Index of Spells by Domain - Force

Deities: Aureon (LN), Sovereign Host (pantheon) (NG), Tharizdun (NE)

Name: Force

Granted Power: By manipulating cosmic forces of inertia and force, once per day the cleric can reroll any damage roll (for a weapon, a spell, or an ability) and take the better of the two rolls. This granted power is considered a supernatural ability.

School Casting Time Source Book
Save - Res Level Comps
Dur Range Recharge
Expensive Focus
Expensive Material
XP Cost
Full Description
Mage Armor
Conjuration (Creation) [Force] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - No Beguiler 1, Force 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Spell 1 V, S, F
1 hour/level (D) Touch 6 hours
Target: Creature touched

Gives subject +4 armor bonus.

An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC.

Unlike mundane armor, mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Since mage armor is made of force, incorporeal creatures can't bypass it the way they do normal armor.

Magic Missile
Evocation [Force] 1 standard action SRD
None - Yes Force 2, Sor/Wiz 1, Wmg 1, Wuj 1 V, S
Instant Medium General
Targets: Up to five creatures, no two of which can be more than 15 ft. apart

1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5).

A missile of magical energy darts forth from your fingertip and strikes its target, dealing 1d4+1 points of force damage.

The missile strikes unerringly, even if the target is in melee combat or has less than total cover or total concealment. Specific parts of a creature can't be singled out. Inanimate objects are not damaged by the spell.

For every two caster levels beyond 1st, you gain an additional missile-two at 3rd level, three at 5th, four at 7th, and the maximum of five missiles at 9th level or higher. If you shoot multiple missiles, you can have them strike a single creature or several creatures. A single missile can strike only one creature. You must designate targets before you check for spell resistance or roll damage.

Blast of Force
  Force 3, Sor/Wiz 2  

Ray deals 1d6 damage/2 caster levels (max 5d6).

Resilient Sphere
Evocation [Force] 1 standard action SRD
Reflex negates - Yes Force 4, Sor/Wiz 4 V, S, M
1 min./level (D) Close General
Effect: 1-ft.-diameter/level sphere, centered around a creature

Force globe protects but traps one subject.

A globe of shimmering force encloses a creature, provided the creature is small enough to fit within the diameter of the sphere. The sphere contains its subject for the spell's duration. The sphere is not subject to damage of any sort except from a rod of cancellation, a rod of negation, a disintegrate spell, or a targeted dispel magic spell. These effects destroy the sphere without harm to the subject. Nothing can pass through the sphere, inside or out, though the subject can breathe normally.

The subject may struggle, but the sphere cannot be physically moved either by people outside it or by the struggles of those within.

Wall of Force
Evocation [Force] 1 standard action SRD
None - No Artificer 5, Force 5, Sor/Wiz 5, VDarkness 6, Wuj 5 V, S, M
1 round/level (D) Close General
Effect: Wall whose area is up to one 10-ft. square/level

Wall is immune to damage.

A wall of force spell creates an invisible wall of force. The wall cannot move, it is immune to damage of all kinds, and it is unaffected by most spells, including dispel magic. However, disintegrate immediately destroys it, as does a rod of cancellation, a sphere of annihilation, or a mage's disjunction spell. Breath weapons and spells cannot pass through the wall in either direction, although dimension door, teleport, and similar effects can bypass the barrier. It blocks ethereal creatures as well as material ones (though ethereal creatures can usually get around the wall by floating under or over it through material floors and ceilings). Gaze attacks can operate through a wall of force.

The caster can form the wall into a flat, vertical plane whose area is up to one 10- foot square per level. The wall must be continuous and unbroken when formed. If its surface is broken by any object or creature, the spell fails.

Wall of force can be made permanent with a permanency spell.

Repulsion (F)
Abjuration 1 standard action SRD
Will negates - Yes APeace 7, Arc 7, Beguiler 6, Blg 7, Clr 7, Force 6, Hlr 7, Nobility 7, Protection 7, Sor/Wiz 6, Wuj 6 V, S, F/DF
1 round/level (D) 10 ft./level General
Area: Up to 10-ft.-radius/level emanation centered on you
Focus: A: A pair of small iron bars attached to two small canine statuettes, one black and one white, the whole array worth 50 gp.

Creatures can't approach you.

