Index of Spells by Level - Arc 2

Name Scl Sv Rs Dur CT Rng Re Description
Acorn of Far Travel T N N 1d/l# 1m T G

Makes an acorn feel like a forest to the user and a spell.

Addiction En F- Y ! 1a T G

Subject becomes addicted to a drug.

Aerial Alarm A N N 2h/l* 1a M G

Wards and area for 2 hours/level

Aid En N Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

+1 on attack rolls and saves against fear, 1d8 temporary hp +1/level (max +10).

Alicorn Lance Ev N Y 1r/l 1a C G

Gain a unicorn's horn that can be a ranged touch attack to strike a foe once as a free action for 3d6 force damage.

Align Fang T W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Natural weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or chaotic.

Align Weapon T W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or chaotic.

Angelskin A+ W- Y 1r/l 1a T G

The subject gains damage reduction 5/evil.

Animal Trance En W- Y C 1a C G

Fascinates 2d6 HD of animals.

Animalistic Power T W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Subject gains +2 bonus to Str, Dex, and Con.

Augury (M) (F) D N N ! 1m P 6h

Learns whether an action will be good or bad.

Aura Against Flame A N N 1r/l 1a P G

Ignores 10 fire damage/attack and extinguish fires.

Aura of Glory T N N 1m/l 1a P 5m

Bonus on Charisma-based skill checks, cure allies, and bolster them against fear.

Avoid Planar Effects A N Y 1m/l 1ia 20f 30m

Provides temporary protection against overtly damaging planar traits.

Balancing Lorecall D N N 1m/l* 1a P G

You gain a +4 bonus on Balance checks and can balance on impossible surfaces if you have 5 or more ranks in Balance.

Balor Nimbus T N N 1r/l 1a P G

Your flaming body deals 6d6 fire damage to foes in grapple.

Barkskin T N Y 10m/l 1a T 1h

Grants +2 (or higher) enhancement to natural armor.

Bear's Endurance T W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level.

Beastmask I Wdisbelief Y 5m+1m/l 1a T 30m

Animals and beasts think subject is one of them.

Binding Winds Ev R- Y C 1a M G

Sound cannot penetrate to or from target and -2 on ranged attacks.

Bite of the Wererat T N N 1r/l 1a P G

You become enhanced such as that of a dire rat.

Blinding Spittle T N Y ! 1a C G

Ranged touch attack makes subject blind.

Blood Frenzy T W- Y x 1a T G

Grants extra use of rage.

Blood Snow N F- Y 1r/l 1a M G

Area of fallen snow drains 1d2 points of Con/round and causes nausea.

Body Blades T N N 1m/l 1a P 5m

Sprout spikes, deal 1d6 piercing damage (crit x2) to grapplers, or use as light melee weapon. +4 Escape Artist from net, rope, grapple, or entanglement.

Body Of The Sun T Y 1r/l 1a 5f G

Your body emanates flame, dealing 1d4/2 levels (max 5d4) fire damage.

Bone Talisman N N N 10m/l# 1m T 1h

Turns a bone into a turning attempt, or as an undead bane weapon (Club, Dagger, or Spear).

Boneblast N- F½|F- Y ! 1a T G

Subject takes 1d3 Con damage as 1 bone breaks.

Brambles T N N 1r/l 1a T G

Wooden weapon grows spikes that deals +1/level (max +10) piercing + bludgeoning damage.

Briar Web T R- N 1m/l 1a M 30m

Area slows creatures and thorns deal 1 point of piercing damage/5 ft. moved.

Brilliant Energy Arrow (M) T N Y ! 1sw T G

Masterwork arrow or bolt radiates light and ignores armor.

Brumal Stiffening T R- Y 1r/l 1a C G

Brittle weapon's hardness reduced by 5.

Bull's Strength T W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.

Burrow T W- Y 1m/l* 1a T 5m

Grow claws and gain burrow speed of 30 ft.

Call Mount C+ N N 1h/l* 1r 10f G

Call your special mount, even if you have already called it today.

Calm Emotions En W- Y C:1r/l* 1a M G

Calms creatures, negating emotion effects.

