Name | Scl | Sv | Rs | Dur | CT | Rng | Re | Description |
Acid Fog | C | N | N | 1r/l | 1a | M | G | Fog deals 2d6 acid damage per round. |
Acid Storm (M) | Ev | R½ | N | ! | 1a | M | G | Deals 1d6/level acid damage (Max 15d6) in 20-ft radius. |
Alert Bebilith (M) | C- | N | N | ! | 1a | C | G | Summons bebilith to deal with a demon. |
Analyze Dweomer (F) | D | N|W- | N | 1r/l* | 1a | C | G | Reveals magical aspects of subject. |
Animate Dread Warrior (XP) | N- | N | N | ! | 10m | T | G | Transform dead skilled warrior into undead monster you control. |
Animate Objects | T | N | N | 1r/l | 1a | M | G | Objects attack your foes. |
Greater Anticipate Teleportation (F) | A | N | N | 1d | 10m | T | 6h | As anticipate teleportation, except for three rounds and types of creatures. |
Antimagic Field | A | N | * | 10m/l* | 1a | 10f | G | Negates magic within 10 ft. |
Ashen Union | N | F½&F~ | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | Drains moisture from a creature, possibly killing it and destroying its body. |
Aura of Evasion (M) | A | N | N | 1m/l | 1a | 10f | G | All within 10 ft. gain evasion against breath weapons. |
Aura of Terror | N | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | 30f | 5m | You gain an aura of fear, or your frightful presence becomes more effective. |
Mass Bear's Endurance | T | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | C | 30m | As bear's endurance, affects one subject/ level. |
Bite of the Weretiger | T | N | N | 1r/l | 1a | P | G | You become enhanced such as that of a tiger |
Blackwater Taint | N- | F~ | Y | 1r/l* | 1a | M | G | Desecrate water, deal 1d6/2 levels negative energy damage, bestow a negative level. |
Brilliant Blade | T | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | C | 30m | Weapon or group of projectiles gain the brilliant energy quality. |
Mass Bull's Strength | T | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | C | 30m | As bull's strength, affects one subject/level. |
Mass Cat's Grace | T | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | C | 30m | As cat's grace, affects one subject/level. |
Chain Lightning | Ev | R½ | Y | ! | 1a | L | G | 1d6/level (max 20d6) electricity damage; 1 secondary bolt/level each deals half damage. |
Circle of Death (M) | N | F- | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | Kills 1d4/level HD of creatures. |
Cloak of the Sea | T | W- | Y | 1h/l* | 1a | T | 6h | Gain blur, freedom of movement, and water breathing while in water. |
Coma | En | F- | Y | 1h/l | 1a | C | 6h | You put a living creature in a coma. |
Conditional Spell | Ev | N | N | P# | 1a | C | 12h | See Text |
Conjure Midnight Construct (M) | C | N | N | 1r/l* | 1r | C | G | As conjure lesser midnight construct, except conjure a midnight construct instead with more essentia options. |
Mass Lesser Construct Essence | T | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | C | G | Grants many living constructs qualities of the construct type. |
Mass Contagion | N- | F- | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | As contagion, but 20-ft. radius. |
Contingency (F) | Ev | N | N | 1d/l#* | 10m | P | G | Sets trigger condition for another spell. |
Control Elemental | En | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | C | G | Gain control of an elemental creature |
Control Water | T | N | N | 10m/l* | 1a | L | 1h | Raises or lowers bodies of water. |
Create Undead (M) | N- | N | N | ! | 1h | C | G | Creates ghouls, ghasts, mummies, or mohrgs. |
