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- Dawn: Swift, Awaken sleeping and unconscious creatures.
- Minor Energy Ward: Grant 5 points of energy resistance.
- Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
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- Buoyant Lifting: Underwater creatures rise to surface.
- Cloudburst: Rain obscures vision, extinguishes fires, and hampers missiles.
- Faerie Fire: Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, concealment, and the like.
- Handfire: Your hand glows and can make a touch attack dealing 1d4 +1/level, 1d6 +1/level vs undead.
- Produce Flame: 1d6 damage +1/level, touch or thrown.
- Sandblast: You fire hot sand that deals 1d6 nonlethal damage, stuns enemies.
- Thunderhead: Small lightning bolts deal 1d6 electricity damage/round.
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- Ease of Breath: +20 inherent bonus on Fortitude saves to resist altitude sickness.
- Sunstroke: Target takes 2d6 nonlethal damage and is fatigued.
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- Animate Fire: Turn campfire into Small fire elemental.
- Animate Water: Turn quantity of water into Small water elemental.
- Animate Wood: This spell imbues a Small or smaller wooden object with mobility and a semblance of life.
- Aquatic Escape: Take the form of a fish.
- Aspect of the Wolf: You change into a wolf and gain some of its abilities.
- Babau Slime: Secrete a body-covering acid that damages foes' weapons.
- Beast Claws: Your hands become slashing natural weapons.
- Branch to Branch: You gain +10 competence bonus on Climb checks in trees and can brachiate through forest.
- Breath of the Jungle: Mist increases DC of saves vs. poison & disease
- Camouflage: Grants +10 bonus on Hide checks.
- Claws of the Bear: Your hands become weapons dealing 1d8 damage.
- Climb Walls: The subject gets a +10, +20@5th, or +30@9th enhancement bonus on Climb checks.
- Cold Fire: Fire becomes blue and white, emits cold.
- Crabwalk: Subject gains +2 to AC and Attacks when charging.
- Crunchy Snow: -20 penalty on Move Silently checks in area.
- Entangle: Plants entangle everyone in 40-ft.-radius.
- Extend Shifting: Extend duration of shifting ability by 4 rounds.
- Eyes of the Avoral: Subject gians +8 racial bonus on Spot checks.
- Foundation of Stone: +4 bonus to resist being bull rushed or tripped
- Frostbite: Fort save or take 1d6 nonlethal cold damage and be fatigued.
- Goodberry: 2d4 berries each cure 1 hp (max 8 hp/24 hours).
- Hawkeye: You gain +5 on spot checks and fire ranged weapons better.
- Horrible Taste: Attackers that bite you must make a Fort save or be Nauseated for 1 full round.
- Ice Skate: While on ice, your speed increases by 60 feet.
- Ivory Flesh: Flesh turns white, granting +5 circumstance bonus on Hide checks in snow and ice.
- Jump: Subject gets bonus on Jump checks.
- Kuo-Toa Skin: Subject gains +8 on Escape Artist checks and cannot be snared by webs.
- Longstrider: Increases your speed.
- Low-Light Vision: Subject sees twice as far under current light.
- Magic Fang: One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1 on attack and damage rolls.
- Magic Stone: Three stones gain +1 on attack, deal 1d6 +1 damage.
- Pass without Trace: One subject/level leaves no tracks.
- Quickswim: Your swim speed increases by 10 ft.
- Raging Flame: Accelerates burning fires, they last half as long, and burn twice as hot.
- Rapid Burrowing: +20 ft. to subject’s burrow speed*.
- Raptor's Sight: Gain +5 on Spot checks; range increment penalty halved.
- Remove Scent: Hides touched creature's scent.
- Rhino's Rush: Deal double damage when charging for one round.
- Ride of The Valenar: Gain +5 bonus on Ride for 10 min./level.
- Shifter Prowess: Shifter racial bonuses to skills increase by +8.
- Shillelagh: Cudgel or quarterstaff becomes +1 weapon (1d10 damage) for 1 min./level.
