Name | Mud Sport |
Base | 0 |
Accuracy | |
Power Points | 15 |
Type | Ground |
Special | Normal |
Range | Entire field |
Contacts Other Pokemon | No |
Contest Type | cute |
Appeals | 4 |
Jams | 0 |
Red Machine | |
Gold Machine | |
Ruby Machine | |
Diamond Machine | |
Black/White Machine | |
Battle | All damage from Electric moves is halved until the end of the battle. |
Contest | Gives a high number of appeal points wth no other effects. |
Squirtle | Water | E |
Wartortle | Water | P |
Blastoise | Water | P |
Geodude | Rock Ground | 4 |
Graveler | Rock Ground | 1 P |
Graveler | Rock Ground | 4 P |
Golem | Rock Ground | 1 P |
Golem | Rock Ground | 4 P |
Slowpoke | Water Psychic | E |
Slowbro | Water Psychic | P |
Onix | Rock Ground | 1 |
Krabby | Water | 1 |
Kingler | Water | 1 P |
Goldeen | Water | E |
Seaking | Water | P |
Totodile | Water | E |
Croconaw | Water | P |
Feraligatr | Water | P |
Wooper | Water Ground | 5 E |
Quagsire | Water Ground | 1 P |
Quagsire | Water Ground | 5 P |
Slowking | Water Psychic | P |
Steelix | Steel Ground | 1 P |
Swinub | Ice Ground | 4 |
Piloswine | Ice Ground | 1 P |
Piloswine | Ice Ground | 4 P |
Mantine | Water Flying | EP |
Stantler | Normal | E |
Treecko | Grass | E |
Grovyle | Grass | P |
Sceptile | Grass | P |
Mudkip | Water | 24 |
Marshtomp | Water Ground | P |
Swampert | Water Ground | P |
Zigzagoon | Normal | 21 |
Linoone | Normal | 23 P |
Barboach | Water Ground | 6 |
Whiscash | Water Ground | 1 P |
Whiscash | Water Ground | 6 P |
Corphish | Water | E |
Crawdaunt | Water Dark | P |
Anorith | Rock Bug | 7 |
Armaldo | Rock Bug | 1 P |
Armaldo | Rock Bug | 7 P |
Feebas | Water | E |
Milotic | Water | P |
Clamperl | Water | E |
Huntail | Water | P |
Gorebyss | Water | P |
Relicanth | Water Rock | 36 |
Luvdisc | Water | E |
Piplup | Water | E |
Prinplup | Water | P |
Empoleon | Water Steel | P |
Shellos | Water | 2 |
Gastrodon | Water Ground | 1 P |
Gastrodon | Water Ground | 2 P |
Mantyke | Water Flying | E |
Mamoswine | Ice Ground | 1 P |
Mamoswine | Ice Ground | 4 P |
Panpour | Water | E |
Simipour | Water | P |
Drilbur | Ground | 1 |
Excadrill | Ground Steel | 1 P |
Tympole | Water | E |
Palpitoad | Water Ground | P |
Seismitoad | Water Ground | P |
Trubbish | Poison | E |
Garbodor | Poison | P |
Stunfisk | Ground Electric | 1 |