Index of Spells by Level - KotC 4

School Casting Time Source Book
Save - Res Level Comps
Dur Range Recharge
Dimensional Anchor
Abjuration 1 standard action SRD
None - Yes (object) Arc 4, Clr 4, Dem 3, Demonic 4, KotC 4, Portal 3, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 4 V, S
1 min./level Medium General

Bars extradimensional movement.

Discern Lies
Divination 1 standard action SRD
Will negates - No APeace 4, Arc 4, BVal 3, ChamGwyn 3, Clr 4, Drow 4, Inquisition 4, KotC 4, Mind 4, Nobility 4, Pal 3, Shu 4, Truth 4, Tyranny 3, Vassal of Bahamut 3 V, S, DF
Concentration, up to 1 round/level Close 6 hours

Reveals deliberate falsehoods.

Abjuration 1 standard action SRD
Will negates; see text - Yes APeace 4, Arc 4, Balance 4, Clr 4, Dem 4, Exorcism 4, KotC 4, Shu 4, Sor/Wiz 5, Wuj 4 V, S, DF
Instant Close General

Forces a creature to return to native plane.

Dispel Evil
Abjuration [Good] 1 standard action SRD
See text - See text APeace 5, Arc 5, BVal 4, ChamGwyn 4, Clr 5, Exorcism 5, Good 5, KotC 4, Pal 4, Vassal of Bahamut 4 V, S, DF
1 round/level or until discharged, whichever comes first Touch General

+4 bonus against attacks by evil creatures.

Holy Smite
Evocation [Good] 1 standard action SRD
Will partial; see text - Yes Exalted Arcanist 4, Glory 4, Good 4, KotC 4 V, S
Instant (1 round); see text Medium General

Damages and blinds evil creatures.

Greater Magic Weapon
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless, object) - Yes (harmless, object) Arc 4, Artificer 3, Clr 4, Duskblade 3, Dwarf 4, HB 3, KotC 4, Pal 3, Shu 3, Sor/Wiz 3, Wuj 3 V, S, M/DF
1 hour/level Close 6 hours

+1 bonus/four levels (max +5).

Lesser Planar Ally (XP)
Conjuration (Calling) [Varies] 10 minutes SRD
None - No APeace 4, Arc 4, Celestial 4, Clr 4, DrgBlw 4, Exalted Arcanist 4, Hth 4, KotC 4, Sin-L 4, Summoner 4 V, S, DF, XP
Instant Close 24 hours

Exchange services with a 6 HD extraplanar creature.

Lesser Visage of the Deity
    Complete Divine
  APeace 4, Arc 3, Blk 4, Clr 3, KotC 4, Mysticism 3, Pal 4  

You gain +4 Charisma and resistance 10 to certain energy types.