Mass Camouflage T W- Y 10m/l 1a M G

As camouflage, but affects all in range.

Cat's Grace T W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level.

Chill Metal T W- Y 7r 1a C G

Chilled metal deals cold damage to those who touch it.

Chill Touch N F~|W- Y ! 1a T G

One touch/level deals 1d6 negative energy damage and maybe 1 Str damage.

Close Wounds C Y ! 1ia C G

Cure 1d4 +1/level (max +5) damage, even on another's turn (immediate).

Cloud of Knives C N N 1r/l 1a P G

Release one knife/round for 1d6 damage +1/3 levels (max +5). Ranged attack to hit with an attack bonus of your caster level + your key ability modifier.

Cloud Wings T F- Y 1h/l 1a T 6h

Increase the subject's fly speed by 30 feet.

Color Spray I W- Y !;x 1a 15f G

Stuns creatures 5+ HD 1 rd, also blinds 3-4 HD another 1d4 rounds, also knocks unconscious 2 HD living creatures another 2d4 rounds.

Conjure Ice Beast II C N N 1r/l* 1r C G

Conjures ice creature to fight for you.

Conjure Ice Object C N N 1m/l 1a P 5m

Conjures an object made of ice.

Consecrate (M) Ev+ N N 2h/l 1a C 30m

Fills area with positive energy, making undead weaker.

Countermoon A W-D Y 12h 1a C 12h

Stop a lycanthrope from changing form, even after death, for 12 hours.

Creeping Cold (F) T Y 3r 1a C G

Creature takes 1d6 cumulative cold damage that increases with each round (2d6, 3d6).

Cure Moderate Wounds C Y;* ! 1a T G

Cures 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).

Curse of Ill Fortune N W- Y 1m/l 1a M 30m

Subject suffers -3 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks.

Curse of Impending Blades N N Y 1m/l 1a M 5m

Subject takes -2 penalty to AC.

Daggerspell Stance (F) A N N 1r/l* 1sw P G

Swift. You gain +2 insight bonus on attack and damage if you make a full attack, SR 5 + caster level if you fight defensively, and DR 5/magic if you use the total defense action.

Dance of Ruin N- Y ! 1r C G

Nondemons take 2d20 points of damage.

Dark Way I N Y 1r/l 1a C G

Creates temporary unbreakable bridge supporting up to 200 lbs./level.

Vile Darkbolt Ev- F~ Y ! 1a C G

Deals 1d8 damage/2 levels (max 5d8), half is cold damage, and stuns 1 round.

Darkness Ev N N 10m/l* 1a T 4h

20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.

Death Knell N- W- Y !|10m/HD;x 1a T G

Kills dying creature; you gain 1d8 temporary hp, +2 to Str, and +1 level.

Deific Vengeance C Y ! 1a C G

God's punishment deals 1d6 damage/two caster levels (max 5d6). (1d6/level max 10d6 vs undead.)

Delay Poison C F- Y 1h/l 1a T 6h

Stops poison from harming subject for 1 hour/ level.

Demoncall D- N N ! 1a P 4h

You gain +10 on one Knowledge (the planes), Knowledge (arcana)or Knowledge (religion) check.

Demonhide A- W- Y 1r/l 1a T G

The subject gains damage reduction 5/cold iron or good.

Desecrate (M) Ev- N Y 2h/l 1a C 30m

Fills area with negative energy, making undead stronger.

Desiccate N F~ Y ! 1a C G

Deals 1d6/2 levels dessication damage and dehydrates living creature.

Detect Aberration D N N C:1m/l* 1a 60f G

Reveals aberrations within 60 ft.

Detect Thoughts D W- N C:1m/l* 1a 60f G

Round 1: Presence of thoughts from Int 1+. 2: Number of minds and Int scores; Int>=26 and 10 exceeding yours stuns you for 1 round. 3: Surface thoughts of any mind.

Divine Flame A Y 1r/l 1a 15f G

Wards area against cold creatures.

Divine Insight D N N 1h/l#* 1a P G

You gain insight bonus of 5 + caster level on one single skill check.