An invisible, mobile field surrounds you and prevents creatures from approaching you. You decide how big the field is at the time of casting (to the limit your level allows). Any creature within or entering the field must attempt a save. If it fails, it becomes unable to move toward you for the duration of the spell. Repelled creatures actions are not otherwise restricted.

They can fight other creatures and can cast spells and attack you with ranged weapons. If you move closer to an affected creature, nothing happens. (The creature is not forced back.) The creature is free to make melee attacks against you if you come within reach. If a repelled creature moves away from you and then tries to turn back toward you, it cannot move any closer if it is still within the spell's area.

Forcecage (M)
Evocation [Force] 1 standard action SRD
None - No Craft 8, Force 7, Sor/Wiz 7 V, S, M
2 hours/level (D) Close General
Area: Barred cage (20-ft. cube) or windowless cell (10-ft. cube)
Materials: Ruby dust worth 1,500 gp, which is tossed into the air and disappears when you cast the spell.

Cube or cage of force imprisons all inside.

This powerful spell brings into being an immobile, invisible cubical prison composed of either bars of force or solid walls of force (your choice).

Creatures within the area are caught and contained unless they are too big to fit inside, in which case the spell automatically fails. Teleportation and other forms of astral travel provide a means of escape, but the force walls or bars extend into the Ethereal Plane, blocking ethereal travel.

Like a wall of force spell, a forcecage resists dispel magic, but it is vulnerable to a disintegrate spell, and it can be destroyed by a sphere of annihilation or a rod of cancellation.

Barred Cage: This version of the spell produces a 20-foot cube made of bands of force (similar to a wall of force spell) for bars. The bands are a half-inch wide, with half-inch gaps between them. Any creature capable of passing through such a small space can escape; others are confined. You can't attack a creature in a barred cage with a weapon unless the weapon can fit between the gaps. Even against such weapons (including arrows and similar ranged attacks), a creature in the barred cage has cover. All spells and breath weapons can pass through the gaps in the bars.

Windowless Cell: This version of the spell produces a 10-foot cube with no way in and no way out. Solid walls of force form its six sides.

Telekinetic Sphere
Evocation [Force] 1 standard action SRD
Reflex negates (object) - Yes (object) Force 8, Sor/Wiz 8 V, S, M
1 min./level (D) Close General
Effect: 1-ft.-diameter/level sphere, centered around creatures or objects

As resilient sphere, but you move sphere telekinetically.

This spell functions like resilient sphere, with the addition that the creatures or objects inside the globe are nearly weightless. Anything contained within an telekinetic sphere weighs only one-sixteenth of its normal weight. You can telekinetically lift anything in the sphere that normally weighs 5,000 pounds or less. The telekinetic control extends from you out to medium range (100 feet + 10 feet per caster level) after the sphere has succeeded in encapsulating its contents.

You can move objects or creatures in the sphere that weigh a total of 5,000 pounds or less by concentrating on the sphere. You can begin moving a sphere in the round after casting the spell. If you concentrate on doing so (a standard action), you can move the sphere as much as 30 feet in a round. If you cease concentrating, the sphere does not move in that round (if on a level surface) or descends at its falling rate (if aloft) until it reaches a level surface, or the spells duration expires, or you begin concentrating again. If you cease concentrating (voluntarily or due to failing a Concentration check), you can resume concentrating on your next turn or any later turn during the spells duration.

The sphere falls at a rate of only 60 feet per round, which is not fast enough to cause damage to the contents of the sphere.

You can move the sphere telekinetically even if you are in it.

Crushing Hand
Evocation [Force] 1 standard action SRD
None - Yes Force 9, Sor/Wiz 9, Strength 9 V, S, M, F/DF
1 round/level (D) Medium General
Effect: 10-ft. hand

Large hand provides cover, pushes, or crushes your foes.

This spell functions like interposing hand, except that the hand can interpose itself, push, or crush one opponent that you select.

The crushing hand can grapple an opponent like grasping hand does. Its grapple bonus equals your caster level + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (for a wizard, cleric, or sorcerer, respectively), +12 for the hands Strength score (35), +4 for being Large. The hand deals 2d6+12 points of damage (lethal, not nonlethal) on each successful grapple check against an opponent.

The crushing hand can also interpose itself as interposing hand does, or it can bull rush an opponent as forceful hand does, but at a +18 bonus.

Directing the spell to a new target is a move action.

Clerics who cast this spell name it for their deities.