Name | ||||||||||||||||||||||
School | Casting Time | Source Book | ||||||||||||||||||||
Save - Res | Level | Comps | ||||||||||||||||||||
Dur | Range | Recharge | ||||||||||||||||||||
Effect | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Expensive Focus | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Expensive Material | ||||||||||||||||||||||
XP Cost | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Full Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Axiomatic Water (M) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Clr 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Makes lawful-aligned axiomatic water. |
Blaze of Light | ||||||||||||||||||||||
HoB | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Drd 2, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
60ft. cone of light dazzles creatures. |
Bless | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
None - Yes (harmless) | Adp 1, APeace 1, Arc 1, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 1, Community 1, Exalted Arcanist 1, Family 1, Pal 1, Shu 1, Vassal of Bahamut 1 | V, S, DF | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 min./level | 50 ft. | 30 minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Area: The caster and all allies within a 50-ft. burst, centered on the caster | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Allies gain +1 on attack rolls and saves against fear. |
Bless fills your allies with courage. Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects. Bless counters and dispels bane. |
Bless Water (M) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Transmutation [Positive] [Good] | 1 minute | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
Will negates (object) - Yes (object) | APeace 1, Arc 1, Clr 1, Hlr 1, KotC 1, Pal 1 | V, S, M | ||||||||||||||||||||
Instant | Touch | General | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target: Flask of water touched | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Materials: 5 pounds of powdered silver (worth 25 gp). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Makes holy water. |
This transmutation imbues a flask (1 pint) of water with positive energy, turning it into holy water. |
Bless Weapon | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Transmutation | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
None - No | Arc 1, ChamGwyn 1, Glory 2, KotC 1, Pal 1, Slayer of Domiel 1, Vassal of Bahamut 1 | V, S | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 min./level | Touch | 5 minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target: Weapon touched | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Weapon strikes true against evil foes. |
This transmutation makes a weapon strike true against evil foes. The weapon is treated as having a +1 enhancement bonus for the purpose of bypassing the damage reduction of evil creatures or striking evil incorporeal creatures (though the spell doesn't grant an actual enhancement bonus). The weapon also becomes good, which means it can bypass the damage reduction of certain creatures. (This effect overrides and suppresses any other alignment the weapon might have.) Individual arrows or bolts can be transmuted, but affected projectile weapons (such as bows) don't confer the benefit to the projectiles they shoot. In addition, all critical hit rolls against evil foes are automatically successful, so every threat is a critical hit. This last effect does not apply to any weapon that already has a magical effect related to critical hits, such as a keen weapon or a vorpal sword. |
Swift Bless Weapon | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Weapon strikes true against evil foes for 1 round (swift). |
Blessed Aim | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blk 1, Clr 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
+2 bonus for allies' ranged attacks. |
Clear Mind | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1 hour | ||||||||||||||||||||||
+4 on saves against mind-affecting spells and abilities. |
Create Water | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Conjuration (Creation) [Water] | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
None - No | Adp 0, APeace 0, Arc 0, Clr 0, Creation 1, Drd 0, Hlr 0, Pal 1, Shu 0 | V, S | ||||||||||||||||||||
Instant | Close | 30 minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Effect: Up to 2 gallons of water/level | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water. |
This spell generates wholesome, drinkable water, just like clean rain water. Water can be created in an area as small as will actually contain the liquid, or in an area three times as large possibly creating a downpour or filling many small receptacles. Note: Conjuration spells cant create substances or objects within a creature. Water weighs about 8 pounds per gallon. One cubic foot of water contains roughly 8 gallons and weighs about 60 pounds. |
Cure Light Wounds | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Conjuration (Healing) [Positive] | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
Will half (harmless); see text - Yes (harmless); see text | Adp 1, APeace 1, Arc 1, Blk 1, Brd 1, BVal 1, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, EmBarachiel 1, Healing 1, Hlr 1, HotD 1, Pal 1, Rgr 2, Shu 1 | V, S | ||||||||||||||||||||
Instant | Touch | General | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target: Creature touched | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Cures 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5). |
When laying your hand upon a living creature, you channel positive energy that cures 1d8 points of damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +5). Since undead are powered by negative energy, this spell deals damage to them instead of curing their wounds. An undead creature can apply spell resistance, and can attempt a Will save to take half damage. |
Deafening Clang | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Swift, Weapon deafens with a successful touch attack. |
Detect Attitude | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dragon 323 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Brd 1, Clr 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Reveals target's attitude. |
Detect Guilt | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dragon 323 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Clr 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
