Name | Baton Pass |
Base | 0 |
Accuracy | |
Power Points | 40 |
Type | Normal |
Special | Normal |
Range | User |
Contacts Other Pokemon | No |
Contest Type | cute |
Appeals | 2 |
Jams | 0 |
Red Machine | |
Gold Machine | |
Ruby Machine | |
Diamond Machine | |
Black/White Machine | |
Battle | Allows the trainer to switch out the user and pass effects along to its replacement. |
Contest | Attempts to make all following Pokemon nervous (and thus unable to appeal). |
Venonat | Bug Poison | E |
Venomoth | Bug Poison | P |
Mr. Mime | Psychic | 46 P |
Scyther | Bug Flying | E |
Eevee | Normal | 36 |
Vaporeon | Water | P |
Jolteon | Electric | P |
Flareon | Fire | P |
Mew | Psychic | 80 |
Sentret | Normal | 39 |
Furret | Normal | 46 P |
Ledyba | Bug Flying | 22 |
Ledian | Bug Flying | 24 P |
Spinarak | Bug Poison | E |
Ariados | Bug Poison | P |
Togepi | Normal | 41 |
Togetic | Normal Flying | 41 P |
Aipom | Normal | 11 |
Espeon | Psychic | P |
Umbreon | Dark | P |
Girafarig | Normal Psychic | 23 |
Gligar | Ground Flying | E |
Scizor | Bug Steel | P |
Celebi | Psychic Grass | 37 |
Torchic | Fire | E |
Combusken | Fire Fighting | P |
Blaziken | Fire Fighting | P |
Surskit | Bug Water | 43 |
Masquerain | Bug Flying | P |
Ninjask | Bug Flying | 45 |
Skitty | Normal | E |
Delcatty | Normal | P |
Mawile | Steel | 31 |
Meditite | Fighting Psychic | E |
Medicham | Fighting Psychic | P |
Plusle | Electric | 44 |
Minun | Electric | 44 |
Volbeat | Bug | E |
Illumise | Bug | E |
Spinda | Normal | E |
Absol | Dark | E |
Huntail | Water | 33 |
Gorebyss | Water | 33 |
Buizel | Water | E |
Floatzel | Water | P |
Ambipom | Normal | 11 P |
Drifloon | Ghost Flying | 38 |
Drifblim | Ghost Flying | 44 P |
Buneary | Normal | 26 |
Lopunny | Normal | 26 P |
Mime Jr. | Psychic | 46 |
Togekiss | Normal Flying | P |
Leafeon | Grass | P |
Glaceon | Ice | P |
Gliscor | Ground Flying | P |
Patrat | Normal | 33 |
Watchog | Normal | 39 P |
Munna | Psychic | E |
Musharna | Psychic | P |
Sewaddle | Bug Grass | E |
Swadloon | Bug Grass | P |
Leavanny | Bug Grass | P |
Scolipede | Bug Poison | 30 |
Deerling | Normal Grass | E |
Sawsbuck | Normal Grass | P |
Emolga | Electric Flying | E |
Shelmet | Bug | E |
Accelgor | Bug | P |
Mienfoo | Fighting | E |
Mienshao | Fighting | P |
Durant | Bug Steel | E |