
Power Points40
Contacts Other PokemonNo
Contest TypeCool
Red Machine
Gold Machine
Ruby Machine
BattleRaises the Attack of the user.
ContestThe appeal works best the more the crowd is excited.
Vulpix Fire E
Teaches To:
Numel E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Learns From:
Poochyena 5
Mightyena 5 IP
Whismur 15
Loudred IP
Exploud IP
Electrike 12
Manectric IP
Numel E
Camerupt P
Ninetales P
Growlithe E
Arcanine P
Cyndaquil E
Quilava P
Typhlosion P
Houndour 7
Houndoom 7 P
Ninetales Fire P
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Growlithe Fire E
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Cyndaquil E
Learns From:
Poochyena 5
Mightyena 5 IP
Whismur 15
Loudred IP
Exploud IP
Electrike 12
Manectric IP
Numel E
Camerupt P
Vulpix E
Ninetales P
Arcanine P
Cyndaquil E
Quilava P
Typhlosion P
Houndour 7
Houndoom 7 P
Arcanine Fire P
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Cyndaquil Fire E
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Learns From:
Poochyena 5
Mightyena 5 IP
Whismur 15
Loudred IP
Exploud IP
Electrike 12
Manectric IP
Numel E
Camerupt P
Vulpix E
Ninetales P
Growlithe E
Arcanine P
Quilava P
Typhlosion P
Houndour 7
Houndoom 7 P
Quilava Fire P
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Typhlosion Fire P
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Houndour Dark Fire 7
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Houndoom Dark Fire 7 P
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Poochyena Dark 5
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Mightyena Dark 5 IP
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Whismur Normal 15
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Loudred Normal IP
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Exploud Normal IP
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Electrike Electric 12
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Manectric Electric IP
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Numel Fire Ground E
Teaches To:
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E
Learns From:
Poochyena 5
Mightyena 5 IP
Whismur 15
Loudred IP
Exploud IP
Electrike 12
Manectric IP
Camerupt P
Vulpix E
Ninetales P
Growlithe E
Arcanine P
Cyndaquil E
Quilava P
Typhlosion P
Houndour 7
Houndoom 7 P
Camerupt Fire Ground P
Teaches To:
Numel E
Vulpix E
Growlithe E
Cyndaquil E