- Silvered Claws: One creature's natural attacks are treated as silvered weapons.
- Slow Burn: Dims and slows natural fire burn rates, doubling fire life and halving damage.
- Snake's Swiftness: Subject immediately makes one attack.
- Snowdrift: Forms existing snow into another shape.
- Snowshoes: Subject walks easily on ice and snow.
- Snowsight: Normal vision in winter weather conditions.
- Speed Swim: Target gains swim speed 30.
- Spider Hand: Your hand becomes a Small monstrous spider.
- Spore Field: Mushrooms grow from ground, slowing movement and sickening living creatures.
- Stalactite Trap: A stalactite gains the ability to hurl itself at a foe.
- Stonemantle: Object gets hardness set to 8 and 15 hit points per inch unless it already has a better hardness.
- Traveler's Mount: Creature moves faster but can't attack.
- Undertow: Cause water to splash out of containers or Stun creatures in large bodies of water for 1 round.
- Waste Strider: Move through the wasteland without penalties.
- Webfoot: Target gains +4 on Swim and is less hindered by bog terrain.
- Winged Watcher: Take the form of a bird.
- Wings of The Sea: +30 ft. to subject’s swim** speed*.
- Winter Chill: Creature takes 1d6 cold damage and is fatigued.
- Woodwisp ArrowM: Enables a masterwork arrow or bolt to pass through wood.
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- Alicorn Lance: Gain a unicorn's horn that can be a ranged touch attack to strike a foe once as a free action for 3d6 force damage.
- Binding Winds: Sound cannot penetrate to or from target and -2 on ranged attacks.
- Blaze of Light: 60ft. cone of light dazzles creatures.
- Circle of Nausea: Foes are denied all actions or take -2 penalty on attacks, saving throws, and skill checks.
- Flame Blade: Touch attack deals 1d8 +1/two levels damage.
- Flaming Sphere: Creates rolling ball of fire, 2d6 damage, lasts 1 round/level.
- Frost Breath: Icy breath deals 1d4 damage/2 levels.
- Gust of Wind: Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.
- Heartfire: Passions of targets ignite as real fire upon the target.
- Invoke the Cerulean Sign: Aberrations become sickened, nauseated, dazed, or stunned.
- Local Tremor: Light tremor shakes in a 30-ft. line.
- Nature's Favor: Target animal gains +1/3 caster levels (max +5) luck bonus on attack and damage rolls.
- Numbing Sphere: Creates rolling ball of intense cold that deals 1d6 cold damage plus 1d4 Dex damage, lasts 1
- Pressure Sphere: Water pressure deals 4d6 damage to submerged targets.
- Rockburst: Cause stone object to explode, dealing 1d4 damage +1 point/level.
- Saltray: Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/2 levels (max 5d6) slashing damage. If cast near an ocean, a second ray is cast.
- Scimitar of Sand: Sand sword deals 1d6 damage +1/2 levels and renders target dehydrated.
- Splinterbolt: Ranged Attack that deals 4d6 piercing damage per bolt (3-6:1, 7-10: 2, 11+: 3). Threatens 18-20, x3. +4 damage, cold iron in forest.
- Winter's Embrace: Subject takes 1d8 damage/round; can cause fatigue.
- Zone of Natural PurityM: Aberrations in area become weaker, fey and plants become stronger.
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- Beastmask: Animals and beasts think subject is one of them.
- Woodland Veil: Blend unobtrusively into natural surroundings, along with your friends.
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- Blood Snow: Area of fallen snow drains 1d2 points of Con/round and causes nausea.
- Bone Talisman: Turns a bone into a turning attempt, or as an undead bane weapon (Club, Dagger, or Spear).
- Decomposition: Wounds deal 3 extra point of damage each round.
- Desiccate: Deals 1d6/2 levels dessication damage and dehydrates living creature.
- Healing Sting: Touch deals 1d12 +1 point/level; caster gains damage as hp.
- Mark of the Outcast: Subject takes -5 penalty on bluff and Diplomacy checks and a -2 penalty to AC.
