Index of Spells by Sources - Dragon 325


Name Scl Sv Rs Dur CT Rng Re Description
Appraising Touch D N N 1m/l 1a P 30m

Grants a bonus on Appraise skill checks.

Dead End I W-|Wd Y 10m/l* 1a T 1h

Illusions conceal the targets' spoor.

Marked Man (F) D N N 1d/l 1m P 24h

Helps track a subject.

Serene Visage I N N 1m/l 1a P 5m

Grants a bonus on Bluff checks.

Shock and Awe En W- Y 1r 1a C G

Reduces a surprised creature's initiative roll.

Spontaneous Search D W-|N M ! 1r C G

Searches a 30-foot cube area in 1 round.