Crushing Sphere | Ev | R- | Y | 1r/l* | 1a | M | G | Force globe traps and crushes subject for 3d6 points of nonlethal damage per round. |
Curse of Spilt Water | T | F- | Y | ! | 1a | C | G | Transforms an enemy into water. |
Demonic Blood Infusion (M) | T-? | N | Y | 1h/l | 1a | T | G | Temporarily grant subject the fiendish template, may cause the subject to become chaotic and evil permanently. |
Mass Desiccate | N | F~ | Y | ! | 1a | C | G | Desiccates several creatures. |
Disintegrate | T | F~ | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | Makes one creature or object vanish. |
Greater Dispel Magic | A | N | N | ! | 1a | M | G | As dispel magic, but +20 on check. |
Dream Casting | I | W- | Y | 1d/l;x | 1h | U | G | Alter subject's dreams to produce desired effect. |
Mass Eagle's Splendor | T | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | C | 30m | As eagle's splendor, affects one subject/level. |
Ectoplasmic Enhancement | N- | N | N | 1d | 1r | C | 24h | Incorporeal undead gain +1 AC, +1d8 hp, +1 on attacks, +2 turn resistance for every 3 levels. |
Electrical Deluge | Ev | R½ | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | See Text |
Greater Energy Surge | T | W- | Y | 1r | 1sw | C | G | Weapon deals extra 3d6 acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage (your choice). |
Ensnarement (M) | A | N | N | ! | 10m | T | G | Augment the effectiveness of a magic circle prior to casting planar binding. |
Entomb (M) | Ev | F- | Y | !&1r/l;x | 1a | M | G | Captures subjects in blocks of ice, suffocating them. |
Extract Water Elemental | T | F½ | Y | ! | 1a | 5f/l | G | Pulls water from victim, forms water elemental. |
Eye of Stone | D | N | N | 1r/l* | 1a | P | G | Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round, can pass through stone. |
Eyebite | N- | F- | Y | 1r/3l;x | 1a | C | G | Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose. |
False Sending | I | W- | Y | 1r;x | 10m | txt | G | As sending, except caster imitates someone else. |
Fiendish Quickening | T | N | N | 1r/l | 1r | P | G | Your ability to teleport is quickened. |
Fire Spiders | C | R½ | Y | 1r/l | 1a | C | G | Swarm of Fine fire elementals attacks targets. |
Fires of Purity | Ev | N | Y;* | 1r/l | 1a | T | G | Target bursts into magical flame, becoming a dangerous weapon. |
Flesh to Stone | T | F- | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | Turns subject creature into statue. |
Fleshshiver | N | F~ | Y | ! | 1a | C | G | Target is stunned for 1 round, takes 1d6/level (max 15d6) damage; nauseated for 1d4+2 rounds. |
Forceful Hand | Ev | N | Y | 1r/l* | 1a | M | G | Hand pushes creatures away. |
Mass Fox's Cunning | T | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | C | 30m | As fox's cunning, affects one subject/level. |
Freezing Claw | C | F~ | Y | 1r/l | 1a | C | G | Flying hand deals 3d6 cold damage and freezes victim solid; freed by 20 pts fire damage. |
Freezing Fog | C | R~ | N | 1m/l | 1a | M | 30m | Freezing fog deals 1d6 cold damage each round, and creatures must make a Reflex save or fall. Ballance DC 10 to move. Max speed* 5. |
Freezing Glance | En | W- | Y | 1r/l;x | 1a | C | 5m | Gaze freezes subjects in place. |
Freezing Sphere | Ev | R½ | Y | !|1r/l;x | 1a | L | G | Freezes water or deals 1d6/level (max 15d6) cold damage (use d8 for water creatures). |
Geas/Quest | En | N | Y | 1d/l#* | 10m | C | G | As geas, lesser, plus it affects any creature. |
Gemjump (F) | C | N | N | P# | 1r | U | 4h | Teleport to the location of a specially prepared gem. |
Ghorus Toth's Magnetism | T | N | Y | 1m/l* | 1a | M | G | Metallic creature or object becomes strongly magnetic. |