- Thin Air: Creatures suffer from altitude sickness.
- Wracking Touch: Deal 1d6 damage +1/level; you also deal sneak attack damage if you have any.
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- Acorn of Far Travel: Makes an acorn feel like a forest to the user and a spell.
- Align Fang: Natural weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or chaotic.
- Animalistic Power: Subject gains +2 bonus to Str, Dex, and Con.
- Barkskin: Grants +2 (or higher) enhancement to natural armor.
- Bear's Endurance: Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level.
- Bite of the Wererat: You become enhanced such as that of a dire rat.
- Blinding Spittle: Ranged touch attack makes subject blind.
- Blood Frenzy: Grants extra use of rage.
- Body Of The Sun: Your body emanates fire, dealing 1d4/2 levels (Max 5d4) damage.
- Brambles: Wooden weapon grows spikes that deal +1 damage/caster level (max +10).
- Briar Web: Area slows creatures and thorns deal 1 point of damage/5 ft. moved.
- Brumal Stiffening: Brittle weapon's hardness reduced by 5.
- Bull's Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
- Burrow: Grow claws and gain burrow speed of 30 ft.
- Cat's Grace: Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level.
- Chill Metal: Cold metal damages those who touch it.
- Cloud Wings: Increase the subject's fly speed by 30 feet.
- Creeping ColdF: Creature feels chill that increases with each round.
- Divine Presence: Gain a bonus on Intimidate checks against those who don't worship your deity.
- Earthbind: Subject creature can't fly*.
- Earthfast: Double hardness and hit points of stone structure or rock formation.
- Embrace the Wild: You gain an animal's senses for 10 min./level.
- Evergreen: Magical heat warms plant life, healing 1d8 damage +1/level (max. +10) and granting immunity to cold.
- Fins to Feet: Transforms tails and fins into legs and feet.
- Flash-Freeze: Earth, stone, and water become frozen.
- Frost Weapon: Weapon gains frost special ability, +1d6 cold damage.
- Heat Metal: Make metal so hot it damages those who touch it.
- Jaws of the Moray: Subject gains a bite attack.
- Leap Into Animal: Merge with animal and control its actions.
- Mass Camouflage: As camouflage, but affects all in range.
- Mass Snake's Swiftness: Allies each immediately make one attack.
- Master Air: You sprout insubstantial wings and can fly.
- Mountain Stance: Subject can root itself against involuntary movement.
- One with the Land: Link with nature gives a +2 bonus on nature-related skill checks.
- Owl's Wisdom: Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level.
- Portal Well: When you step into a portal affected by this spell, you can wait for a short time within an extradimensional space between the portal's entrance and exit.
- Razorscales: You deal lethal instead of nonlethal damage when grappling*.
- Reachwalker's Wariness: Automatically locate aberrations within 30 ft.
- Reduce Animal: Shrinks one willing animal.
- Scent: Grants the scent ability for 1 hour/level.
- Smoke Stairs: Walk up a column of smoke as if it were solid.
- Snow Walk: Increase your speed and walk effortlessly on top of snow without leaving tracks or scent.
- Soften Earth and Stone: Turns stone to clay or dirt to sand or mud.
- Spider Climb: Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.
- Swim: Subject gains a swim speed equal to their land speed.
- Tern's Persistence: Subject can travel overland 50% longer without fatigue.
- Thaw: Transforms one 10-ft. cube/level of everfrost, slush, snow, and ice.
- Tiger's Tooth: One natural weapon of subject gets +1/four levels on attack and damage rolls (max +5) for 1 round (swift).
- Tree Shape: You look exactly like a tree for 1 hour/level.
- Trip Vine: Plants trip creatures entering area.
- Urchin's Spines: Target grows spines that damage opponents.
- Warp Wood: Bends wood (shaft, handle, door, plank).
- Whip of Thorns: Create a thorny whip that can damage or entangle opponents.
- Wolfskin: You take the shape of a normal wolf as if you had the wild shape ability of a 5th-level druid.
