Index of Spells by Domain - Fey

Deities: Lurue (CG), Mielikki (NG), Nobanion (LG), Rillifane Rallathil (CG), Valarian (NG)

Name: Fey

Granted Power: Gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like abilities of feys (such as dryads, nymphs, and sprites).

School Casting Time Source Book
Save - Res Level Comps
Dur Range Recharge
Faerie Fire
Evocation [Light] 1 standard action SRD
None - Yes Arc 1, Drd 1, Fey 1, Moon 1, Shu 1 V, S, DF
1 min./level (D) Long General

Outlines subjects with light, canceling blur, concealment, and the like.

Charm Person
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates - Yes Beguiler 1, Brd 1, Charm 1, EmBarachiel 1, Fey 2, HB 1, MH 1, Renewal 1, Sin-L 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 V, S
1 hour/level Close 1 hour

Makes one person your friend.

Inspired Aim
    Book of Exalted Deeds
  Arc 3, Brd 4, Clr 3, Fey 3, Rgr 3  

Allies within 40 ft. gain +2 insight bonus on ranged attack rolls.

Blinding Beauty
    Book of Exalted Deeds
  Arc 4, Brd 4, BVal 4, Drd 4, Fey 4, Rgr 4  

Permanently blind any who look at you.

Tree Stride
Conjuration (Teleportation) 1 standard action SRD
- Arc 4, Celerity 5, Drd 5, Elf 4, Fey 5, Rgr 4 V, S, DF
1 hour/level or until expended; see text Personal 24 hours

Step from one tree to another far away.

Heroes' Feast
Conjuration (Creation) 10 minutes SRD
None - No APeace 6, Arc 6, Brd 6, Clr 6, Community 6, Courage 6, Creation 6, Family 6, Feast 6, Fey 6, Hlr 6, Planning 6, Renewal 6, Sin-G 6 V, S, DF
1 hour plus 12 hours; see text Close 24 hours

Food for one creature/level cures and grants combat bonuses.

Transmutation 10 minutes SRD
None - No Arc 6, Drd 6, Elf 7, Fey 7 V, S
1 day/level (D) Touch 12 hours

Oak becomes treant guardian.

Unearthly Beauty
    Book of Exalted Deeds
  Arc 8, Drd 8, Fey 8  

As blinding beauty, but creatures must save or die.

Summon Nature's Ally IX
Conjuration (Summoning) 1 round SRD
None - No Arc 9, Drd 9, Fey 9, Gnome 9, Shu 9 V, S, DF
1 round/level (D) Close General

Calls creature to fight.