Abjur | |
Conj | |
Div | |
Evoc |
- Cloudburst: Rain obscures vision, extinguishes fires, and hampers missiles.
- Handfire: Your hand glows and can make a touch attack dealing 1d4 +1/level, 1d6 +1/level vs undead.
Illu |
- Towering Oak: You gain a competence bonus of +10 on your Intimidate checks.
Tran | |
Abjur |
- Aura Against Flame: Ignores 10 fire damage/attack and extinguish fires.
- Loyal Vassal: Ally gains +3 against mind-affecting effects and cannot be compelled to harm you.
- Spell Shield: Target gains +3 resistance on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities.
Conj | |
Div |
- Share Husk: See and hear through the senses of a touched animal.
Evoc |
- Binding Winds: Sound cannot penetrate to or from target and -2 on ranged attacks.
- Hand of Divinity: Gives +2 sacred or profane bonus on saving throws to worshiper of your patron.
Illu |
- Dark Way: Creates temporary unbreakable bridge supporting up to 200 lbs./level.
Necr | |
Tran | |
Abjur |
- Forceward: Creates a sphere of force that prevents entry by all but you and your allies, grants +2 sacred bonus on saving throws against effects created by evil creatures to those inside.
- Safe Clearing: As sanctuary, but protects an area and lasts 1 hour/level.
- Tortoise Shell: Large shell provides cover or shelter.
Conj | |
Div | |
Evoc | |
Illu | |
Necr | |
Tran |
- Blade Thirst: Slashing weapon glows and gains +3 enhancement bonus.
- Blindsight: Grants blindsight* to a range of 30 ft.
- Crumble: 1d8/level (bypassing hardness) to manufactured object or stucture.
- Nature's Balance: You transfer 4 ability score points to the target for 10 min./level.
- Quillfire: Your hand sprouts poisonous quills useful for melee or ranged attacks.
- Righteous Fury: Gain temporary HP, +2 natural armor, +2 to Enhancement bonus to Str and Dex. Undead that strike you take 1 point of damage.
- Snakebite: Your arm turns into a poisonous snake you can use to attack.
- Weapon of Impact: As keen edge, but aids blunt weapons.
Abjur | |
Conj | |
Evoc | |
Illu |
- Skull of Secrets: Intangible skull stores message and can be triggered to breathe fire.
Necr |
- Favor of the Martyr: Subject gains Endurance plus immunity to nonlethal damage, charm and compulsion effects, pain attacks, and other adverse conditions, subject can function at -1 to -9 hp.
Tran | |
Conj | |
Div |
- Echo Skull: See, hear, and speak through a prepared animal skull for 1 hour/level.
Evoc | |
Illu |
- Doomtide: Black mist obscures vision, dazes creatures.
Tran |
- Battletide: Targets have attack penalties and you gain a partial action each round.
- Inferno: Creature bursts into flames and suffers 6d6 fire damage or less per round.
- Spell Phylactery: Scroll activates upon you if conditions are met.
Abjur | |
Conj | |
Div | |
Evoc |
- Great Thunderclap: Loud noise causes stunning, deafness, and knocks prone in a 20-ft.-radius spread.
- Scintillating Sphere: 20-ft-radius spread deals 1d6 electicity/level.
- Shatterfloor: Deals 1d4 sonic/level plus damages floor surface 6 inches deep.
- Steeldance: Daggers become Medium flying animated objects that attack foes.
Illu | |
Necr |
- Healing Touch: You heal the target 1d6/2 levels and take half as damage.
- Spider Poison: Touch deals 1d6 Str damage, repeats in 1 minute.
- Undead Lieutenant: Targeted undead can give orders to undead in your control.
- Undead Torch: Undead creature gains blue aura that gives +2d4 against living creatures.
Tran | |
Abjur | |
Conj | |
Div | |
Ench | |
Evoc | |
Illu |
- Shadow Well: Target enters gloomy pocket plane and emerges frightened.
Tran | |