Index of Spells by Level - Beguiler 8

School Casting Time Source Book
Save - Res Level Comps
Dur Range Recharge
Expensive Focus
Expensive Material
XP Cost
Full Description
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 10 minutes SRD
Will partial - Yes Beguiler 8, Charm 8, Diabolic 8, Nobility 8, Sor/Wiz 8 V, S, M/DF
1 round; see text See text 30 minutes
Target: One creature

As sending, plus you can send suggestion.

You contact a particular creature with which you are familiar and send a short message of twenty-five words or less to the subject. The subject recognizes you if it knows you. It can answer in like manner immediately. If the creature in question is not on the same plane of existence as you are, there is a 5% chance that the demand does not arrive. (Local conditions on other planes may worsen this chance considerably.)

You influence the actions of the target creature by demanding a course of activity (limited to the length of the short message). The demand must be worded in such a manner as to make the activity sound reasonable. Asking the creature to do some obviously harmful act automatically negates the effect of the spell.

A very reasonable suggestion causes the save to be made with a penalty (such as 1 or 2).

A successful Will save negates the suggestion effect but not the contact itself. The demand, if received, is understood even if the subjects Intelligence score is as low as 1. If the message is impossible or meaningless according to the circumstances that exist for the subject at the time the demand is issued, the message is understood but the suggestion is ineffective.

Discern Location
Divination 10 minutes SRD
None - No APeace 8, Arc 8, Beguiler 8, Clr 8, Hlr 8, Knowledge 8, Oracle 8, Planning 8, Retribution 8, Shu 8, Sin-A 8, Sor/Wiz 8, Trade 9, Truth 8, Wealth 8 V, S, DF
Instant Unlimited 6 hours
Target: One creature or object

Reveals exact location of creature or object.

A discern location spell is among the most powerful means of locating creatures or objects. Nothing short of a mind blank spell or the direct intervention of a deity keeps you from learning the exact location of a single individual or object. Discern location circumvents normal means of protection from scrying or location. The spell reveals the name of the creature or objects location (place, name, business name, building name, or the like), community, county (or similar political division), country, continent, and the plane of existence where the target lies.

To find a creature with the spell, you must have seen the creature or have some item that once belonged to it. To find an object, you must have touched it at least once.

Mind Blank
Abjuration 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) Arc 8, Beguiler 8, Blg 8, Liberation 8, Meditation 8, Mental 8, Mind 8, Protection 8, Sor/Wiz 8, Trade 8, Wuj 8 V, S
1 day Close 12 hours
Target: One creature

Subject is immune to mental/emotional magic and scrying.

The subject is protected from all devices and spells that detect, influence, or read emotions or thoughts. This spell protects against all mind-affecting spells and effects as well as information gathering by divination spells or effects. Mind blank even foils limited wish, miracle, and wish spells when they are used in such a way as to affect the subjects mind or to gain information about it. In the case of scrying that scans an area the creature is in, such as arcane eye, the spell works but the creature simply isn't detected. Scrying attempts that are targeted specifically at the subject do not work at all.

Moment of Prescience
Divination 1 standard action SRD
- Beguiler 8, Competition 8, Destiny 8, Fate 8, Luck 8, Sor/Wiz 8, Time 7 V, S
1 hour/level or until discharged Personal 6 hours
Target: You

You gain insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save.

This spell grants you a powerful sixth sense in relation to yourself. Once during the spells duration, you may choose to use its effect. This spell grants you an insight bonus equal to your caster level (maximum +25) on any single attack roll, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw. Alternatively, you can apply the insight bonus to your AC against a single attack (even if flatfooted). Activating the effect doesn't take an action; you can even activate it on another characters turn if needed. You must choose to use the moment of prescience before you make the roll it is to modify. Once used, the spell ends.

You can't have more than one moment of prescience active on you at the same time.

Power Word Stun
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action SRD
None - Yes Beguiler 8, Dream 8, Sor/Wiz 8, War 8, Wuj 8 V
See text Close General
Target: One creature with 150 hp or less

Stuns creature with 150 hp or less.

You utter a single word of power that instantly causes one creature of your choice to become stunned, whether the creature can hear the word or not. The duration of the spell depends on the targets current hit point total. Any creature that currently has 151 or more hit points is unaffected by power word stun.

Hit Points, Duration

50 or less, 4d4 rounds

51-100, 2d4 rounds

101-150, 1d4 rounds

Scintillating Pattern
Illusion (Pattern) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action SRD
None - Yes Beguiler 8, Sor/Wiz 8, Wmg 8 V, S, M
Concentration + 2 rounds Close General
Effect: Colorful lights in a 20-ft.-radius spread

Twisting colors confuse, stun, or render unconscious.

A twisting pattern of discordant, coruscating colors weaves through the air, affecting creatures within it. The spell affects a total number of Hit Dice of creatures equal to your caster level (maximum 20). Creatures with the fewest HD are affected first; and, among creatures with equal HD, those who are closest to the spell's point of origin are affected first. Hit Dice that are not sufficient to affect a creature are wasted. The spell affects each subject according to its Hit Dice.

6 or less: Unconscious for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then confused for 1d4 rounds. (Treat an unconscious result as stunned for nonliving creatures.)

7 to 12: Stunned for 1d4 rounds, then confused for 1d4 rounds.

13 or more: Confused for 1d4 rounds.

Sightless creatures are not affected by scintillating pattern.

Illusion (Glamer) 10 minutes SRD
None or Will disbelief (if interacted with); see text - No Arc 8, Beguiler 8, Gnome 7, Illusion 8, Shu 8, Sor/Wiz 8, Trickery 7, VDarkness 9 V, S
1 day Close 24 hours
Area: 30-ft. cube/level (S)

Illusion hides area from vision, scrying.

This spell combines several elements to create a powerful protection from scrying and direct observation. When casting the spell, you dictate what will and will not be observed in the spells area. The illusion created must be stated in general terms. Once the conditions are set, they cannot be changed.

Attempts to scry the area automatically detect the image stated by you with no save allowed. Sight and sound are appropriate to the illusion created.

Direct observation may allow a save (as per a normal illusion), if there is cause to disbelieve what is seen. Even entering the area does not cancel the illusion or necessarily allow a save, assuming that hidden beings take care to stay out of the way of those affected by the illusion.