Name | Scl | Sv | Rs | Dur | CT | Rng | Re | Description |
Atonement (F) (XP) | A | N | Y | ! | 1h | T | G | Removes burden of misdeeds from subject. |
Aura of Evasion (M) | A | N | N | 1m/l | 1a | 10f | G | All within 10 ft. gain evasion against breath weapons. |
Battletide | T | N&W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | C | G | Targets have attack penalties and you gain a partial action each round. |
Bear's Heart | T | W- | N | 1r/l | 1a | 20f | G | One ally/level +4 Strength and +1d4/level hit points. |
Bewildering Mischance | En | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | C | G | Target must take the lower of two rolls for each save, attack roll, and skill check. |
Bleed | N | F- | Y | 1r/l* | 1a | T | G | Touched creature takes Con damage from piercing or slashing weapons; repeated use imposes a -4 penalty on certain Fort saves. |
Greater Blindsight | T | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | T | 5m | Grants blindsight* to a range of 60 ft. |
Blistering Radiance | Ev | N&F~ | Y | 1r/l | 1a | L | G | Dazzles sighted creatures and causes 2d6 fire damage/round. |
Boreal Wind | Ev | F- | Y | 1r+1r/2l | 1a | L | G | Gust of cold wind deals 1d4/level damage (max 15d4) and knocks creatures back. |
Break Enchantment | A | N | N | ! | 1m | C | 1h | Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification. |
Call Zelekhut (XP) | C! | N | N | ! | 10m | C | G | A zelekhut aids you in hunting a fugitive. |
Chaav's Laugh | En | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | 40f | G | Good creatures gain +2 on attacks and saves versus fear and gain 1d8+1/level temporary hit points, while evil creatures save or suffer -2 on attacks and saves versus fear. |
Charnel Fire | N- | N|W- | M;* | ! | 1m | T | G | Consumes one corpse or undead creature. |
Choking Sands | N | F- | Y | !;x | 1a | T | G | Touched creature begins to suffocate on sand. |
Greater Command | En | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | C | G | As command, but affects one subject/level. |
Commune (XP) | D | N | N | 1r/l | 10m | P | 6h | Deity answers one yes-or-no question/level. |
Commune with Earth | D | N | N | ! | 10m | P | 6h | Learn about terrain for 1 mile/level. |
Conjure Ice Beast V | C | N | N | 1r/l* | 1r | C | G | Conjures ice creature to fight for you. |
Mass Contagion | N- | F- | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | As contagion, but 20-ft. radius. |
Convert Wand | T | N | N | 1m/l | 1a | T | G | Transform wand of a particular spell and caster level into an appropriate cure wand of the same spell and caster level. |
Crawling Darkness | C | N | N | 1m/l* | 1r | P | 5m | Cloud of tentacles provides concealment, skill bonuses, and several defenses. |
Crown of Flame | Ev+ | N | N | 1m/l | 1a | 10f | 30m | Aura burns evil outsiders, undead, and fey for 2d6 points of good-aligned damage/round. |
Mass Cure Light Wounds | C | W½|W½ | Y;* | ! | 1a | C | G | Cures 1d8 damage +1/level for many creatures. |
Mass Curse of Ill Fortune | N | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | M | 30m | Enemies take -3 penalty on attack rolls and saves. |
Dancing Web | Ev+ | R½ | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | 1d6 points/level of nonlethal damage and if save fails, evil creatures are entangled (half speed, -2 att, -4 Dex, Concentration DC 15 + level). |
Darts Of Life | C | N | Y | 1m/l | 1a | C | G | Create ten projectiles that you can launch at allies to cure ld8 points of damage each. |
Dawn Shroud | Ev | W½ | Y | 10m/l* | 1a | T | G | In addition to acting as a daylight* spell, the light is harmful to oozes and undead. |
Death Throes | N | N | N | 1h/l# | 1a | P | 6h | Your body explodes when you die. |
Dispel Chaos | A! | N | * | 1r/l# | 1a | T | G | +4 bonus against attacks by chaotic creatures. |
Dispel Cold | A | N | * | 1r/l# | 1a | T | G | Cancels cold spells and effects. |
Dispel Evil | A+ | N | * | 1r/l# | 1a | T | G | +4 bonus against attacks by evil creatures. |
Dispel Fire | A | N | * | 1r/l# | 1a | T | G | Cancels fire spells and effects. |
Dispel Good | A- | N | * | 1r/l# | 1a | T | G | +4 bonus against attacks by good creatures. |
Dispel Law | A? | N | * | 1r/l# | 1a | T | G | +4 bonus against attacks by lawful creatures. |
Dispel Water | A | N | * | ! | 1a | M | G | Cancels water spells and effects or dismisses water creatures. |
Disrupting Weapon | T | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | T | 5m | Melee weapon destroys undead. |
Divine Agility | T | W- | N | 1r/l | 1a | T | G | Subject gains +10 to Dexterity for 1 round/level. |
Divine Retribution | A | W~ | Y | 10m/l# | 1a | P | G | Any creature that harms you takes ld6/caster level (max. 15d6) points of damage (half energy and half divine) and ld4 points of ability damage based on the deity selected. |