- Wood Shape: Rearranges wooden objects to suit you.
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- Creaking Cacophony: Spell causes deafness and shankened and applies a sonic weakness to subjects.
- Screen of Heat: Shimmering illusion causes 20% miss chance to all attacks through it.
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- Air Breathing: Subjects can breathe air freely.
- Attune Form: Grant target creature temporary protection against overtly damaging planar traits.
- Augment Object: Doubles an object's hardness, adds 20 to the break DC, and grants a save as a magic item.
- Binding Snow: Snow freezes, impeding movement.
- Bite of the Werewolf: You become enhanced such as that of a wolf.
- Blindsight: Grants blindsight* to a range of 30 ft.
- Camel's Tenacity: Travel without food or water.
- Charge of the Triceratops: Subject grows horns and skull plate, gains gore attack.
- Control Sand: Raise or lower the level of sand.
- Control Temperature: Raise or lower temperature by one band/5 levels.
- Crumble: 1d8/level (bypassing hardness) to manufactured object or stucture.
- Diminish Plants: Reduces size or blights growth of normal plants.
- Energize PotionM: Transforms potion into a grenade that deals energy damage in a 10-ft.-radius burst.
- Enhanced Shifting: Gain bonuses depending on shifter characteristics.
- Entangling Staff: Swift. Quarterstaff gains improved grab and can constrict grappled foes.
- Favor of Yathaghera: Grant subject equine creature a fly speed 100 ft (average).
- Fire WingsF: Your arms become wings that enable flight, deal 2d6 fire damage.
- Forestfold: You gain +20 on Hide and Move Silently in a designated terrain type.
- Girallon's Blessing: Subject gains one additional pair of arms.
- Greater Magic Fang: One natural weapon of subject creature gets +1/three levels on attack and damage rolls (max +5).
- Heatstroke: Subject creature takes nonlethal damage and becomes fatigued.
- Ice Shape: Sculpts ice into any shape.
- Jagged Tooth: Doubles the critical threat range of natural weapons.
- Lash of the Kraken: Transforms the target's arm into a constricting tentacle.
- Lesser Aura of Cold: Intense cold deals 1d6 damage to creatures within 5 ft.
- Lion's Charge: You gain the pounce special ability.
- Mass Align Fang: This spell functions like align fang, except that it affects multiple allies at a distance.
- Mass Snowshoes: As snowshoes, affects one creature/level.
- Meld into Ice: You and your gear merge with ice.
- Meld into Stone: You and your gear merge with stone.
- Nature's Balance: You transfer 4 ability score points to the target for 10 min./level.
- Nature's RampartF: Alter a natural setting into a fortified position.
- Plant Growth: Grows vegetation, improves crops.
- Primal Form: You change into elemental, gain some abilities.
- Quench: Extinguishes nonmagical fires or one magic item.
- Quillfire: Your hand sprouts poisonous quills useful for melee or ranged attacks.
- Scales of the Sealord: Add 10 ft. to swim speed or gain swim speed of 15 ft.; add natural armor bonus +1/3 levels.
- Snakebite: Your arm turns into a poisonous snake you can use to attack.
- Snare: Creates a magic booby trap.
- Soul of the Waste: Meld into surrounding sand.
- Spiderskin: Subject gains increasing bonus to natural armor bonus, saves against poison, and Hide checks.
- Spike Growth: Creatures in area take 1d4 damage, may be slowed.
- Spikes: As brambles, except that the affected weapon gains a +2 enhancement bonus on its attacks, and its threat range is doubled.
- Standing Wave: Magically propels boat or swimming creature.
- Stone Shape: Sculpts stone into any shape.
- Swift Fly: This spell functions like fly except for 1 round (swift).
- Thornskin: Unarmed strikes are lethal and deal an additional 1d6 piercing damage. Creatures that strike you take 5 points of piercing damage.
- Treasure Scent: You gain the Scent ability but only for precious metals and gems.
- Venomfire: Creature's venom deals an additional 1d6 acid damage/level.
