Index of Spells by Level - MH 2

School Casting Time Source Book
Save - Res Level Comps
Dur Range Recharge
Detect Thoughts
Divination [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates; see text - No Arc 2, Beguiler 2, Brd 2, EmBarachiel 2, Inquisition 3, Knowledge 2, Mental 2, MH 2, Mind 2, Shu 2, Sor/Wiz 2, Truth 1, Wuj 2 V, S, F/DF
Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D) 60 ft. General

Allows listening to surface thoughts.

Evil Eye
    Book of Vile Darkness
  MH 2, Sor/Wiz 3  
    4 hours

Subject takes -4 penalty on attacks, saves, and checks.

Hold Person
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates; see text - Yes Arc 2, Beguiler 3, Brd 2, Clr 2, EmBarachiel 2, MH 2, Shu 2, Sor/Wiz 3, Wuj 2 V, S, F/DF
1 round/level (D); see text Medium General

Paralyzes one humanoid for 1 round/level.

Magic Circle against Good
Abjuration [Evil] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - No; see text Arc 3, Asn 3, Clr 3, Dem 2, Evil 3, MH 2, Sor/Wiz 3, Wuj 3 V, S, M/DF
10 min./level Touch 4 hours

As protection spells, but 10-ft. radius and 10 min./level.

See Invisibility
Divination 1 standard action SRD
- Adp 2, Arc 2, Beguiler 2, Brd 3, Duskblade 2, EmBarachiel 3, HB 2, MH 2, Sor/Wiz 2, Truth 3, Wuj 2 V, S, M
10 min./level (D) Personal 4 hours

Reveals invisible creatures or objects.

Conjuration (Creation) 1 standard action SRD
Reflex negates; see text - No Adp 2, Arc 2, MH 2, Sor/Wiz 2 V, S, M
10 min./level (D) Medium 5 minutes

Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs.

Wither Limb
  Deathbound 4, MH 2  
    12 hours

Cause enemy's limbs to wither.