Fire Spin

NameFire Spin
Power Points15
RangeOne Enemy
Contacts Other PokemonNo
Contest TypeBeauty
Red Machine
Gold Machine
Ruby Machine
BattleContinous attack for 2-5 turns. Opponent Pokemon cannot flee or switch out of battle during the attack.
ContestWhen you make your appeal, the crowd's excitement continues until the end of the turn. (Beauty, Appeal=3pts, Jam=0pt)
Charmander Fire 49
Charmeleon Fire 55 P
Charizard Fire Flying 64 P
Vulpix Fire 41
Teaches To:
Growlithe E
Houndour E
Ninetales Fire 45 P
Teaches To:
Growlithe E
Houndour E
Growlithe Fire E
Teaches To:
Houndour E
Learns From:
Torchic 25
Combusken P
Blaziken P
Torkoal 17
Vulpix 41
Ninetales 45 P
Arcanine P
Rapidash 25 P
Flareon 36
Houndour E
Houndoom P
Arcanine Fire P
Teaches To:
Growlithe E
Houndour E
Ponyta Fire 25
Rapidash Fire P
Teaches To:
Growlithe E
Houndour E
Rapidash Fire 25 P
Teaches To:
Growlithe E
Houndour E
Flareon Fire 36
Teaches To:
Growlithe E
Houndour E
Moltres Fire Flying 13
Houndour Dark Fire E
Teaches To:
Growlithe E
Learns From:
Torchic 25
Combusken P
Blaziken P
Torkoal 17
Vulpix 41
Ninetales 45 P
Growlithe E
Arcanine P
Rapidash 25 P
Flareon 36
Houndoom P
Houndoom Dark Fire P
Teaches To:
Growlithe E
Houndour E
Entei Fire 31
Torchic Fire 25
Teaches To:
Growlithe E
Houndour E
Combusken Fire Fighting P
Teaches To:
Growlithe E
Houndour E
Blaziken Fire Fighting P
Teaches To:
Growlithe E
Houndour E
Torkoal Fire 17
Teaches To:
Growlithe E
Houndour E
Solrock Rock Psychic 19