Deities: Brandobaris (N), Cyrrollalee (LG), Erevan Ilesere (CN), Finder Wyvernspur (CN), Gargauth (LE), Hathor (NG), Lliira (CG), Luthic (NE), Mask (NE), Milil (NG), Olidammara (CN), Sharess (CG), Sharindlar (CG), Sheela Peryroyl (N), Tymora (CG), Vergadain (N), Waukeen (N)
Name: Sin-Sloth
Granted Power: You are closest to your god while lazing and relaxing. You suffer no penalty to Armor Class against melee attacks while prone.
Name | ||
School | Casting Time | Source Book |
Save - Res | Level | Comps |
Dur | Range | Recharge |
Effect | ||
Expensive Focus | ||
Expensive Material | ||
XP Cost | ||
Description | ||
Full Description | ||
Touch of Fatigue | ||
Necromancy [Negative] | 1 standard action | SRD |
Fortitude negates - Yes | Adp 0, Arc 0, Blg 0, Duskblade 0, Sin-S 1, Sor/Wiz 0 | V, S, M |
1 round/level | Touch | General |
Target: Creature touched | ||
Touch attack fatigues target. |
You channel negative energy through your touch, fatiguing the target. You must succeed on a touch attack to strike a target. The subject is immediately fatigued for the spell's duration. This spell has no effect on a creature that is already fatigued. Unlike with normal fatigue, the effect ends as soon as the spells duration expires. |
Unseen Servant | ||
Conjuration (Creation) | 1 standard action | SRD |
None - No | Brd 1, HB 1, Hoard 1, Sin-S 2, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 | V, S, M |
1 hour/level | Close | 6 hours |
Effect: One invisible, mindless, shapeless servant | ||
Invisible force obeys your commands. |
An unseen servant is an invisible, mindless, shapeless force that performs simple tasks at your command. It can run and fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and mend. The servant can perform only one activity at a time, but it repeats the same activity over and over again if told to do so as long as you remain within range. It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, and the like. It has an effective Strength score of 2 (so it can lift 20 pounds or drag 100 pounds). It can trigger traps and such, but it can exert only 20 pounds of force, which is not enough to activate certain pressure plates and other devices. It can't perform any task that requires a skill check with a DC higher than 10 or that requires a check using a skill that can't be used untrained. Its speed is 15 feet. The servant cannot attack in any way; it is never allowed an attack roll. It cannot be killed, but it dissipates if it takes 6 points of damage from area attacks. (It gets no saves against attacks.) If you attempt to send it beyond the spell's range (measured from your current position), the servant ceases to exist. |
Deep Slumber | ||
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] | 1 round | SRD |
Will negates - Yes | Asn 3, Beguiler 3, Brd 3, Dream 3, EmBarachiel 3, HB 3, Sin-S 3, Sor/Wiz 3 | V, S, M |
1 min./level | Close | General |
Area: One or more living creatures within a 10-ft.-radius burst | ||
Puts 10 HD of creatures to sleep. |
A sleep spell causes a magical slumber to come upon 10 Hit Dice of creatures. Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first. Among creatures with equal HD, those who are closest to the spells point of origin are affected first. Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted. Sleeping creatures are helpless. Slapping or wounding awakens an affected creature, but normal noise does not. Awakening a creature is a standard action (an application of the aid another action). Sleep does not target unconscious creatures, constructs, or undead creatures. |
Slow | ||
Transmutation | 1 standard action | SRD |
Will negates - Yes | Beguiler 3, Brd 3, HB 3, Sin-S 4, Sor/Wiz 3 | V, S, M |
1 round/level | Close | General |
Targets: One creature/level, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart | ||
One subject/level takes only one action/round, -2 to AC and attack rolls. |
An affected creature moves and attacks at a drastically slowed rate. A slowed creature can take only a single move action or standard action each turn, but not both (nor may it take full-round actions). Additionally, it takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. A slowed creature moves at half its normal speed (round down to the next 5-foot increment), which affects the creatures jumping distance as normal for decreased speed. Multiple slow effects don't stack. Slow counters and dispels haste. |
Symbol of Sleep (M) | ||
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] | 10 minutes | SRD |
Will negates - Yes | APeace 5, Arc 5, Clr 5, Sin-S 5, Sor/Wiz 5, Wuj 5 | V, S, M |
See text | 0 ft.; see text | General |
Effect: One symbol | ||
Materials: Mercury and phosphorus, plus powdered diamond and opal with a total value of at least 1,000 gp. | ||
Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber. |