Doomtide | I | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | 80f | G | Black mist obscures vision, dazes creatures. |
Door Of Decay | C | N | N | ! | 1a | txt | G | Move instantly from one willing or ontrolled undead to another. |
Dragon Breath | Ev | N | N | 1r/l | 1a | P | G | You choose a dragon type and mimic its breath weapon. |
Earth Hammer | T | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1sw | T | G | You transform one melee weapon into a bludgeoning adamantine weapon. |
Earth Reaver | T | N | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | Eruption deals 4d6 impact damage and 3d6 fire damage to all in area. |
Energetic Healing | C | N | Y | 10m/l# | 1a | T | 1h | Target is immune to one energy type and gains 10% of the energy damage as healing. |
Etherealness, Swift | T | W- | Y | 1r | 1sw | C | G | Subject becomes ethereal, takes 1d6 damage per 5' shunted movement if rematerialized in occupied space. |
False Sending | I | W- | Y | 1r;x | 10m | txt | G | As sending, except caster imitates someone else. |
Fire In The Blood | T | N | N | 1m/l | 1a | P | P | Your blood deals a cumulative 1d6 points of damage per attack upon your attacker (up to 5d6 on 5th attack). |
Flame Strike | Ev | R½ | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | Smite foes with 1d6/level (max 15d6) damage, half fire damage and half divine damage. |
Flaywind Burst | Ev | N | N | ! | 1r | 60f | G | Cone blows away and knocks down smaller creatures and deals 1d6 damage/level (max 10d6). |
Frostbite 2 | C | F½ | Y | ! | 1a | C | G | Chilled air causes 6d6 cold damage and 2d6 Dex damage. |
Ghost Storm | N | F~ | Y | 1r/l | 1r | M | G | Save and become Frightened or fail and gain a temporary negative level, per round. Levels return at the rate of 1 per minute. More nastiness. |
Hallow (M) | Ev+ | N | * | ! | 1d | T | G | Designates location as holy. |
Haunt Shift | N | W- | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | Turn corporeal and incorporeal undead into haunting presences. |
Heartclutch | T- | F~ | Y | ! | 1a | C | G | Subject dies in 1d3 rounds or takes 3d6 damage +1/level. |
Hibernal Healing | T | F½ | Y | ! | 1r | P | G | You absorb ice, slush, and snow, curing 10 points/level of damage (max 150). |
Hibernate | N | W- | Y | 1w/l* | 1a | T | 24h | Sends subject into state of hibernation for one week/level. |
Humanoid Essence | T | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | T | G | Imposes upon a construct some of the weakness of the humanoid type. |
Incarnation of Evil | T | N | N | 1m/l* | 1a | P | 30m | As polymorph except only into crocodile, jackal, medium scorpion, or Medium viper. |
Incorporeal Nova | N | W- | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | Destroy incorporeal undead. |
Mass Inflict Light Wounds | N | W½ | Y | ! | 1a | C | G | Deals 1d8 damage +1/level to many creatures. |
Insect Plague | C | N | N | 1m/l | 1r | L | 5m | Locust swarms attack creatures. |
Lava Splash | C | R½ | N | ! | 1a | C | P | Wave of lava deals 1d4/level (max 15d4) fire damage. |
Life's Grace | A | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | T | 30m | Grants immunity to death effects, energy drain, and negative energy effects. Also grants ghost touch to armor. |
Mark of Justice | N | N | Y | P;x | 10m | T | G | Designates action that will trigger curse on subject. |
Monstrous Regeneration | C | W½ | Y | 1r/2l | 1a | T | G | Grants the regeneration ability for 1 round/2 levels. |
Morality Undone | En- | W- | Y | 10m/l | 1a | C | 1h | Subject becomes evil. |
Necrotic Burst (F) | N- | F~ | N | ! | 1a | M | G | Encysted subject killed, cyst begins to roam. |
Necrotic Skull Bomb | N | F- | Y | ! | 1sw | C | G | Exploding skull releases negative energy; targets each gain 1d4 negative levels. |
Opalescent Glare | N+ | W~ | Y | ! | 1a | 60f | G | Kill evil creatures with a look, or make them very afraid. |
Orb of Dancing Death | N | N | Y | 1r/3l;x | 1a | C | G | Orb you control bestows 1 negative level to targets. Each round, it requires a move action to direct the attack and a ranged touch attack to hit. |
Pack of Ghouls | C- | N | N | 1r/l* | 1a | C | G | You summon a pack of ghouls. |
Parboil | Ev | F~ | Y | ! | 1a | C | G | Flash-heats air dealing 6d6 fire and 2d4 Intelligence damage to one or more creatures. |
Pass through Ice | T | W- | Y | 1r/l* | 1a | T | G | Subject can pass through ice or snow like water. |
Plane Shift | C | W- | Y | ! | 1a | T | G | As many as eight subjects travel to another plane. |
Psychic Turmoil | A | W~ | Y | 1r/l | 1a | C | G | Invisible field leeches psionic power points away. |
