Deities: Dol Dorn (CG), Joramy (N), Kord (CG), Llerg (CN), Sovereign Host (pantheon) (NG)
Name: Competition
Granted Power: You relish the chance to prove yourself against your foes. As an extraordinary ability, you gain a +1 bonus on all opposed checks you make.
Name | ||
School | Casting Time | Source Book |
Save - Res | Level | Comps |
Dur | Range | Recharge |
Effect | ||
Expensive Focus | ||
Expensive Material | ||
XP Cost | ||
Description | ||
Full Description | ||
Remove Fear | ||
Abjuration | 1 standard action | SRD |
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) | APeace 1, Arc 1, Brd 1, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 1, Competition 1, Courage 1, Hlr 1, HotD 1, KotC 1, Pleasure 1, Shu 1 | V, S |
10 min.; see text | Close | General |
Targets: One creature plus one additional creature per four levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart | ||
Suppresses fear or gives +4 on saves against fear for one subject + one per four levels. |
You instill courage in the subject, granting it a +4 morale bonus against fear effects for 10 minutes. If the subject is under the influence of a fear effect when receiving the spell, that effect is suppressed for the duration of the spell. Remove fear counters and dispels cause fear. |
Zeal | ||
Complete Divine | ||
Arc 2, Blk 2, Competition 2, Pal 2 | ||
General | ||
You move through foes to attack the enemy you want. |
Prayer | ||
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] | 1 standard action | SRD |
None - Yes | APeace 3, Arc 3, ChamGwyn 3, Clr 3, Community 3, Competition 3, KotC 3, Orc 3, Pal 3, Shu 3 | V, S, DF |
1 round/level | 40 ft. | 5 minutes |
Area: All allies and foes within a 40-ft.-radius burst centered on you | ||
Allies +1 bonus on most rolls, enemies -1 penalty. |
You bring special favor upon yourself and your allies while bringing disfavor to your enemies. You and your each of your allies gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls. |
Divine Power | ||
Evocation | 1 standard action | SRD |
- | Arc 4, Clr 4, Competition 4, Orc 4, Sin-P 4, Vassal of Bahamut 4, War 4 | V, S, DF |
1 round/level | Personal | 5 minutes |
Target: You | ||
You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1 hp/level. |
Calling upon the divine power of your patron, you imbue yourself with strength and skill in combat. Your base attack bonus becomes equal to your character level (which may give you additional attacks), you gain a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength, and you gain 1 temporary hit point per caster level. |
Righteous Might | ||
Transmutation | 1 standard action | SRD |
- | Arc 5, Clr 5, Competition 5, Hatred 5, Mysticism 5, Shu 5, Sin-W 5, Strength 5, Wrath 5 | V, S, DF |
1 round/level (D) | Personal | 5 minutes |
Target: You | ||
Your size increases, and you gain combat bonuses. |
Your height immediately doubles, and your weight increases by a factor of eight. This increase changes your size category to the next larger one, and you gain a +8 size bonus to Strength and a +4 size bonus to Constitution. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to your natural armor. You gain damage reduction -5/evil (if you normally channel positive energy) or damage reduction -5/good (if you normally channel negative energy). At 12th level this damage reduction becomes -10/evil or -10/good, and at 15th level it becomes -15/evil or -15/good (the maximum). Your size modifier for AC and attacks changes as appropriate to your new size category. This spell doesn't change your speed. Determine space and reach as appropriate to your new size. If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, you attain the maximum possible size and may make a Strength check (using your increased Strength) to burst any enclosures in the process. If you fail, you are constrained without harm by the materials enclosing you the spell cannot crush you by increasing your size. All equipment you wear or carry is similarly enlarged by the spell. Melee and projectile weapons deal more damage. Other magical properties are not affected by this spell. Any enlarged item that leaves your possession (including a projectile or thrown weapon) instantly returns to its normal size. This means that thrown weapons deal their normal damage (projectiles deal damage based on the size of the weapon that fired them). Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack. |
Zealot Pact (XP) | ||
Complete Divine | ||
Arc 6, Clr 6, Competition 6, Pact 6 | ||
General | ||
You automatically gain combat bonuses when you attack someone of opposite alignment. |
Regenerate | ||
Conjuration (Healing) | 3 full rounds | SRD |
Fortitude negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) | APeace 7, Arc 7, Clr 7, Competition 7, Drd 9, Healing 7, Hlr 6, Life 7, Shu 8 | V, S, DF |
Instant | Touch | General |
Target: Living creature touched | ||
Subjects severed limbs grow back, cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +35). |
The subject's severed body members (fingers, toes, hands, feet, arms, legs, tails, or even heads of multiheaded creatures), broken bones, and ruined organs grow back. After the spell is cast, the physical regeneration is complete in 1 round if the severed members are present and touching the creature. It takes 2d10 rounds otherwise. Regenerate also cures 4d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +35), rids the subject of exhaustion and/or fatigue, and eliminates all nonlethal damage the subject has taken. It has no effect on nonliving creatures (including undead). |
Moment of Prescience | ||
Divination | 1 standard action | SRD |
- | Beguiler 8, Competition 8, Destiny 8, Fate 8, Luck 8, Sor/Wiz 8, Time 7 | V, S |
1 hour/level or until discharged | Personal | 6 hours |
Target: You | ||
You gain insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save. |
This spell grants you a powerful sixth sense in relation to yourself. Once during the spells duration, you may choose to use its effect. This spell grants you an insight bonus equal to your caster level (maximum +25) on any single attack roll, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw. Alternatively, you can apply the insight bonus to your AC against a single attack (even if flatfooted). Activating the effect doesn't take an action; you can even activate it on another characters turn if needed. You must choose to use the moment of prescience before you make the roll it is to modify. Once used, the spell ends. You can't have more than one moment of prescience active on you at the same time. |
Greater Visage of the Deity | ||
Complete Divine | ||
APeace 9, Arc 9, Clr 9, Competition 9, Exalted Arcanist 9, Herald 9, Mysticism 9, Purification 9 | ||
General | ||
As visage of the deity, lesser , except that you become half-celestial or half-fiend. |