Divine Interdiction A W-|N M;* 1r/l 1a C G

Prevents other divine characters from turning or rebuking.

Divine Protection En W- Y 1m/l 1a M 30m

Allies gain a +1 morale bonus to their Armor Class and on saving throws.

Divine Zephyr A Y 1r/l 1a 15f G

Wards area against fire creatures.

Eagle's Splendor T W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level.

Earthbind T F- Y 1m/l* 1a C 30m

Subject creature can't fly*.

Earthen Grace (M) A W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Stone and rock damage sources deal nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage.

Earthfast T F- Y ! 1a C G

Double hardness and hit points of stone structure or rock formation.

Ease Pain C W- Y ! 1a T G

Removes lingering effects of pain.

Easy Climb T N Y 10m/l* 1a M 1h

Changes vertical surface Climb DC to 10.

Elation En W- Y 1r/l 1a 80f G

Allies gain +2 to Strength and Dexterity, +5 ft. of speed.

Lesser Energized Shield A N N 1r/l 1a T G

Shield provides user resistance 5, shield bash deals +1d6 damage.

Enhance Magical Flow (M) U N N 10m/l 1a P G

Gain a +1 enhancement bonus to spell DCs.

Enthrall En W- Y 1h|< 1r M G

Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level.

Estanna's Stew (F) C Y !;x 1r 0f G

Conjures stew that heals 1d6+1 per serving.

Evergreen T N N !&1h/l;x 1a M G

Magical heat warms plant life, healing 1d8 damage +1/level (max. +10) and granting immunity to cold.

Exacting Shot T N N 1m/l 1sw T 5m

Enhances ranged weapons critical on threat and negates concealment miss chances.

Expose The Dead D N N 1m/l* 1a P G

Gain insight bonuses to locate undead or when investigating a corpse.

Extend Tentacles T N N 1r/l 1a P G

+5 ft. to reach of tentacle attack; also lengthens medusa's snakes.

Eyes of the Zombie D- N Y 1h/l* 30m P 6h

You see through a zombie's eyes.

Filter A W- Y 10m/l 1a T 1h

Makes subject resistant to inhaled toxins.

Find Traps D N N 1m/l 1a P 30m

Notice traps as a rogue does.

Fins to Feet T F- Y 1h/l 1a T 6h

Transforms tails and fins into legs and feet.

Fire Trap (M) A Y P#* 10m T 24h

Opened object deals 1d4 +1/level (max +20) fire damage.

Flame Blade Ev N Y 1m/l* 1a 0f G

Touch attack deals 1d8 +1/two levels (max +10) fire damage.

Flaming Sphere Ev R- Y 1r/l 1a M G

Creates rolling ball of 2d6 fire damage, lasts 1 round/level.

Flash-Freeze T N N ! 1a C G

Earth, stone, and water become frozen.

Fog Cloud C N N 10m/l 1a M G

Obscure sight and darkvision beyond 5'. 20% miss chance within 5', 50% miss chance further. 11+ mph wind disperses fog in 4 rounds, 21+ mph in 1 round.

Freedom of Breath A W- Y 10m/l 1a T 1h

Protects against suffocation and dangerous vapors.

Frost Breath Ev Y ! 1a 30f G

Icy breath deals 1d4 cold damage/2 levels (max 5d4).

Frost Weapon T W- N 1r/l 1a T G

Weapon gains frost special ability, +1d6 cold damage.

Lesser Frostburn N Y ! 1a T G

Touch deals 1d12 frostburn damage +1/level (max +5).

Fuse Arms T F- Y 10m/l 1a T 1h

Multiple arms/tentacles become one pair of stronger limbs.

Gaze Screen A W- Y 10m/l 1a T G

Subject has a 50% chance to avoid gaze attacks.

Gentle Repose (M) N W- Y 1d/l 1a T G

Preserves one corpse.

Ghost Touch Armor T W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Armor works normally against incorporeal attacks.

Glitterdust C W- N 1r/l 1a M G

Blinds creatures, outlines invisible creatures, imposes -40 penalty to Hide checks.

