Clear Smog

NameClear Smog
Power Points15
RangeSelected Pokemon
Contacts Other PokemonNo
Contest Type
Red Machine
Gold Machine
Ruby Machine
Diamond Machine
Black/White Machine
BattleRemoves all of the target's stat modifiers.
Bellsprout Grass Poison E
Learns From:
Weepinbell P
Victreebel P
Foongus 39
Amoonguss 43 P
Weepinbell Grass Poison P
Teaches To:
Bellsprout E
Victreebel Grass Poison P
Teaches To:
Bellsprout E
Gastly Ghost Poison E
Teaches To:
Castform E
Shellos E
Drifloon E
Litwick E
Learns From:
Haunter P
Gengar P
Koffing 19
Weezing 19 P
Castform E
Shellos E
Gastrodon P
Drifloon E
Drifblim P
Litwick E
Lampent P
Chandelure P
Haunter Ghost Poison P
Teaches To:
Gastly E
Castform E
Shellos E
Drifloon E
Litwick E
Gengar Ghost Poison P
Teaches To:
Gastly E
Castform E
Shellos E
Drifloon E
Litwick E
Koffing Poison 19
Teaches To:
Gastly E
Castform E
Shellos E
Drifloon E
Litwick E
Weezing Poison 19 P
Teaches To:
Gastly E
Castform E
Shellos E
Drifloon E
Litwick E
Horsea Water E
Teaches To:
Shellos E
Learns From:
Seadra P
Kingdra P
Shellos E
Gastrodon P
Seadra Water P
Teaches To:
Horsea E
Shellos E
Kingdra Water Dragon P
Teaches To:
Horsea E
Shellos E
Torkoal Fire E
Castform Normal E
Teaches To:
Gastly E
Shellos E
Drifloon E
Litwick E
Learns From:
Gastly E
Haunter P
Gengar P
Koffing 19
Weezing 19 P
Shellos E
Gastrodon P
Drifloon E
Drifblim P
Litwick E
Lampent P
Chandelure P
Shellos Water E
Teaches To:
Gastly E
Horsea E
Castform E
Drifloon E
Litwick E
Learns From:
Gastly E
Haunter P
Gengar P
Koffing 19
Weezing 19 P
Horsea E
Seadra P
Kingdra P
Castform E
Gastrodon P
Drifloon E
Drifblim P
Litwick E
Lampent P
Chandelure P
Gastrodon Water Ground P
Teaches To:
Gastly E
Horsea E
Castform E
Shellos E
Drifloon E
Litwick E
Drifloon Ghost Flying E
Teaches To:
Gastly E
Castform E
Shellos E
Litwick E
Learns From:
Gastly E
Haunter P
Gengar P
Koffing 19
Weezing 19 P
Castform E
Shellos E
Gastrodon P
Drifblim P
Litwick E
Lampent P
Chandelure P
Drifblim Ghost Flying P
Teaches To:
Gastly E
Castform E
Shellos E
Drifloon E
Litwick E
Trubbish Poison 34
Garbodor Poison 34 P
Foongus Grass Poison 39
Teaches To:
Bellsprout E
Amoonguss Grass Poison 43 P
Teaches To:
Bellsprout E
Litwick Ghost Fire E
Teaches To:
Gastly E
Castform E
Shellos E
Drifloon E
Learns From:
Gastly E
Haunter P
Gengar P
Koffing 19
Weezing 19 P
Castform E
Shellos E
Gastrodon P
Drifloon E
Drifblim P
Lampent P
Chandelure P
Lampent Ghost Fire P
Teaches To:
Gastly E
Castform E
Shellos E
Drifloon E
Litwick E
Chandelure Ghost Fire P
Teaches To:
Gastly E
Castform E
Shellos E
Drifloon E
Litwick E