30 minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Reveals how much guilt target feels. |
Detect Poison | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Divination | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
None - No | APeace 0, Arc 0, Asn 1, Blg 0, BVal 1, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 0, Drd 0, Hlr 0, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Shu 0, Sor/Wiz 0, Wuj 0 | V, S | ||||||||||||||||||||
Instant | Close | 5 minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target or Area: One creature, one object, or a 5-ft. cube | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Detects poison in one creature or object. |
You determine whether a creature, object, or area has been poisoned or is poisonous. You can determine the exact type of poison with a DC 20 Wisdom check. A character with the Craft (alchemy) skill may try a DC 20 Craft (alchemy) check if the Wisdom check fails, or may try the Craft (alchemy) check prior to the Wisdom check. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it. |
Detect Undead | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Divination | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
None - No | APeace 1, Arc 1, Blg 1, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 1, Deathless 1, Pal 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Undeath 1 | V, S, M/DF | ||||||||||||||||||||
Concentration, up to 1 min./level (D) | 60 ft. | General | ||||||||||||||||||||
Area: Cone-shaped emanation | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Reveals undead within 60 ft. |
You can detect the aura that surrounds undead creatures. The amount of information revealed depends on how long you study a particular area. 1st Round: Presence or absence of undead auras. 2nd Round: Number of undead auras in the area and the strength of the strongest undead aura present. If you are of good alignment, and the strongest undead aura's strength is overwhelming (see below), and the creature has HD of at least twice your character level, you are stunned for 1 round and the spell ends. 3rd Round: The strength and location of each undead aura. If an aura is outside your line of sight, then you discern its direction but not its exact location. Aura Strength: The strength of an undead aura is determined by the HD of the undead creature, as given on the following table:
Lingering Aura: An undead aura lingers after its original source is destroyed. If detect undead is cast and directed at such a location, the spell indicates an aura strength of dim (even weaker than a faint aura). How long the aura lingers at this dim level depends on its original power:
Each round, you can turn to detect undead in a new area. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it. |
Detect Violence | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dragon 323 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Clr 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
30 minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Reveals violence done in area within recent past. |
Divine Favor | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Evocation | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
- | Arc 1, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 1, KotC 1, Mysticism 1, Nobility 1, Pal 1, Slayer of Domiel 1, Vassal of Bahamut 1 | V, S, DF | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 min. | Personal | 5 minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target: You | ||||||||||||||||||||||
You gain +1 per three levels on attack and damage rolls. |
Calling upon the strength and wisdom of a deity, you gain a +1 luck bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls for every three caster levels you have (at least +1, maximum +6). The bonus doesn't apply to spell damage. |
Divine Sacrifice | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blk 1, ChamGwyn 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
You sacrifice hit points to deal extra damage. |
Endure Elements | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Abjuration | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) | Adp 1, APeace 1, Arc 1, Blg 1, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Endurance 1, KotC 1, Ocean 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Shu 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Sun 1, Vassal of Bahamut 1, Wuj 1 | V, S | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 day | Touch | 6 hours | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target: Creature touched | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments. |
A creature protected by endure elements suffers no harm from being in a hot or cold environment. It can exist comfortably in conditions between -50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves). The creatures equipment is likewise protected. Endure elements doesn't provide any protection from fire or cold damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth. |
Lesser Energized Shield | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 2, Clr 2, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Shield provides user resistance 5, shield bash deals +1d6 damage. |
Faith Healing | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blk 1, Clr 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Cures 8 +1/level damage (max +5) to worshiper of your patron. |
Find Temple | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||||||||||
You know direction of your deity's nearest temple. |
Golden Barding | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blk 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Your mount gets force armor. |
Grave Strike | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Clr 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Swift. You can sneak attack undead for 1 round. |
Holy Spurs | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Special mount's speed increases by 40 ft. for 1 round (swift). |
Know Greatest Enemy | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blk 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Determines relative power level of creatures within the area. |
Lantern Light | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Book of Exalted Deeds | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Clr 1, Pal 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Vassal of Bahamut 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Ranged touch attack deals 1d6 points of damage. |