Glorious Raiment A+ W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Wearer gains +1 sacred bonus to AC per five caster levels and damage reduction 5/evil.

Guidance of the Avatar D N Y 1m# 1a T G

Provides +20 bonus to a skill check.

Gust of Wind Ev F- Y 1r 1a 60f G

Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.

Halo of Sand A N N 10m/l 1a P 1h

Swirling sand grants +1 deflection bonus/3 levels.

Hand of Divinity Ev N N 1m/l 1a T 30m

Gives +2 sacred or profane bonus on saving throws to worshiper of your patron.

Swift Haste T N N 1d4r 1sw P G

You are hasted for 1d4 rounds (swift).

Healing Lorecall D N N 10m/l 1a P 1h

If you have 5 or more ranks in Heal, you can remove harmful conditions with conjuration (healing) spells.

Healing Sting N N Y ! 1a T G

Touch deals 1d12 +1 point/level (max 1d12 + 10) damage which caster gains as HP.

Heartfire Ev F~ Y 1r/l 1a C G

Passions of targets ignite as real fire upon the target.

Heat Metal T W- Y 7r 1a C G

Make metal so hot it deals fire damage to those who touch it.

Hold Animal En W- Y 1r/l*;x 1a M G

Paralyzes one animal for 1 round/level.

Hold Person En W- Y 1r/l*;x 1a M G

Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level.

Holy Mount T N Y 1r/l 1a T G

Special mount gains celestial template.

Hydrate C Y;* ! 1a T G

Heals dessication damage. Heals 2d8 + 1/level (max +10) damage.

Infernal Wound T- N N 1r/l 1a T G

Weapon inflicts persistent, bleeding wounds.

Inflict Moderate Wounds N Y ! 1a T G

Touch attack, 2d8 damage +1/level (max +10).

Inky Cloud C N N 10m/l 1a 30f 1h

Obscures sight underwater beyond 5 ft.

Insignia of Alarm (F) A N Y ! 1a L G

Alert bearers of special insignia.

Invisibility I W- Y 1m/l* 1a P|T 5m

Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks.

Iron Silence T W- Y 1h/l* 1a T 6h

Armor touched has no armor check penalty on Hide and Move Silently checks for 1 hour/level.

Jagged Tooth T W- Y 10m/l 1a C 1h

Doubles the critical threat range of natural weapons.

Jaws of the Moray T W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Subject gains a bite attack.

Kelpstrand C N N 1m/l 1a C 5m

Ranged touch attack to special grapple with kelp.

Knife Spray Ev Y ! 1a C G

Cone of droplets, 1d6 and +1/level damage (max +5).

Lastai's Caress En+ N Y 1r/l 1a T G

Intense feelings of good leave evil subject cowering, frightened, nauseated, or shaken.

Lava Missile C N ! 1a M P

1d4 fire damage; 1 missile/2 levels (max 5). Reflex save or catch fire.

Leap Into Animal T W- Y 1m/l* 1a 10f G

Merge with animal and control its actions.

Levitate T N N 1m/l* 1a P|close 5m

Subject moves up and down at your direction.

Light of Mercuria Ev+ N Y 10m/l*# 1a M 1h

You radiate golden light, which you can expend as 2 bolts that deal 2d6 damage, 4d6 against undead and evil outsiders.

Listening Lorecall D N N 10m/l 1a P 1h

Gain +4 on Listen checks, plus blindsense or blindsight if you have 5 or more ranks in Listen.

Living Undeath N F- Y 1m/l 1a T 30m

Subject becomes immune to critical hits and sneak attacks.

Local Tremor Ev R- N 1m/l#;x 1a 30f 5m

Light tremor shakes in a 30-ft. line.

Locate Touchstone D N N ! 1a txt 6h

Find nearest planar touchstone on the plane you currently inhabit.

Loyal Vassal A! W- Y 10m/l 1a T 1h

Ally gains +3 against mind-affecting effects and cannot be compelled to harm you.

Legion's Magic Weapon T W- Y 1r/l 1a C G

Allies' weapons gain +1 enhancement bonus.