This spell allows you to scribe a potent rune of power upon a surface. When triggered, a symbol of sleep causes all creatures of 10 HD or less within 60 feet of the symbol (treat as a burst) to fall into a catatonic slumber for 3d6x10 minutes. Unlike with the sleep spell, sleeping creatures cannot be awakened by nonmagical means before this time expires. Once triggered, the symbol becomes active and glows, lasting for 10 minutes per caster level. Any creature that enters the area while the symbol of sleep is active is subject to its effect, whether or not that creature was in the area when it was triggered. A creature need save against the symbol only once as long as it remains within the area, though if it leaves the area and returns while the symbol is still active, it must save again. Until it is triggered, the symbol of sleep is inactive (though visible and legible at a distance of 60 feet). To be effective, a symbol of sleep must always be placed in plain sight and in a prominent location. Covering or hiding the rune renders the symbol of sleep ineffective, unless a creature removes the covering, in which case the symbol of sleep works normally. As a default, a symbol of sleep is triggered whenever a creature does one or more of the following, as you select: looks at the rune; reads the rune; touches the rune; passes over the rune; or passes through a portal bearing the rune. Regardless of the trigger method or methods chosen, a creature more than 60 feet from a symbol of sleep cant trigger it (even if it meets one or more of the triggering conditions, such as reading the rune). Once the spell is cast, a symbol of sleeps triggering conditions cannot be changed. In this case, reading the rune means any attempt to study it, identify it, or fathom its meaning. Throwing a cover over a symbol of sleep to render it inoperative triggers it if the symbol reacts to touch. You cant use a symbol of sleep offensively; for instance, a touch-triggered symbol of sleep remains untriggered if an item bearing the symbol of sleep is used to touch a creature. Likewise, a symbol of sleep cannot be placed on a weapon and set to activate when the weapon strikes a foe. You can also set special triggering limitations of your own. These can be as simple or elaborate as you desire. Special conditions for triggering a symbol of sleep can be based on a creatures name, identity, or alignment, but otherwise must be based on observable actions or qualities. Intangibles such as level, class, Hit Dice, and hit points dont qualify. When scribing a symbol of sleep, you can specify a password or phrase that prevents a creature using it from triggering the effect. Anyone using the password remains immune to that particular runes effects so long as the creature remains within 60 feet of the rune. If the creature leaves the radius and returns later, it must use the password again. You also can attune any number of creatures to the symbol of sleep, but doing this can extend the casting time. Attuning one or two creatures takes negligible time, and attuning a small group (as many as ten creatures) extends the casting time to 1 hour. Attuning a large group (as many as twenty-five creatures) takes 24 hours. Attuning larger groups takes proportionately longer. Any creature attuned to a symbol of sleep cannot trigger it and is immune to its effects, even if within its radius when triggered. You are automatically considered attuned to your own symbols of sleep, and thus always ignore the effects and cannot inadvertently trigger them. Read magic allows you to identify a symbol of sleep with a DC 19 Spellcraft check. Of course, if the symbol of sleep is set to be triggered by reading it, this will trigger the symbol. A symbol of sleep can be removed by a successful dispel magic targeted solely on the rune. An erase spell has no effect on a symbol of sleep. Destruction of the surface where a symbol of sleep is inscribed destroys the symbol but also triggers it. Symbol of sleep can be made permanent with a permanency spell. A permanent symbol of sleep that is disabled or that has affected its maximum number of hit points becomes inactive for 10 minutes, then can be triggered again as normal. Note: Magic traps such as symbol of sleep are hard to detect and disable. A rogue (only) can use the Search skill to find a symbol of sleep and Disable Device to thwart it. The DC in each case is 25 + spell level, or 31 for symbol of sleep. |
Waves of Fatigue | ||
Necromancy [Negative] | 1 standard action | SRD |
None - Yes | Arc 5, Blg 5, Duskblade 5, Necro 5, Sin-S 6, Sor/Wiz 5 | V, S |
Instant | 30 ft. | General |
Area: Cone-shaped burst | ||
Several targets become fatigued. |
Waves of negative energy render all living creatures in the spell's area fatigued. This spell has no effect on a creature that is already fatigued. |
Shadow Walk | ||
Illusion (Shadow) | 1 standard action | SRD |
Will negates - Yes | Beguiler 6, Brd 5, Halfling 7, Shadow 6, Sin-S 7, Sor/Wiz 6, VDarkness 7 | V, S |
1 hour/level (D) | Touch | 24 hours |
Targets: Up to one touched creature/ level | ||
Step into shadow to travel rapidly. |
