Index of Spells by Domain - Earth

Deities: Balinor (N), Beltar (CE), Callarduran Smoothhands (N), Chauntea (NG), Dumathoin (N), Geb (N), Gond (N), Grolantor (CE), Grumbar (N), Kikanuti (NG), Laduguer (LE), Luthic (NE), Moradin (LG), Obad-Hai (N), Segojan Earthcaller (NG), Skoraeus Stonebones (N), Sovereign Host (pantheon) (NG), The Cults of the Dragon Below (NE), Thrym (CE), Urdlen (CE), Urogalan (LN)

Name: Earth

Granted Power: Turn or destroy air creatures as a good cleric turns undead. Rebuke, command, or bolster earth creatures as an evil cleric rebukes undead. Use these abilities a total number of times per day equal to 3 + you Charisma modifier. This granted power is a supernatural ability.

Magic Stone
Soften Earth and Stone
Stone Shape
Spike Stones
Wall of Stone
Stoneskin (M)
Iron Body
Elemental Swarm