Make Whole T W- Y ! 1a C 6h

Repairs an object.

Manifestation Of The Deity I W- N 1d 1sw P G

Create illusion of your deity, rendering enemies shaken for 1 round.

Mark of the Outcast N W- Y P 1a C 6h

Subject takes -5 penalty on bluff and Diplomacy checks and a -2 penalty to AC.

Master Air T N N 1r/l 1a P G

You sprout insubstantial wings and can fly.

Minor Image I Wd N C+2r 1a L 12h

As silent image, plus some sound.

Mirror Image I N N 1m/l* 1a P 30m

Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 +1 per three levels, max 8).

Moonbeam Ev N|W- N 1m/l* 1a 30f 30m

Creates a cone of moonlight that causes lycanthropes to assume animal form, penetrates darkness spells of equal or lower level.

Mountain Stance T W- N 1m/l 1a T 5m

Subject can root itself against involuntary movement.

Nature's Favor Ev W- Y 1m 1sw T G

Target animal gains +1/3 caster levels (max +5) luck bonus on attack and damage rolls.

Necrotic Cyst (F) N- F- Y ! 1a T G

Encyst undead sac of tissue in subject, causing extra 1d6 damage when subject is harmed by undead natural weapons.

Necrotic Scrying (F) N- N N 1m/l* 1a U 4h

Hear or see encysted subject at a distance.

Numbing Sphere Ev R- Y 1r/l 1a M G

Creates rolling ball of intense cold that deals 1d6 cold damage plus 1d4 Dex damage, lasts 1


Obscuring Snow C N N 1h/l 1a 30f 6h

Obscures sight in a 30-ft. radius around the caster.

One Mind D N N 1h/l 1a P G

As lesser one mind, but also gain +2 to attack while mounted.

One with the Land T N N 1h/l 1a P 4h

Link with nature gives a +2 bonus on nature-related skill checks.

Owl's Wisdom T W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level.

Peaceful Serenity of Io A W- Y 10m 1a C 1h

Grant subject +4 bonus on Concentration checks and against compulsions and fear effects.

Phade's Fearsome Aspect I W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

The target gains a +5 bonus on Intimidate checks and can demoralize as a swift action.

Portal Well T N N 1r/l* 1a T G

When you step into a portal affected by this spell, you can wait for a short time within an extradimensional space between the portal's entrance and exit.

Pressure Sphere Ev Y ! 1a M G

Water pressure deals 4d6 damage to submerged targets.

Quick March T W- Y 1r 1a M G

Allies' speed increases by 30 ft. for 1 round

Razorscales T N N 1r/l* 1a P P

You deal lethal instead of nonlethal damage when grappling*. You must be a Scaled One.

Reachwalker's Wariness T N N 10m/l 1a 30f G

Automatically locate aberrations within 30 ft.

Reduce Animal T N N 1h/l* 1a T 6h

Shrinks one willing animal.

Remove Addiction C F- Y ! 1a T G

Cures target of drug addictions.

Remove Paralysis C W- Y ! 1a C G

Frees one or more creatures from paralysis or slow effect.

Resist Energy A F- Y 10m/l 1a T 1h

Ignores 10 (or more) points of damage/attack from specified energy type.

Resounding Voice T W- N 1m/l* 1a T G

Target's voice carries 100-ft./level.

Lesser Restoration C W- Y ! 3r T G

Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage.

Rigor Mortis N F- Y 1d6+2r 1a T G

Suspends all vital functions; target appears dead.

Saltray Ev F~ Y ! 1a C G

Ranged touch attack deals 1d6/2 levels (max 5d6) slashing damage. If cast near an ocean, a second ray is cast.

Sap Strength En- F- Y ! 1a T G

Subject becomes exhausted.

Scent T W- Y 1h/l 1a T 6h

Grants the scent ability for 1 hour/level.

Scimitar of Sand Ev F~ Y 1m/l* 1a 0f 5m

Sand sword deals 1d6 damage +1/2 levels and renders target dehydrated.

Scorching Ray Ev N Y ! 1a C G

Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, +1 ray/four levels (max 3).