To use the shadow walk spell, you must be in an area of shadowy illumination. You and any creature you touch are then transported along a coiling path of shadowstuff to the edge of the Material Plane where it borders the Plane of Shadow. The effect is largely illusory, but the path is quasi-real. You can take more than one creature along with you (subject to your level limit), but all must be touching each other. In the region of shadow, you move at a rate of 50 miles per hour, moving normally on the borders of the Plane of Shadow but much more rapidly relative to the Material Plane. Thus, you can use this spell to travel rapidly by stepping onto the Plane of Shadow, moving the desired distance, and then stepping back onto the Material Plane. Because of the blurring of reality between the Plane of Shadow and the Material Plane, you can't make out details of the terrain or areas you pass over during transit, nor can you predict perfectly where your travel will end. Its impossible to judge distances accurately, making the spell virtually useless for scouting or spying. Furthermore, when the spell effect ends, you are shunted 1d10x100 feet in a random horizontal direction from your desired endpoint. If this would place you within a solid object, you are shunted 1d10x1,000 feet in the same direction. If this would still place you within a solid object, you (and any creatures with you) are shunted to the nearest empty space available, but the strain of this activity renders each creature fatigued (no save). Shadow walk can also be used to travel to other planes that border on the Plane of Shadow, but this usage requires the transit of the Plane of Shadow to arrive at a border with another plane of reality. The transit of the Plane of Shadow requires 1d4 hours. Any creatures touched by you when shadow walk is cast also make the transition to the borders of the Plane of Shadow. They may opt to follow you, wander off through the plane, or stumble back into the Material Plane (50% chance for either of the latter results if they are lost or abandoned by you). Creatures unwilling to accompany you into the Plane of Shadow receive a Will saving throw, negating the effect if successful. |
Waves of Exhaustion | ||
Necromancy [Negative] | 1 standard action | SRD |
None - Yes | Arc 8, Blg 8, Sin-S 8, Sor/Wiz 7, Suffering 7, Wmg 7 | V, S |
Instant | 60 ft. | General |
Area: Cone-shaped burst | ||
Several targets become exhausted. |
Waves of negative energy cause all living creatures in the spell's area to become exhausted. This spell has no effect on a creature that is already exhausted. |
Astral Projection (M) | ||
Necromancy [Ectomancy] | 30 minutes | SRD |
None - Yes | APeace 9, Arc 9, Clr 9, Meditation 9, Mental 9, Sin-S 9, Sor/Wiz 9, Travel 9, Wuj 9 | V, S, M |
See text | Touch | General |
Targets: You plus one additional willing creature touched per two caster levels | ||
Materials: A jacinth worth at least 1,000 gp, plus a silver bar worth 5 gp for each person to be affected. | ||
Projects you and companions onto Astral Plane. |
By freeing your spirit from your physical body, this spell allows you to project an astral body onto another plane altogether. You can bring the astral forms of other willing creatures with you, provided that these subjects are linked in a circle with you at the time of the casting. These fellow travelers are dependent upon you and must accompany you at all times. If something happens to you during the journey, your companions are stranded wherever you left them. You project your astral self onto the Astral Plane, leaving your physical body behind on the Material Plane in a state of suspended animation. The spell projects an astral copy of you and all you wear or carry onto the Astral Plane. Since the Astral Plane touches upon other planes, you can travel astrally to any of these other planes as you will. To enter one, you leave the Astral Plane, forming a new physical body (and equipment) on the plane of existence you have chosen to enter. While you are on the Astral Plane, your astral body is connected at all times to your physical body by a silvery cord. If the cord is broken, you are killed, astrally and physically. Luckily, very few things can destroy a silver cord. When a second body is formed on a different plane, the incorporeal silvery cord remains invisibly attached to the new body. If the second body or the astral form is slain, the cord simply returns to your body where it rests on the Material Plane, thereby reviving it from its state of suspended animation. Although astral projections are able to function on the Astral Plane, their actions affect only creatures existing on the Astral Plane; a physical body must be materialized on other planes. You and your companions may travel through the Astral Plane indefinitely. Your bodies simply wait behind in a state of suspended animation until you choose to return your spirits to them. The spell lasts until you desire to end it, or until it is terminated by some outside means, such as dispel magic cast upon either the physical body or the astral form, the breaking of the silver cord, or the destruction of your body back on the Material Plane (which kills you). |