Lionheart | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The subject gains immunity to fear effects. |
Magic Weapon | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Transmutation | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
Will negates (harmless, object) - Yes (harmless, object) | Arc 1, Artificer 1, Blk 1, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 1, Duskblade 1, Dwarf 1, HB 1, HotD 1, KotC 1, Metal 1, Pal 1, Shu 1, Sor/Wiz 1, War 1, Wuj 1 | V, S, DF | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 min./level | Touch | 5 minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target: Weapon touched | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Weapon gains +1 bonus. |
Magic weapon gives a weapon a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. (An enhancement bonus does not stack with a masterwork weapons +1 bonus on attack rolls.) You cant cas't this spell on a natural weapon, such as an unarmed strike (instead, see magic fang). A monk's unarmed strike is considered a weapon, and thus it can be enhanced by this spell. |
Moment of Clarity | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Book of Exalted Deeds | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Target immediately makes a new saving throw to resist a mind-affecting spell or effect. |
Lesser One Mind | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Protection from Chaos | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Abjuration [Lawful] | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
Will negates (harmless) - No; see text | Adp 1, Arc 1, Clr 1, EmBarachiel 1, HB 1, Law 1, Pal 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Wuj 1 | V, S, M/DF | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 min./level (D) | Touch | 5 minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target: Creature touched | ||||||||||||||||||||||
+2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. |
This spell wards a creature from attacks by chaotic creatures, from mental control, and from summoned creatures. It creates a magical barrier around the subject at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the subject and has three major effects. First, the subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by chaotic creatures. Second, the barrier blocks any attempt to possess the warded creature (by a magic jar attack, for example) or to exercise mental control over the creature (including enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion) effects that grant the caster ongoing control over the subject, such as dominate person). The protection does not prevent such effects from targeting the protected creature, but it suppresses the effect for the duration of the protection from chaotic effect. If the protection from chaos effect ends before the effect granting mental control does, the would-be controller would then be able to mentally command the controlled creature. Likewise, the barrier keeps out a possessing life force but does not expel one if it is in place before the spell is cast. This second effect works regardless of alignment. Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Lawful summoned creatures are immune to this effect. The protection against contact by summoned creatures ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature. |
Protection from Evil | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Abjuration [Good] | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
Will negates (harmless) - No; see text | Adp 1, APeace 1, Arc 1, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 1, Dem 1, EmBarachiel 1, Exorcism 1, Good 1, HB 1, Hlr 1, KotC 1, Pal 1, Sor/Wiz 1, Vassal of Bahamut 1, Wuj 1 | V, S, M/DF | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 min./level (D) | Touch | 5 minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target: Creature touched | ||||||||||||||||||||||
+2 to AC and saves, counter mind control, hedge out elementals and outsiders. |
This spell wards a creature from attacks by evil creatures, from mental control, and from summoned creatures. It creates a magical barrier around the subject at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the subject and has three major effects. First, the subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures. Second, the barrier blocks any attempt to possess the warded creature (by a magic jar attack, for example) or to exercise mental control over the creature (including enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion) effects that grant the caster ongoing control over the subject, such as dominate person). The protection does not prevent such effects from targeting the protected creature, but it suppresses the effect for the duration of the protection from evil effect. If the protection from evil effect ends before the effect granting mental control does, the would-be controller would then be able to mentally command the controlled creature. Likewise, the barrier keeps out a possessing life force but does not expel one if it is in place before the spell is cast. This second effect works regardless of alignment. Third, the spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures. This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature. Good summoned creatures are immune to this effect. The protection against contact by summoned creatures ends if the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature. Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this protection and touch the warded creature. |
Read Magic | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Divination | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
- | Adp 0, APeace 0, Arc 0, Beguiler 0, Blg 0, Brd 0, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 0, Drd 0, Duskblade 0, HB 1, Hlr 0, Hoard 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Shu 0, Sor/Wiz 0, Wuj 0 | V, S, F | ||||||||||||||||||||
10 min./level | Personal | General | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target: You | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Read scrolls and spellbooks. |