- Walk the Mountain's Path: You gain the agility of a mountain goat.
- Water Breathing: Subjects can breathe underwater.
- Whispering Sand: Sand delivers your message.
- Wind's Favor: Create strong wind for 1 hr./level.
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- Battlefield Illumination: Improve light in 80-ft.-radius cylinder
- Bloodbriars: Wraps target in invisible briars that deal 1d8 points of damage per round if movement is attempted.
- Boreal Wind: Gust of cold wind deals 1d4 cold damage/level and knocks creatures back.
- Cloud Spear: Cloud spear deals 1d8 +1/2 levels piercing damage and may inflict a gaseous form effect.
- Desert Burial: Buries targets up to their necks in sand.
- Flame Strike: Smite foes with divine fire (1d6/level damage).
- Ice Storm: Hail deals 5d6 damage in cylinder 40 ft. across.
- Moon Bolt: 1d4 Strength damage/3 levels; undead made helpless.
- Nature's Wrath: Damages and dazes aberrations; damages other creatures.
- Searing Exposure: Target suffers hours of wasteland exposure in a moment.
- Shadowblast: Temporarily block access to the Plane of Shadow and deal damage to Shaow natives.
- Stars of Arvandor: Tiny starbursts each deal 1d8 damage (half nonlethal), or 1d8 letal damage to evil creatures.
- Vortex of Teeth: 3d8 points of damage due to force per round to all creatures in the area.
- Waterball: Splash does subdual damage.
- Wind at Back: Doubles overland speed* of targets for 1 day.
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- Black Mulching: See Text
- Blight: Withers one plant or deals 1d6/level damage to plant creature.
- Contagious Touch: You infect one creature per round with chosen disease.
- Last BreathM: Returns to life a creature that has been dead no longer than 1 round. As raise dead, except to 0 hp. You take 1d4 damage/HD of creature.
- Miasma of Entropy: Rot all natural materials in 30-ft. cone-shaped burst.
- Spark of Life: Undead creature loses most immunities.
- Thalassemia: Turns blood to seawater, dealing 1d6/level damage.
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- Air Walk: Subject treads on air as if solid (climb at 45-degree angle).
- Aspect of The Werebeast: Gain bonuses from hybrid animal form.
- Bear's Heart: One ally/level +4 Strength and +1d4/level hit points.
- Bite of the Wereboar: You become enhanced such as that of a boar.
- Blinding Beauty: Permanently blind any who look at you.
- Claws of the Savage: Subject gains claws that deal damage based on size.
- Command Plants: Sway the actions of one or more plant creatures.
- Control Currents: Changes current direction and speed.
- Control Water: Raises or lowers bodies of water.
- Enhance Wild Shape: Your wild shape ability gains a bonus.
- Essence Of The Raptor: Base speed* becomes 60 feet, gain skill bonuses and scent**.
- Freeze Armor: Locks up suits of metal armor and equipment, dealing damage and impeding movement.
- Giant Vermin: Turns centipedes, scorpions, or spiders into giant vermin.
- Greater Blindsight: Grants blindsight* to a range of 60 ft.
- Greater Creeping ColdF: As creeping cold, but longer duration and more damage.
- Greater Wings of Air: Target's flight maneuverability improves by two steps.
- Hibernal Healing: You absorb ice, slush, and snow, curing 10 points/level of damage (max 150).
- Jaws of the WolfF: One carving/2 levels turns into a worg.
- Languor: Ray slows target and diminishes its Strength.
- Mass Burrow: As burrow but affects 1/level subjects.
- Mass Swim: As swim, but one creature/level.
- Perinarch: Gain greater control over Limbo's morphic essence.
- ReincarnateM: Brings dead subject back in a random body.
- Rusting Grasp: Your touch corrodes iron and alloys.
- Sandform: You become an oozelike being of sand.
- Slipsand: Creates a volume of slipsand.
- Spike Stones: Creatures in area take 1d8 damage, may be lowed.
