Index of Spells by Level - Slayer of Domiel 3

Name Scl Sv Rs Dur CT Rng Re Description
Blessed Sight D N N 1m/l* 1a P G

Perceive all evil auras as detect evil within 120 ft immediately.

Deeper Darkness Ev N N 1d/l* 1a T 24h

Object sheds supernatural shadow in 60-ft. radius.

Invisibility I W- Y 1m/l* 1a P|T 5m

Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks.

Misdirection I N|W- N 1h/l 1a C 6h

Misleads divinations for one creature or object.

Nondetection (M) A W- Y 1h/l 1a T 6h

Hides subject from divination, scrying.

Speak with Dead N W- N 1m/l 10m 10f 30m

Corpse answers one question/two levels.