See Invisibility D N N 10m/l* 1a P 4h

Reveals invisible creatures or objects.

Sense Weakness D W- Y 1d 1a T G

Automatically confirm one critical hit.

Share Husk D W- Y C 1a T 4h

See and hear through the senses of a touched animal.

Shared Healing C Y 1m/l 1a T G

Subject creature can cure up to twice your caster level of its own hit points.

Shatter Ev W-|F½ Y ! 1a C G

Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.

Shield Other (F) A W- Y 1h/l* 1a C 24h

You take half of subjects damage.

Shroud of Undeath N N N 10m/l* 1a P 1h

Negative energy shroud makes undead perceive you as undead.

Silence I W-;|N Y;*|N 1m/l* 1a L 30m

Negates sound in 15-ft. radius.

Smoke Stairs T N N 1m/l 1a P G

Smoke from a 5' square fire becomes stairs. Every 5' upward costs 10' horizontal movement. Smoke can be dissipated by wind, causing a fall.

Mass Snake's Swiftness T W- Y ! 1a M G

Allies each immediately make one attack.

Snare T N N #|# 3r T 12h

Creates a magic booby trap.

Snow Walk T W- Y 10m/l 1a T 1h

Increase your speed and walk effortlessly on top of snow without leaving tracks or scent.

Soften Earth and Stone T N N ! 1a C 6h

Turns stone to clay or dirt to sand or mud.

Sound Burst Ev F~ Y ! 1a C G

Deals 1d8 sonic damage to subjects; may stun them.

Spawn Screen N W- Y 1h/l 1a T 6h

You resist being transformed into an undead spawn if slain.

Speak with Plants D N N 1m/l 1a P 30m

You can talk to normal plants and plant creatures.

Spectral Stag C N Y 1r/l 1a 0f G

Phantom stag can bull rush and be a mount.

Lesser Spell Immunity A W- Y 10m/l 1a T G

As spell immunity, but only 1st and 2nd-level spells.

Spell Shield A W- Y 1m/l 1a T 5m

Target gains +3 resistance on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities.

Spellslayer Arrow (M) T N Y ! 1sw T G

Masterwork arrow or bolt deals extra damage to a creature with ongoing spells cast upon it.

Spider Climb T W- Y 10m/l 1a T 1h

Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.

Spider Leqs T N N 1m/l 1a P 30m

You grow long spider legs that have a speed of 30 ft. and move on vertical surfaces.

Spike Growth T R~ Y 1h/l* 1a M 6h

Creatures in area take 1d4 damage, may be slowed.

Spiritual Weapon Ev N Y 1r/l* 1a M G

Magic weapon attacks on its own.

Splinterbolt Ev N Y ! 1a C G

Ranged Attack that deals 4d6 piercing damage per bolt (3-6:1, 7-10: 2, 11+: 3). Threatens 18-20, x3. +4 damage, cold iron in forest.

Spores of the Vrock (M) C- F- Y ! 1r 5f G

All within 5 ft. take 1d8 damage and 1d2 damage each round thereafter for 10 rounds.

Stabilize C W- Y ! 1sw 50f G

Cures 1 point of damage to all creatures in area.

Static Veil A N N 1h/l 10m 0f 6h

Scry DC increases by +1/level for targets within the area.

Status D W- Y 1h/l 1a T 24h

Monitors condition, position of allies.

Stay the Hand En W- Y ! 1ia M G

Change subject creature's attitude to helpful for 1 round.

Steed of the Seas T N Y 2h/l* 1a T 6h

Make your special mount amphibious.

Stone Bones T W- Y 10m/l 1a T 1h

Corporeal undead gains +3 natural armor bonus.

Stone Fist T N N 1r/l* 1a P G

Your fists become rocky bludgeoning weapons.

Stonemantle T W- N 10m/l 1a C 1h

Object gets hardness set to 8 and 15 hit points per inch unless it already has a better hardness.

Strength of Stone T N N 1m/l 1a P 5m

Bull's strength that ends if you lose contact with the ground.

Summon Desert Ally II C N N 1r/l* 1r C G

Calls dustform creature to fight.