Raise Dead (M) | C | N | Y | ! | 1m | T | G | Restores life to subject who died as long as one day/level ago. |
Resonating Resistance | T | N | N | 1m/l | 1a | P | 5m | Foes must check spell resistance twice against you. |
Revivify (M) | C | N | Y | ! | 1a | T | G | Restore recently dead to life with no level loss. |
Righteous Might | T | N | N | 1r/l* | 1a | P | 5m | Your size increases, and you gain combat bonuses. |
Sacred Guardian | D | N | Y | 1d/l | 1a | T | 24h | You know status of subject and can teleport or effect scrying flawlessly. |
Scry Trap | A | N | * | 1h/l | 1a | T | G | Scry attempts against target deal 1d6/level damage and blind scrying creature. |
Scrying (F) | D | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1h | txt | G | Spies on subject from a distance. |
Slay Living | N | F~ | Y | ! | 1a | T | G | Touch attack kills subject. |
Soul Scour | N | W- | Y | !;x | 1a | T | G | Touch deals 2d6 Cha damage and 1d6 Wis damage immediately, 1d6 Cha damage after 1 minute. |
Spell Phylactery | T | N | Y | P# | 10m | T | 24h | Scroll activates upon you if conditions are met. |
Spell Resistance | A | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | T | 30m | Subject gains SR 12 + level. |
Spiritual Cavalry | Ev | N&F- | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | Horsemen of force attack enemies. |
Stalwart Pact (XP) | Ev | W- | Y | P#, then 1r/l | 10m | T | G | You gain combat bonuses automatically when reduced to half hit points or lower. |
Greater Status (HoB) | D | W- | Y | 1h/l | 1m | M | G | Monitors condition, position of many allies. |
Greater Stone Shape | T | N | N | ! | 1a | T | 6h | Sculps 10 cu. ft. + 10 cu. ft./level of stone into any shape. |
Subvert Planar Essence (M) | T | F- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | M | G | Reduces target's DR and SR. |
Summon Blood Elemental | C- | N | N | 1r/l | 1r | C | G | Summon a blood elemental to attack your enemies. |
Summon Bralani Eladrin | C+? | N | N | C (<=1r/l)+1r | 1r | C | G | Summon a bralani eladrin to follow your commands. |
Summon Monster V | C | N | N | 1r/l* | 1r | C | G | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. |
Summon Undead V | C- | N | N | 1r/l | 1r | C | G | Summons undead to fight for you. |
Symbol of Pain (M) | N- | F- | Y | x | 10m | 0f | G | Triggered rune wracks nearby creatures with pain. |
Symbol of Sleep (M) | En | W- | Y | x | 10m | 0f | G | Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber. |
Symbol Of Spell Loss | A | W- | N | x | 10m | 0f | G | Like symbol of death but removes casters' highest spell or spell-slot each round. Will save each round while within 60 feet. |
Telepathic Aura | D | N | N | 10m/l* | 1a | 100f | 1h | You can telepathically communicate to allies within the range. This is a one-way communication. |
Telepathy Block | A | N | N | 1r/l* | 1a | C | G | Blocks all telepathic communication within 80-ft. radius. |
Semiweekly Temporary Soul Binding (M) | C | W- | N | 8h/l# | 2m | T | G | As Temporary Soul Binding, except 8 hours/level. |
Touch of the Pharaoh | N- | F- | Y | ! | 1a | T | G | Afflicts a creature with mummy rot. |
True Seeing (M) | D | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | T | G | Lets you see all things as they really are. |
Undying Aura | T | W~ | Y | 1m/l# | 1a | T | G | Subject gains immunity to death effects, energy drain**, and negative energy. Can harm one undead or heal one deathless by making a melee touch attack for 1d6/level (max 15d6) positive energy damage. |
Unhallow (M) | Ev- | N | * | ! | 1d | T | G | Designates location as unholy. |
Greater Vigor | C | W- | Y | 10r+1r/l (<=35r) | 1a | T | G | As vigor, lesser, but grants fast healing 4 instead. |
Vulnerability | T | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | T | G | Reduces an opponent's damage reduction. |
Wall of Dispel Magic | A | N | N | 1m/l | 1a | C | 5m | Creatures passing through a transparent wall becomes subject of targeted dispel magic. |
Wall of Magma | C | N | Y | 1m/l | 1a | M | 5m | Deals 2d6 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d6 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 5d6 damage +1/level. |
Wall of Ooze | C | F~ | N | C+1r/l | 1a | M | G | Creates barrier that has 50 hp/4 levels that paralyzes and deals 2d6 damage to all that touch it. |
Wall of Stone | C | N | N | ! | 1a | M | 12h | Creates a stone wall that can be shaped. |
Warding Gems (M) | C | N | N | 1h/l | 1a | C | G | Creates gems that store healing energy, encircle the target, and release their healing power on command. |
Zone of Respite | A | N | N | 1m/l | 2r | 20f | 1h | Prevents teleportation and similar effects from functioning in the area |
Zone of Revelation | D | N | Y | 1m/l | 1a | C | 5m |