Trump Card

NameTrump Card
Power Points5
RangeSelected Pokemon
Contacts Other PokemonNo
Contest Typecool
Red Machine
Gold Machine
Ruby Machine
Diamond Machine
Black/White Machine
BattlePower increases when this move has less PP, up to a maximum of 200.
Farfetch'd Normal Flying E
Teaches To:
Dunsparce E
Oshawott E
Learns From:
Eevee 57
Vaporeon P
Jolteon P
Flareon P
Espeon P
Umbreon P
Dunsparce E
Leafeon P
Glaceon P
Oshawott E
Dewott P
Samurott P
Kangaskhan Normal E
Learns From:
Slowking 49
Eevee Normal 57
Teaches To:
Farfetch'd E
Dunsparce E
Oshawott E
Vaporeon Water P
Teaches To:
Farfetch'd E
Dunsparce E
Oshawott E
Jolteon Electric P
Teaches To:
Farfetch'd E
Dunsparce E
Oshawott E
Flareon Fire P
Teaches To:
Farfetch'd E
Dunsparce E
Oshawott E
Espeon Psychic P
Teaches To:
Farfetch'd E
Dunsparce E
Oshawott E
Umbreon Dark P
Teaches To:
Farfetch'd E
Dunsparce E
Oshawott E
Slowking Water Psychic 49
Teaches To:
Kangaskhan E
Corphish E
Shellos E
Dunsparce Normal E
Teaches To:
Farfetch'd E
Oshawott E
Learns From:
Farfetch'd E
Eevee 57
Vaporeon P
Jolteon P
Flareon P
Espeon P
Umbreon P
Leafeon P
Glaceon P
Oshawott E
Dewott P
Samurott P
Minun Electric 51
Corphish Water E
Teaches To:
Shellos E
Learns From:
Slowking 49
Crawdaunt P
Shellos E
Gastrodon P
Crawdaunt Water Dark P
Teaches To:
Corphish E
Shellos E
Shellos Water E
Teaches To:
Corphish E
Learns From:
Slowking 49
Corphish E
Crawdaunt P
Gastrodon P
Gastrodon Water Ground P
Teaches To:
Corphish E
Shellos E
Leafeon Grass P
Teaches To:
Farfetch'd E
Dunsparce E
Oshawott E
Glaceon Ice P
Teaches To:
Farfetch'd E
Dunsparce E
Oshawott E
Oshawott Water E
Teaches To:
Farfetch'd E
Dunsparce E
Learns From:
Farfetch'd E
Eevee 57
Vaporeon P
Jolteon P
Flareon P
Espeon P
Umbreon P
Dunsparce E
Leafeon P
Glaceon P
Dewott P
Samurott P
Dewott Water P
Teaches To:
Farfetch'd E
Dunsparce E
Oshawott E
Samurott Water P
Teaches To:
Farfetch'd E
Dunsparce E
Oshawott E