Heat Wave

NameHeat Wave
Power Points10
RangeAll opponents
Contacts Other PokemonNo
Contest Typebeauty
Red Machine
Gold Machine
Ruby Machine
Diamond Machine
Black/White Machine
BattleHas a 10% chance to [burn]{mechanic} the target.
ContestGives a high number of appeal points wth no other effects.
Charizard Fire Flying 71
Vulpix Fire E
Teaches To:
Growlithe 51 E
Numel E
Chimchar E
Pansear E
Heatmor E
Learns From:
Ninetales P
Growlithe 51 E
Arcanine P
Numel E
Camerupt P
Torkoal 55
Chimchar E
Monferno P
Infernape P
Pansear E
Simisear P
Heatmor E
Ninetales Fire P
Teaches To:
Vulpix E
Growlithe 51 E
Numel E
Chimchar E
Pansear E
Heatmor E
Growlithe Fire 51 E
Teaches To:
Vulpix E
Numel E
Chimchar E
Pansear E
Heatmor E
Learns From:
Vulpix E
Ninetales P
Arcanine P
Numel E
Camerupt P
Torkoal 55
Chimchar E
Monferno P
Infernape P
Pansear E
Simisear P
Heatmor E
Arcanine Fire P
Teaches To:
Vulpix E
Growlithe 51 E
Numel E
Chimchar E
Pansear E
Heatmor E
Moltres Fire Flying 64
Slugma Fire E
Teaches To:
Litwick E
Learns From:
Magcargo P
Litwick E
Lampent P
Chandelure P
Magcargo Fire Rock P
Teaches To:
Slugma E
Litwick E
Numel Fire Ground E
Teaches To:
Vulpix E
Growlithe 51 E
Chimchar E
Pansear E
Heatmor E
Learns From:
Vulpix E
Ninetales P
Growlithe 51 E
Arcanine P
Camerupt P
Torkoal 55
Chimchar E
Monferno P
Infernape P
Pansear E
Simisear P
Heatmor E
Camerupt Fire Ground P
Teaches To:
Vulpix E
Growlithe 51 E
Numel E
Chimchar E
Pansear E
Heatmor E
Torkoal Fire 55
Teaches To:
Vulpix E
Growlithe 51 E
Numel E
Chimchar E
Pansear E
Heatmor E
Chimchar Fire E
Teaches To:
Vulpix E
Growlithe 51 E
Numel E
Pansear E
Heatmor E
Learns From:
Vulpix E
Ninetales P
Growlithe 51 E
Arcanine P
Numel E
Camerupt P
Torkoal 55
Monferno P
Infernape P
Pansear E
Simisear P
Heatmor E
Monferno Fire Fighting P
Teaches To:
Vulpix E
Growlithe 51 E
Numel E
Chimchar E
Pansear E
Heatmor E
Infernape Fire Fighting P
Teaches To:
Vulpix E
Growlithe 51 E
Numel E
Chimchar E
Pansear E
Heatmor E
Heatran Fire Steel 81
Pansear Fire E
Teaches To:
Vulpix E
Growlithe 51 E
Numel E
Chimchar E
Heatmor E
Learns From:
Vulpix E
Ninetales P
Growlithe 51 E
Arcanine P
Numel E
Camerupt P
Torkoal 55
Chimchar E
Monferno P
Infernape P
Simisear P
Heatmor E
Simisear Fire P
Teaches To:
Vulpix E
Growlithe 51 E
Numel E
Chimchar E
Pansear E
Heatmor E
Litwick Ghost Fire E
Teaches To:
Slugma E
Learns From:
Slugma E
Magcargo P
Lampent P
Chandelure P
Lampent Ghost Fire P
Teaches To:
Slugma E
Litwick E
Chandelure Ghost Fire P
Teaches To:
Slugma E
Litwick E
Heatmor Fire E
Teaches To:
Vulpix E
Growlithe 51 E
Numel E
Chimchar E
Pansear E
Learns From:
Vulpix E
Ninetales P
Growlithe 51 E
Arcanine P
Numel E
Camerupt P
Torkoal 55
Chimchar E
Monferno P
Infernape P
Pansear E
Simisear P
Volcarona Bug Fire 60