By means of read magic, you can decipher magical inscriptions on objectsbooks, scrolls, weapons, and the likethat would otherwise be unintelligible. This deciphering does not normally invoke the magic contained in the writing, although it may do so in the case of a cursed scroll. Furthermore, once the spell is cast and you have read the magical inscription, you are thereafter able to read that particular writing without recourse to the use of read magic. You can read at the rate of one page (250 words) per minute. The spell allows you to identify a glyph of warding with a DC 13 Spellcraft check, a greater glyph of warding with a DC 16 Spellcraft check, or any symbol spell with a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + spell level). Read magic can be made permanent with a permanency spell. |
Resist Planar Alignment | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Planar Handbook | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
1 hour | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Subject can resist penalties for being of an opposed alignment on an aligned Outer Plane. |
Resistance | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Abjuration | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) | APeace 0, Arc 0, Brd 0, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 0, Drd 0, Pal 1, Shu 0, Sor/Wiz 0, Wuj 0 | V, S, M/DF | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 min. | Touch | 5 minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target: Creature touched | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Subject gains +1 on saving throws. |
You imbue the subject with magical energy that protects it from harm, granting it a +1 resistance bonus on saves. Resistance can be made permanent with a permanency spell. |
Lesser Restoration | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Conjuration (Healing) | 3 rounds | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
Will negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) | APeace 2, Arc 2, BVal 2, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 2, Drd 2, Hlr 2, HotD 2, Life 2, Pal 1, Renewal 2, SaveLife 2, Shu 2 | V, S | ||||||||||||||||||||
Instant | Touch | General | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target: Creature touched | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Dispels magical ability penalty or repairs 1d4 ability damage. |
Lesser restoration dispels any magical effects reducing one of the subjects ability scores or cures 1d4 points of temporary ability damage to one of the subjects ability scores. It also eliminates any fatigue suffered by the character, and improves an exhausted condition to fatigued. It does not restore permanent ability drain. |
Resurgence | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blk 1, Clr 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
You grant subject a second chance at a saving throw. |
Rhino's Rush | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Sin-W 1, Wrath 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Deal double damage when charging for one round. |
Second Wind | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Book of Exalted Deeds | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Target gains the equivalent of the Endurance feat for 1 hour/level. |
Sense Heretic | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Glow reveals when evil creature is near. |
Silverbeard | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Magic of Faerun | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5 minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||||
You grow a hard silver beard that gives +2 bonus to armor. |
Silvered Weapon | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Mintipers Chapbook | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 0, Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Transforms a single weapon or projectile into a silvered weapon or silvered projectile |
Alternate Silvered Weapon | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Book of Exalted Deeds | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1, Rgr 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Transforms one weapon into a silvered weapon. |
Sticky Saddle | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
You become stuck to special mount, gain +10 Ride checks. |
Strategic Charge | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Magic of Faerun | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blk 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
You gain the benefits of the Mobility feat. |
Temporary Soul Binding | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Conjuration (Teleportation) | 1 round | ATB | ||||||||||||||||||||
Will negates (harmless, object) - No | Arc 1, Blk 1, Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 1 | V, S | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 min./level or until discharged | Touch | General | ||||||||||||||||||||
Targets: 1 Creature and 1 item | ||||||||||||||||||||||
An item is temporarily soul bound to the subject. |
The item gains a temporary mark of Soulbinding (This is different from the Permenant binding mark.) and the item will disintigrate and appear near or in the possesion of the creature touched when the target creature is reborn in the Fount of Lost Souls. Should the duration lapse after the creature has died but before the creature is reborn, the duration automatically extends until rebirth.
Traveler's Mount | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Complete Divine | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Blk 1, Drd 1, Pal 1, Rgr 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
6 hours | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Creature moves faster but can't attack. |
Virtue | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Transmutation | 1 standard action | SRD | ||||||||||||||||||||
Fortitude negates (harmless) - Yes (harmless) | APeace 0, Arc 0, ChamGwyn 1, Clr 0, Drd 0, Pal 1, Shu 0 | V, S, DF | ||||||||||||||||||||
1 min. | Touch | 5 minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||
Target: Creature touched | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Subject gains 1 temporary hp. |
The subject gains 1 temporary hit point. |
Vision of Glory | ||||||||||||||||||||||
SPC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Clr 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Subject gains morale bonus equal to your Cha modifier to one saving throw. |
Warning Shout | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Magic of Faerun | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Arc 1, Pal 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
General | ||||||||||||||||||||||
All living creatures within half a mile hear your shout. |