Ghoul Gauntlet | N- | F- | Y | ! | 1a | T | G | Convert victim to a ghoul under your control. |
Glass Strike | T | F- | Y | 1h/l | 1a | C | G | Turns subject into glass. |
Glimpse Of The Prophecy | D | N | N | 1h/l# | 1a | P | G | Gain +1 insight bonus to AC and on saves; gain insight bonus equal to 1/2 caster level on one save, or enter prophetic favor as immediate action. |
Globe of Invulnerability | A | N | N | 1r/l* | 1a | 10f | G | As globe of invulnerability, lesser, plus 4th-level spell effects. |
Guards and Wards | A | N | * | 2h/l* | 30m | txt | 24h | Array of magic effects protect area. |
Hardening (M) | T | N | Y | P | 1a | T | G | Permanently make an object's hardness improve. |
Heartfreeze | N | F~ | Y | ! | 1a | C | G | Subject exhausted, dies in 1d3+2 rounds. |
Greater Heroism | En | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | T | 30m | Gives +4 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks; immunity to fear; temporary hp. |
Howling Chain (F) | Ev | N | Y | 1r/l | 1a | M | G | Chain of force entangles and attacks opponent. |
Ice Rift | Ev | N | N | 1r | 1a | L | G | Intense quake shakes 40-ft. radius spread of ice. |
Illusory Pit | I | Wdisbelief | N | C+1r/l | 1r | M | G | Illusiory pit causes creature to believe it is falling helplessly and stuns for 1 round when done. |
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability | U | W- | Y | 1h/l | 1a | T | 6h | You transfer spells to your familiar. |
Imperious Glare | N | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | C | G | You cause targets to cower in fear. |
Impotent Possessor | A | W- | Y | P* | 1a | C | G | Subject that can possess creatures is rendered powerless. |
Incorporeal Nova | N | W- | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | Destroy incorporeal undead. |
Legend Lore (M) (F) | D | N | N | x | txt | P | G | Lets you learn tales about a person, place, or thing. |
Make Manifest | T | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | C | G | Force a creature in coterminous/coexistent plane to appear on your plane. |
Mental Pinnacle (M) | T | N | N | 1r/l | 1a | P | G | You gain the mental powers of a psion. |
Mineralize Warrior (M) (XP) | T | N | N | ! | 1h | T | G | Grants willing subject the mineral warrior template |
Mislead | I | N|Wd | N | 1r/l*&C+3r;x | 1a | C | G | Turns you invisible and creates illusory double. |
Move Earth | T | N | N | ! | txt | L | 1h | Digs trenches and builds hills. |
Move Snow and Ice | T | N | N | ! | txt | L | G | Digs trenches and builds hills in ice and snow. |
Mudslide | C | R½ | N | ! | 1a | M | G | Landslide buries, mires creatures within a 40-ft. radius. |
Mummify | N | F~ | Y | ! | 1a | T | G | Touched living creature dies and is mummified. |
Necrotic Eruption (F) | N- | F~ | N | ! | 1a | M | G | Encysted subject killed, those nearby take 1d6 damage/level (max 15d6) and possibly encysted. |
Nybor's Psychic Imprint (F) | T- | W- | Y | !;x | 1h | T | G | Imprint a mind into a gem that can be used as the personality of an intelligent item. |
Ooze Puppet | T | F- | Y | 1d/l | 1a | M | G | You telekinetically control an ooze. |
Orbs of Various Energy | C | N | N | ! | 1a | C | G | 7 orbs deal 1d6/level (max 20d6) of damage dice divided evenly amoung the five elemental energies, force, and negative energy. |
Overwhelming Revelations | Ev | W~ | Y | ! | 1a | C | G | Creatures take a -2d6 penalty to Wisdom, are confused for 1 round. A successful Will save reduces the penalty by half and negates the confusion. |
