Index of Spells by Level - Artificer 2

School Casting Time Source Book
Save - Res Level Comps
Dur Range Recharge
Expensive Focus
Expensive Material
XP Cost
Full Description
Align Weapon
Transmutation [Varies] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless, object) - Yes (harmless, object) Arc 2, Artificer 2, Clr 2, KotC 2, Vassal of Bahamut 2 V, S, DF
1 min./level Touch 5 minutes
Target: Weapon touched or fifty projectiles (all of which must be in contact with each other at the time of casting)

Weapon becomes good, evil, lawful, or chaotic.

Align weapon makes a weapon good, evil, lawful, or chaotic, as you choose. A weapon that is aligned can bypass the damage reduction of certain creatures. This spell has no effect on a weapon that already has an alignment.

You can't cast this spell on a natural weapon, such as an unarmed strike.

When you make a weapon good, evil, lawful, or chaotic, align weapon is a good, evil, lawful, or chaotic spell, respectively.

Armor Enhancement (M)
  Artificer 2  

Armor or shield gains special ability with +3 bonus market price modifier.

Bear's Endurance
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes Adp 2, APeace 2, Arc 2, Artificer 2, Clr 2, Drd 2, Duskblade 2, Dwarf 2, Endurance 2, KotC 2, Retribution 2, Rgr 2, Shu 2, Sor/Wiz 2, Suffering 2, Vassal of Bahamut 2, Wuj 2 V, S, DF
1 min./level Touch 5 minutes
Target: Creature touched

Subject gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level.

The affected creature gains greater vitality and stamina. The spell grants the subject a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, which adds the usual benefits to hit points, Fortitude saves, Constitution checks, and so forth.

Hit points gained by a temporary increase in Constitution score are not temporary hit points. They go away when the subjects Constitution drops back to normal. They are not lost first as temporary hit points are.

Bull's Strength
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) Adp 2, Arc 2, Artificer 2, Bestial 2, Blk 2, ChamGwyn 2, Clr 2, Drd 2, Duskblade 2, HB 2, HotD 2, KotC 2, Pal 2, Shu 2, Sin-W 2, Sor/Wiz 2, Strength 2, Vassal of Bahamut 2, Wuj 2 V, S, M/DF
1 min./level Touch 5 minutes
Target: Creature touched

Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.

The subject becomes stronger. The spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, adding the usual benefits to melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, and other uses of the Strength modifier.

Cat's Grace
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes Adp 2, Arc 2, Artificer 2, Asn 2, Brd 2, Celerity 2, Drd 2, Duskblade 2, Elf 2, EmBarachiel 2, Halfling 2, Hoard 2, Rgr 2, Shu 2, Sor/Wiz 2, Wuj 2 V, S, M
1 min./level Touch 5 minutes
Target: Creature touched

Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level.

The transmuted creature becomes more graceful, agile, and coordinated. The spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity, adding the usual benefits to AC, Reflex saves, and other uses of the Dexterity modifier.

Chill Metal
Transmutation [Cold] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (object) - Yes (object) Arc 2, Artificer 2, Blg 2, Cold 2, Drd 2 V, S, DF
7 rounds Close General
Target: Metal equipment of one creature per two levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart; or 25 lb. of metal/level, none of which can be more than 30 ft. away from any of the rest

Cold metal damages those who touch it.

Chill metal makes metal extremely cold. Unattended, nonmagical metal gets no saving throw. Magical metal is allowed a saving throw against the spell. An item in a creatures possession uses the creatures saving throw bonus unless its own is higher.

A creature takes cold damage if its equipment is chilled. It takes full damage if its armor is affected or if it is holding, touching, wearing, or carrying metal weighing one-fifth of its weight. The creature takes minimum damage (1 point or 2 points; see the table) if its not wearing metal armor and the metal that its carrying weighs less than one-fifth of its weight.

On the first round of the spell, the metal becomes chilly and uncomfortable to touch but deals no damage. The same effect also occurs on the last round of the spells duration. During the second (and also the next-to-last) round, icy coldness causes pain and damage. In the third, fourth, and fifth rounds, the metal is freezing cold, causing more damage, as shown on the table below.

RoundMetal TemperatureDamage

Any heat intense enough to damage the creature negates cold damage from the spell (and vice versa) on a point-for-point basis. Underwater, chill metal deals no damage, but ice immediately forms around the affected metal, making it more buoyant. Chill metal counters and dispels heat metal.

Lesser Construct Essence
  Artificer 2, Sor/Wiz 2, Warforged 2  

Grants a living construct qualities of the construct type.

