful. |
Hold Monster | En | W- | Y | 1r/l*;x | 1a | M | G | As hold person, but any creature. |
Insidious Suggestion | En | W- | Y | x | 1a | C | G | Suggestion repeats over and over in creature's mind. |
Inspired Aim | En | W- | Y | C | 1a | 40f | G | Allies within 40 ft. gain +2 insight bonus on ranged attack rolls. |
Greater Invisibility | I | W- | Y | 1r/l* | 1a | P|T | G | As invisibility, but subject can attack and stay invisible. |
Lay of the Land | D | N | N | ! | 3r | P | G | You gain an overview of the geography around you. |
Legend Lore (M) (F) | D | N | N | x | txt | P | G | Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing. |
Locate Creature | D | N | N | 10m/l | 1a | L | 4h | Indicates direction to familiar creature. |
Mirror Image, Greater | I | N | N | 1m/l* | 1ia | P | G | As mirror image*, but gain an additional image each round (max 8). Can be cast out of turn. |
Modify Memory | En | W- | Y | P | 1r | C | G | Changes 5 minutes of subjects memories. |
Neutralize Poison | C | W- | Y | 10m/l | 1a | T | 1h | Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject. |
Improved Portal Alarm | A | N | N | 8h/l* | 1a | C | G | As the portal alarm spell, and may be mental, audible, or both. |
Portal View | D | N | N | 1m/l | 10m | C | 5m | Turns target portal transparent. |
Rainbow Pattern | I | W- | Y | C+1r/l* | 1a | M | G | Lights fascinate 24 HD of creatures. |
Repel Vermin | A | N|W- | Y | 10m/l* | 1a | 10f | 4h | Insects, spiders, and other vermin stay 10 ft. away. |
Greater Resistance | A | W- | Y | 1d | 1a | T | 24h | Subject gains +3 on saving throws. |
Resonating Bolt | Ev | R½ | Y | ! | 1a | 60f | G | 60 ft. line deals 1d4/level (max 10d4) sonic damage. |
Ruin Delver's Fortune | T | N | N | 1d4r | 1fa | P | G | Temporarily gain a benefit that will last for a short while. Benefits include Bonus to Fort, Reflex, Will, HP, SR, or AC. |
Secure Shelter | C | N | N | 2h/l* | 10m | C | 12h | Creates sturdy cottage. |
Shadow Conjuration | I | Wd; | Y;* | x | 1a | txt | G | Mimics conjuring below 4th level, but only 20% real. |
Shout | Ev | F~|R- | Y | ! | 1a | 30f | G | Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic damage. |
Sirine's Grace (M) | Ev | N | N | 1r/l | 1a | P | G | Grants +4 to Cha and Dex. Adds Cha Modifier deflection bonus to AC. +8 to Perform checks. 1d4 Int touch attack. |
Speak with Plants | D | N | N | 1m/l | 1a | P | 30m | You can talk to normal plants and plant creatures. |
Spectral Weapon | I | W~ | Y;* | 1r/l* | 1a | P | G | Creates a quasi-real weapon. |
Spell Theft | A | N | N | ! | 1a | C | G | Make dispel check (d20 + CL, max +15) vs DC 11 + spell's CL to steal any spell capable of being dispelled. |
Stone Shatter | Ev | W-|F½ | Y | ! | 1a | C | G | Shatter a stone object or creature. |
Summon Monster IV | C | N | N | 1r/l* | 1r | C | G | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. |
Daily Temporary Soul Binding | C | W- | N | 4h/l# | 1m | T | 24h | As Temporary Soul Binding, except 4 hours/level. |
Mass Undeniable Gravity | T | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | L | 30m | Flying creatures lose flying ability. |
Unluck | D | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | C | G | All actions involving random elements are rolled twice and the worse roll is used. |
Voice of the Dragon | T | N | N | 10m/l* | 1a | P | 1h | +10 on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks; can use one suggestion. |
Wall of Dispel Magic | A | N | N | 1m/l | 1a | C | 5m | Creatures passing through a transparent wall becomes subject of targeted dispel magic. |
War Cry | En | N | * | 1r/l* | 1sw | P | G | Swift. Gain +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls, or +4 if you charge, for 1 round/level. Any opponent you damage must save or become panicked for 1 round. |
Watchful Ancestors | C | N | N | 1m/l | 1a | P | G | Spiritual manifestations prevent you from being flanked as if you had the improved uncanny dodge barbarian ability. Grants an insight bonus equal to your caster level on one Reflex save. |
Zone of Silence | I | N | N | 1h/l* | 1r | P | 24h | Keeps eavesdroppers from overhearing conversations. |