Mass Owl's Wisdom | T | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | C | 30m | As owl's wisdom, affects one subject/level. |
Permanent Image (M) | I | Wd | N | P* | 1a | L | 24h | Includes sight, sound, and smell. |
Planar Binding | C | W- | M;* | ! | 10m | C | 24h | As lesser planar binding, but up to 12 HD. |
Power Word Nauseate | En | N | Y | x | 1a | C | G | Makes one creature with 150 hp or less nauseated. |
Prismatic Eye (F) | Ev | N | Y | 1r/l | 1a | M | G | Orb produces individual prismatic rays as touch attacks. |
Probe Thoughts | D | W- | Y | C | 1m | C | G | Read subject's memories, one question/round. |
Programmed Image (M) | I | Wd | N | P#, then 1r/l | 1a | L | 12h | As major image, plus triggered by event. |
Quickshift | T+ | N | N | 1r/l | 1r | P | G | Caster can use teleport or teleport, greater spell-like ability as a free action for 1 round/level. |
Mass Reflective Disguise | I | W- | Y | 12h* | 1a | C | 24h | Viewers see subjects as their own species and gender. |
Remorseless Charm (M) | En- | W- | Y | x | 1a | C | G | Suppress the target's alignment. |
Repulsion (F) | A | W- | Y | 1r/l* | 1a | 10f/l | G | Creatures can't approach you. |
Superior Resistance | A | W- | Y | 1d | 1a | T | G | Subject gains +6 on saving throws. |
Revive Undead (M) | N- | N | Y | ! | 1m | T | G | Restores undeath to undead that was destroyed up to 1 day/level ago. |
Sand Spiral | Ev | F-R½ | N | ! | 1a | 60f | G | Cone deals 1d6 damage per level, -2 penalty on attacks, checks, and saves. |
Sandblast (LE) | Ev | F~ | Y | ! | 1a | 60f | G | Cone of sand and wind deals 6d8 points of damage and blows away opponents. |
Scalding Mud | T | N | N | P;x | 1a | M | G | Transmute rock or earth into boiling muck. |
Scry Location | D | N | N | 1m/l | 1h | txt | G | Spy on a location at any distance on your current plane with full visual acuity including magical effects, upon succeeding a DC (20 + knowledge modifiers) caster level check (1d20 + caster level). See table for knowledge modifiers. |
Seal Portal (M) | A | N | N | P* | 1a | C | G | Seal an interplanar portal or gate. |
Shadow Canopy | Ev | W-|N | M | 1h/l | 1r | M | G | |
Shadow Shield | N | W- | Y;* | 1r/l | 1a | P | G | A smoky shroud causes attackers to be blinded for 1 round/level. |
Shadow Walk | I | W- | Y | 1h/l* | 1a | T | 24h | Step into shadow to travel rapidly. |
Shadowy Grappler | I | W~ | Y | 1r/l* | 1a | M | G | Shadowy force grapples subject. |
Shalantha's Delicate Disk | C | N | * | P#* | 1a | T | G | Conjures disk that can store a single spell of up to 5th level and release it when broken. |
Greater Sign of Sealing (M) | A | R½ | N | P | 10m | C | G | This spell functions like sign of sealing, except that it can also be used to seal an open space and deals 1d6 (max 20d6) when breached. |
Sirellyn's Superior Magnetism | T | N | Y | 1m/l* | 1a | M | G | Attract metalic objects and creatures to target creature or object. |
Skyhurling | T | F- | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | Throw a creature up and let them take falling damage. 5-ft./level with yielding obstructions or 10-ft./level with no obstructions. |
Snare Astral Traveler | A | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | M | G | Captures one astral creature and holds it motionless. |
Solipsism | I | W- | Y | 1r/l* | 1a | M | G | Subject is convinced the world is fake. |
Spectral Touch | N | F- | Y | 1r/l*;x | 1a | T | G | Your touch bestows one negative level per round. |
Spore Cloak | C | N | N | 1m/l | 1a | P | G | Cloud of dense yellow mold spores provides 20% concealment and other benefits. |
