Rapid Spin

NameRapid Spin
Power Points40
RangeOne Enemy
Contacts Other PokemonYes
Contest TypeCool
Red Machine
Gold Machine
Ruby Machine
BattleReleases the user from continous moves like Whirlpool and Wrap.
ContestWorks well if it's the same type as the one before.
Squirtle Water 23
Teaches To:
Kabuto E
Delibird E
Wartortle Water 25 P
Teaches To:
Kabuto E
Delibird E
Blastoise Water 25 P
Teaches To:
Kabuto E
Delibird E
Sandshrew Ground E
Teaches To:
Delibird E
Learns From:
Sandslash P
Donphan 41
Delibird E
Sandslash Ground P
Teaches To:
Sandshrew E
Delibird E
Tentacool Water Poison E
Teaches To:
Anorith E
Shellder E
Kabuto E
Learns From:
Tentacruel P
Anorith E
Armaldo P
Staryu 10
Starmie P
Shellder E
Cloyster P
Kabuto E
Kabutops P
Tentacruel Water Poison P
Teaches To:
Tentacool E
Anorith E
Shellder E
Kabuto E
Shellder Water E
Teaches To:
Tentacool E
Anorith E
Kabuto E
Learns From:
Tentacool E
Tentacruel P
Anorith E
Armaldo P
Staryu 10
Starmie P
Cloyster P
Kabuto E
Kabutops P
Cloyster Water Ice P
Teaches To:
Tentacool E
Anorith E
Shellder E
Kabuto E
Hitmonlee Fighting P
Hitmonchan Fighting P
Staryu Water 10
Teaches To:
Tentacool E
Anorith E
Shellder E
Kabuto E
Starmie Water Psychic P
Teaches To:
Tentacool E
Anorith E
Shellder E
Kabuto E
Starmie Water Psychic IP
Teaches To:
Tentacool E
Anorith E
Shellder E
Kabuto E
Kabuto Rock Water E
Teaches To:
Tentacool E
Anorith E
Shellder E
Delibird E
Learns From:
Tentacool E
Tentacruel P
Anorith E
Armaldo P
Staryu 10
Starmie P
Squirtle 23
Wartortle 25 P
Blastoise 25 P
Shellder E
Cloyster P
Kabutops P
Delibird E
Kabutops Rock Water P
Teaches To:
Tentacool E
Anorith E
Shellder E
Kabuto E
Delibird E
Pineco Bug 22
Forretress Bug Steel 22 P
Delibird Ice Flying E
Teaches To:
Sandshrew E
Kabuto E
Learns From:
Sandshrew E
Sandslash P
Donphan 41
Squirtle 23
Wartortle 25 P
Blastoise 25 P
Kabuto E
Kabutops P
Donphan Ground 41
Teaches To:
Sandshrew E
Delibird E
Tyrogue Fighting E
Hitmontop Fighting 25 P
Baltoy Ground Psychic 5
Claydol Ground Psychic IP
Anorith Rock Bug E
Teaches To:
Tentacool E
Shellder E
Kabuto E
Learns From:
Tentacool E
Tentacruel P
Armaldo P
Staryu 10
Starmie P
Shellder E
Cloyster P
Kabuto E
Kabutops P
Armaldo Rock Bug P
Teaches To:
Tentacool E
Anorith E
Shellder E
Kabuto E