Name | Scl | Sv | Rs | Dur | CT | Rng | Re | Description |
Charm Person | En | W- | Y | 1h/l | 1a | C | 1h | Makes one humanoid friendly. Creature gets +5 to save if threatened or attacked. |
Comprehend Languages | D | N | N | 10m/l | 1a | P | 4h | Touch creature or writing to understand language, but you cannot speak or write them. |
Cure Light Wounds | C | W½ | Y;* | ! | 1a | T | G | Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5). |
Hypnotism | En | W- | Y | 2d4r* | 1r | C | G | 2d4 HD of creatures become 2 steps friendlier, obey reasonable orders, need not understand you. Creatures on combat get +2 to save, otherwise -2. |
Magic Mouth (M) | I | W- | Y | P# | 1a | C | 24h | Speaks once when triggered. |
Message | T | N | N | 10m/l | 1a | M | G | Whispered conversation at distance. |
Protection from Chaos | A! | W- | N;* | 1m/l* | 1a | T | 5m | +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. |
Protection from Evil | A+ | W- | N;* | 1m/l* | 1a | T | 5m | +2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. |
Ray of Hope | En | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | C | G | Subject gains +2 bonus on attacks, saves, and checks. |
Sanctuary | A | W- | N | 1r/l | 1a | T | 5m | Opponents cant attack you, and you can't attack. |
Sleep | En | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1r | M | G | Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber. |
Ventriloquism | I | Wd | N | 1m/l* | 1a | C | 5m | Throws voice for 1 min./level. |