Starmantle (M) | A | N | Y | 1m/l* | 1a | T | G | Cloak of stars destroys nonmagical weapons on contact and allows wearer a DC 15 Reflex save to reduce damage from magic weapons by half. |
Stone Body | T | N | N | 1m/l* | 1a | P | 30m | Your body becomes living stone. |
Stone Metamorphosis | T | N | N | ! | 1a | T | G | Changes type of stone. |
Stone to Flesh | T | F- | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | Restores petrified creature. |
Storm Prison | Ev | R~ | Y | 1r/l | 1a | L | G | Deal 1d6/level (max 15d6) electricity damage to target and encase them in a wind and lightning prison. |
Stormwalk | C | N&W- | M | ! | 1r | T | 6h | Teleport yourself and one creature/2 levels from a storm. |
Subvert Planar Essence (M) | T | F- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | M | G | Reduces target's DR and SR. |
Mass Suggestion | En | W- | Y | 1h/l# | 1a | M | 30m | As suggestion, plus one subject/level. |
Summon Monster VI | C | N | N | 1r/l* | 1r | C | G | Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you. |
Suppress Flame (M) | T | N | N | 1h/l | 1r | M | G | Reduces damage and illumination from fire. |
Symbol of Fear (M) | N | W- | Y | x | 10m | 0f | G | Triggered rune panics nearby creatures. |
Symbol of Persuasion (M) | En | W- | Y | x | 10m | 0f | G | Triggered rune acts as charm monster on nearby creatures. |
Symbol of Thirst (M) | En | W- | Y | x | 10m | 0f | G | Triggered rune overwhelms nearby creatures with thirst. |
Interplanar Telepathic Bond | D | N | N | 10m/l* | 1a | C | 4h | Link lets allies communicate across planes. |
Teleport Coordinates Transfer | D | N | N | ! | 1a | C | G | Teach somebody else a familiar location so the location is familiar to them, or improve the quaility of a location to familiar learned by a divination spell. |
Teleport Tracer | Ev | N | N | ! | 1a | M | G | Learn the destination of the most recent teleportation spell within the area. |
Semimonthly Temporary Soul Binding (M) | C | W- | N | 1d/l# | 2m | T | G | As Temporary Soul Binding, except 1 day/level. |
The Hamagess' Staffsprout (F) | T | W- | Y | ! | 1m | T | G | Creates short-lived wands of 1 charge from a staff. |
Threshold of Unlife | N | N | Y | P* | 30 minuets | 100f | G | Create an shadowy area that halves healing, increases damage by half again, and regenerates the dead. |
Transfix | En | W- | Y | 1h/l | 1r | M | 6h | Medium or smaller targets are paralyzed. |
Transformation (M) | T | N | N | 1r/l | 1a | P | G | You gain combat bonuses. |
Translocation Trick | T | W- | Y | 10m/l | 1a | M | 1h | You and target switch places and appear as each other. |
True Seeing (M) | D | W- | Y | 1m/l | 1a | T | G | Lets you see all things as they really are. |
Tunnel Swallow | C | R~ | N | ! | 1a | M | G | Tunnel's peristaltic convulsions deal 1d6 points of damage/level (max 15d6). |
Undeath to Death (M) | N | W- | Y | ! | 1a | M | G | Destroys 1d4 HD/level undead (max 20d4). |
Veil | I | W- | Y;* | C+1h/l* | 1a | L | 12h | Changes appearance of group of creatures. |
Wages of Sin | En+ | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | M | G | Evil creatures attack other evil creatures. |
Wall of Gears | C | N | N | 1m/l | 1a | M | 30m | Creates wall of moving gears that deals 1d8 damage/2 levels to creatures within 10 ft. |
Wall of Iron (M) | C | N | N | ! | 1a | M | 12h | 30 hp/four levels; can topple onto foes. |
Waves of Cold (M) | N | W- | Y | 1r/l | 1a | 60f | G | Fire creatures become shaken and cold creatures lose immunity to cold. |