Sand Tomb

NameSand Tomb
Power Points15
RangeSelected Pokemon
Contacts Other PokemonNo
Contest Typesmart
Red Machine
Gold Machine
Ruby Machine
Diamond Machine
Black/White Machine
BattlePrevents the target from fleeing and inflicts damage for 2-5 turns.
ContestPrevents the Applause Meter from rising for the rest of the turn.
Sandshrew Ground 27
Teaches To:
Hippopotas 25 E
Sandslash Ground 33 P
Teaches To:
Hippopotas 25 E
Dugtrio Ground 26
Teaches To:
Hippopotas 25 E
Onix Rock Ground 54
Teaches To:
Sudowoodo EP
Dwebble E
Sudowoodo Rock EP
Teaches To:
Dwebble E
Learns From:
Onix 54
Steelix P
Dwebble E
Crustle P
Pineco Bug E
Teaches To:
Gligar E
Shuckle E
Dwebble E
Learns From:
Forretress P
Gligar E
Shuckle E
Trapinch 25
Vibrava 25 P
Flygon 25 P
Gliscor P
Dwebble E
Crustle P
Forretress Bug Steel P
Teaches To:
Pineco E
Gligar E
Shuckle E
Dwebble E
Gligar Ground Flying E
Teaches To:
Pineco E
Shuckle E
Dwebble E
Learns From:
Pineco E
Forretress P
Shuckle E
Trapinch 25
Vibrava 25 P
Flygon 25 P
Gliscor P
Dwebble E
Crustle P
Steelix Steel Ground P
Teaches To:
Sudowoodo EP
Dwebble E
Shuckle Bug Rock E
Teaches To:
Pineco E
Gligar E
Dwebble E
Learns From:
Pineco E
Forretress P
Gligar E
Trapinch 25
Vibrava 25 P
Flygon 25 P
Gliscor P
Dwebble E
Crustle P
Trapinch Ground 25
Teaches To:
Pineco E
Gligar E
Shuckle E
Dwebble E
Vibrava Ground Dragon 1 P
Teaches To:
Pineco E
Gligar E
Shuckle E
Dwebble E
Vibrava Ground Dragon 25 P
Teaches To:
Pineco E
Gligar E
Shuckle E
Dwebble E
Flygon Ground Dragon 1 P
Teaches To:
Pineco E
Gligar E
Shuckle E
Dwebble E
Flygon Ground Dragon 25 P
Teaches To:
Pineco E
Gligar E
Shuckle E
Dwebble E
Turtwig Grass E
Teaches To:
Gible 19 E
Learns From:
Grotle P
Torterra P
Gible 19 E
Gabite 19 P
Garchomp 19 P
Grotle Grass P
Teaches To:
Turtwig E
Gible 19 E
Torterra Grass Ground P
Teaches To:
Turtwig E
Gible 19 E
Bonsly Rock E
Gible Dragon Ground 19 E
Teaches To:
Turtwig E
Learns From:
Turtwig E
Grotle P
Torterra P
Gabite 19 P
Garchomp 19 P
Gabite Dragon Ground 19 P
Teaches To:
Turtwig E
Gible 19 E
Garchomp Dragon Ground 19 P
Teaches To:
Turtwig E
Gible 19 E
Hippopotas Ground 25 E
Learns From:
Sandshrew 27
Sandslash 33 P
Dugtrio 26
Hippowdon 25 P
Sandile 13
Krokorok 13 P
Krookodile 13 P
Hippowdon Ground 25 P
Teaches To:
Hippopotas 25 E
Gliscor Ground Flying P
Teaches To:
Pineco E
Gligar E
Shuckle E
Dwebble E
Sandile Ground Dark 13
Teaches To:
Hippopotas 25 E
Krokorok Ground Dark 13 P
Teaches To:
Hippopotas 25 E
Krookodile Ground Dark 13 P
Teaches To:
Hippopotas 25 E
Dwebble Bug Rock E
Teaches To:
Sudowoodo EP
Pineco E
Gligar E
Shuckle E
Learns From:
Onix 54
Sudowoodo EP
Pineco E
Forretress P
Gligar E
Steelix P
Shuckle E
Trapinch 25
Vibrava 25 P
Flygon 25 P
Gliscor P
Crustle P
Crustle Bug Rock P
Teaches To:
Sudowoodo EP
Pineco E
Gligar E
Shuckle E
Dwebble E