Eagle's Splendor
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes APeace 2, Arc 2, Artificer 2, Blk 2, Brd 2, BVal 2, ChamGwyn 2, Clr 2, EmBarachiel 2, HB 2, Pal 2, Sin-P 2, Sor/Wiz 2, Trade 3 V, S, M/DF
1 min./level Touch 5 minutes
Target: Creature touched

Subject gains +4 to Cha for 1 min./level.

The transmuted creature becomes more poised, articulate, and personally forceful. The spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma, adding the usual benefits to Charisma-based skill checks and other uses of the Charisma modifier. Sorcerers and bards (and other spellcasters who rely on Charisma) affected by this spell do not gain any additional bonus spells for the increased Charisma, but the save DCs for spells they cast while under this spells effect do increase.

Elemental Prod
  Artificer 2  

Move an elemental creature a short distance.

Fox's Cunning
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes Artificer 2, Asn 2, Brd 2, EmBarachiel 2, Sor/Wiz 2 V, S, M/DF
1 min./level Touch 5 minutes
Target: Creature touched

Subject gains +4 to Int for 1 min./level.

The transmuted creature becomes smarter. The spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, adding the usual benefits to Intelligence-based skill checks and other uses of the Intelligence modifier. Wizards (and other spellcasters who rely on Intelligence) affected by this spell do not gain any additional bonus spells for the increased Intelligence, but the save DCs for spells they cast while under this spells effect do increase. This spell doesn't grant extra skill points.

Heat Metal
Transmutation [Fire] 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (object) - Yes (object) Arc 2, Artificer 2, Blg 2, Drd 2, Metal 2, Shu 2, Sun 2 V, S, DF
7 rounds Close General
Target: Metal equipment of one creature per two levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart; or 25 lb. of metal/level, all of which must be within a 30-ft. circle

Make metal so hot it damages those who touch it.

Heat metal makes metal extremely warm. Unattended, nonmagical metal gets no saving throw. Magical metal is allowed a saving throw against the spell. An item in a creatures possession uses the creatures saving throw bonus unless its own is higher.

A creature takes fire damage if its equipment is heated. It takes full damage if its armor is affected or if it is holding, touching, wearing, or carrying metal weighing one-fifth of its weight. The creature takes minimum damage (1 point or 2 points; see the table) if its not wearing metal armor and the metal that its carrying weighs less than one-fifth of its weight.

On the first round of the spell, the metal becomes warm and uncomfortable to touch but deals no damage. The same effect also occurs on the last round of the spells duration. During the second (and also the next-to-last) round, intense heat causes pain and damage. In the third, fourth, and fifth rounds, the metal is searing hot, causing more damage, as shown on the table below.

RoundMetal TemperatureDamage
2Hot1d4 points
3-5Searing2d4 points
6Hot1d4 points

Any cold intense enough to damage the creature negates fire damage from the spell (and vice versa) on a point-for-point basis. If cast underwater, heat metal deals half damage and boils the surrounding water.

Heat metal counters and dispels chill metal.

Inflict Moderate Damage
  Artificer 2  

Deals 2d8 + 1/level damage (maximum +10) to a construct.

Lucky Blade
  Artificer 2  

Weapon grants a single reroll of an attack.

Lesser Natural Weapon Augmentation
  Artificer 2  

Natural weapon gains special ability with +1 bonus market price modifier.

Owl's Wisdom
Transmutation 1 standard action SRD
Will negates (harmless) - Yes APeace 2, Arc 2, Artificer 2, BVal 2, ChamGwyn 2, Clr 2, Drd 2, Meditation 2, Pal 2, Rgr 2, Sor/Wiz 2 V, S, M/DF
1 min./level Touch 5 minutes
Target: Creature touched

Subject gains +4 to Wis for 1 min./level.

The transmuted creature becomes wiser. The spell grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Wisdom, adding the usual benefit to Wisdom-related skills. Clerics, druids, paladins, and rangers (and other Wisdom-based spellcasters) who receive owls wisdom do not gain any additional bonus spells for the increased Wisdom, but the save DCs for their spells increase.

Reinforce Construct
  Artificer 2  

Construct gains 1d6 + 1/level temporary hit points.

Repair Moderate Damage
    Complete Arcane
  Artificer 2, Sor/Wiz 2  

"Cures" 2d8+1/level (max +10) points of damage to a construct.

Suppress Dragonmark
  Artificer 2, Sor/Wiz 2  

Suppress the spell-like abilities of target's dragonmark.

Toughen Construct
  Artificer 2  
    1 hour

Grants construct +2 (or higher) enhancement to natural armor.

Unseen Crafter
  Arc 2, Artificer 2, Brd 2, Clr 2, Sor/Wiz 2  

Invisible force obeys your command and can use the Craft skill.

Lesser Weapon Augmentation (M)
  Artificer 2  

Weapon gains special ability with +1 bonus market price modifier.