- Starvation: Hunger pangs deal 1d6 nonlethal damage/level, cause fatigue.
- Stone Metamorphosis: Changes type of stone.
- Superior Magic Fang: Your natural weapons gain +1 enhancement bonus per four levels.
- Touchstone Lightning: Use your planar touchstone-granted higher-order abilities to fuel damaging rays.
- Unholy Beast: Target animal transforms into an unholy minion under your control.
- Wild Runner: Change into centaur, gain some abilities
- Wood Rot: Destroy wooden objects or plants.
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- Sleep Mote: Dust devil of magic sand puts foes to sleep.
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- Call Avalanche: Avalanche of ice and snow falls from the sky, burying subjects.
- Call Lightning Storm: As call lightning, but 5d6 damage per bolt.
- Dancing Web: 1d6 points/level of nonlethal damage and if save fails, evil creatures are entangled (half speed, -2 att, -4 Dex, Concentration DC 15 + level).
- Dawn Shroud: In addition to acting as a daylight* spell, the light is harmful to oozes and undead.
- Flaywind Burst: Cone blows away and knocks down smaller creatures and deals 1d6 damage/level.
- HallowM: Designates location as holy.
- Memory Rot: Spores deal 1d6 Int drain to target, plus 1 Int/round.
- Sirine's GraceM: Grants +4 to Cha and Dex. Adds Cha Modifier deflection bonus to AC. +8 to Perform checks. 1d4 Int touch attack.
- UnhallowM: Designates location as unholy.
- Wall of ColdfireM: Deals 2d4 of cold damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 frostburn damage +1/level.
- Wall of Fire: Deals 2d4 fire damage out to 10 ft. and 1d4 out to 20 ft. Passing through wall deals 2d6 damage +1/level.
- Wind Tunnel: Ranged weapons gain +10 bonus and double range increment.
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- Bleed: Touched creature takes Con damage from piercing or slashing weapons; repeated use imposes a -4 penalty on certain Fort saves.
- Choking Sands: Touched creature begins to suffocate on sand.
- Death Ward: Grants immunity to death spells and negative energy effects.
- Hibernate: Sends subject into state of hibernation for one week/level.
- Mass Contagion: As contagion, but 20-ft. radius.
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- Mass Desiccate: Desiccates several creatures.
- Mummify: Touched living creature dies and is mummified.
- Pox: One creature/level takes 1d4 Con drain.
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- Storm Tower: Tower of swirling clouds absorbs electricity, gives concealment, and prevents movement.
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- Pestilence: Subject gains a disease, as do all who touch him.
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- Depthsurge: Water slam deals 2d6 + 1/level damage to all within 20-ft. radius, pushes targets back, sinks ships.
- Earthquake: Intense tremor shakes 5-ft./level radius.
- Leonal's Roar: Kills, paralyzes, weakens, or dazes nongood subjects, and deals 2d6 points of sonic damage.
- Red Tide: Sicken or Nauseate subjects in area for 1 minute. 3d6 temporary Strength damage poison to Fortitude save failure.
- Sunburst: Blinds all within 10 ft., deals 6d6 damage.
- Whirlwind: Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures.
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- Foresight: Sixth sense warns of impending danger.
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- AnathemaF: Break the divine link between your god and lower-ranked members of your faith.
- Antipathy: Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures.
- SympathyM: Object or location attracts certain creatures.
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- Shadow Landscape: Makes natural terrain more dangerous, creates guardians that you command.
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- Cast in Stone: Petrifying gaze attack.
- Nature's Avatar: Animal gains +10 on attack and damage, extra attack, and 1d8 hp/caster level.
- Planar Perinarch: Gain control over a small area of any divinely morphic plane.
- ShapechangeF: Transforms you into any creature, and change forms once per round.
- Transmute Rock to Lava: Transmute rock to lava dealing 2d6 points of fire damage or 20d6.
- UndermasterXP: You gain earth-related spell-like abilities.
- Unyielding Roots: Creature grows roots that keep it stationary and heal it every round.