Summon Dire Hawk C N N 1m/l* 1r C 5m

Summons dire hawk to serve you.

Summon Elysian Thrush C+ N N 8h 10m C 6h

Summon an Elysian thrush, which accelerates natural healing.

Summon Monster II C N N 1r/l* 1r C G

Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.

Summon Nature's Ally II C N N 1r/l* 1r C G

Calls creature to fight.

Summon Swarm C N N C+2r 1r C G

Summons swarm of bats, rats, or spiders.

Summon Undead II C- N N 1r/l 1r C G

Summons undead to fight for you.

Sun Bolt Ev R~ Y 1r 1a M P

Ray deals 2d6 damage, double damage against undead and creatures harmed by sunlight, triple damage against creatures damaged by sunlight. Reflex save or blind 1 round.

Surefooted Stride (M) T N N 1h/l 1a P G

Treat mountainous terrain as plains.

Swim T N Y 10m/l* 1r M 1h

Subject gains a swim speed equal to their land speed.

Moderate Temporary Soul Binding C W- N 10m/l# 2r T 1h

As Temporary Soul Binding, except the duration is longer.

Thaw T N N ! 1a C G

Transforms one 10-ft. cube/level of everfrost, slush, snow, and ice.

Thin Air N F- N 1m/l 1a M 5m

Creatures suffer from altitude sickness.

Tiger's Tooth T N N 1r 1sw P G

One natural weapon of subject gets +1/four levels on attack and damage rolls (max +5) for 1 round (swift).

Tojanida Sight D N N 10m/l* 1a P 1h

Gain all-around vision.

Train Animal En W- Y 1h/l 10m T 1h

Affected animal gains additional tricks equal to 1/2 caster level for 1 hour/level.

Tree Shape T N N 1h/l* 1a P 24h

You look exactly like a tree for 1 hour/level.

Trip Vine T R- N 1h/l 1a M G

Plants trip creatures entering area.

Tyche's Touch A W- Y 1d# 1a T G

Confers a decreasing sacred bonus or penalty on the subject's next four saving throws, starting at +4 or -4.

Undetectable Alignment A W- Y 1d 1a C 24h

Conceals alignment for 24 hours.

Unseen Crafter C N N 1d/l* 1a C G

Invisible force obeys your command and can use the Craft skill.

Veil of Shadow Ev N N 1m/l 1a P 30m

Darkness grants you concealment.

Warp Wood T W- Y ! 1a C 5m

Bends wood (shaft, handle, door, plank).

Wave of Grief En W- Y 1r/l 1a C G

Cone imposes -3 penalty on attacks, checks, and saves.

Web C R- N 10m/l* 1a M 5m

Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs.

Whip of Thorns T N N 1r/l# 1a P G

Create a thorny whip that can damage or entangle opponents.

Wild Instincts D N N 1m/l 1sw P G

You gain +10 bonus on Listen and Spot checks and retain Dex bonus to AC when flat-footed*.

Winter's Embrace Ev F- Y 1r/l 1a C G

Subject takes 1d8 damage/round; can cause fatigue.

Wolfskin T N N 1m/l* 1a P 5m

You take the shape of a normal wolf as if you had the wild shape ability of a 5th-level druid.

Wood Shape T W- Y ! 1a T 6h

Rearranges wooden objects to suit you.

Woodland Veil I W- Y 10m/l* 1a C 1h

Blend unobtrusively into natural surroundings, along with your friends.

Wracking Touch N Y ! 1a T G

Deal 1d6 damage +1/level; you also deal sneak attack damage if you have any.

Yoke of Mercy En+ W- N 1r/l 1a C G

Target deals nonlethal damage.

Zeal A N N 1r/l 1sw P G

You move through foes to attack the enemy you want.

Zone of Glacial Cold C N 1r/l 1a M G

Deals 1d6 cold damage to all creatures in area.

Zone of Natural Purity (M) Ev N N 2h/l 1a C G

Aberrations in area become weaker, fey and plants become stronger.

Zone of Truth En W- Y 1m/l 1a C 30m

Subjects within range cannot lie.