Name | Earth Power |
Base | 90 |
Accuracy | 100 |
Power Points | 10 |
Type | Ground |
Special | Special |
Range | Selected Pokemon |
Contacts Other Pokemon | No |
Contest Type | smart |
Appeals | |
Jams | |
Red Machine | |
Gold Machine | |
Ruby Machine | |
Diamond Machine | |
Black/White Machine | |
Battle | Has a 10% chance to lower the target's Special Defense by one stage. |
Contest |
Giratina | Ghost Dragon | 33 |
Nidoqueen | Poison Ground | 43 |
Nidoking | Poison Ground | 43 |
Diglett | Ground | 29 |
Dugtrio | Ground | 33 P |
Slugma | Fire | 55 E |
Magcargo | Fire Rock | 67 P |
Corsola | Water Rock | 53 |
Nosepass | Rock | 79 |
Numel | Fire Ground | 41 |
Camerupt | Fire Ground | 49 P |
Trapinch | Ground | 65 E |
Vibrava | Ground Dragon | P |
Flygon | Ground Dragon | P |
Barboach | Water Ground | E |
Whiscash | Water Ground | P |
Baltoy | Ground Psychic | 51 |
Claydol | Ground Psychic | 59 P |
Groudon | Ground | 65 |
Turtwig | Grass | E |
Grotle | Grass | P |
Torterra | Grass Ground | P |
Probopass | Rock Steel | 79 P |
Dialga | Steel Dragon | 33 |
Palkia | Water Dragon | 33 |
Heatran | Fire Steel | 73 |
Giratina | Ghost Dragon | 33 |
Arceus | Normal | 20 |
Drilbur | Ground | E |
Excadrill | Ground Steel | P |
Tympole | Water | E |
Palpitoad | Water Ground | P |
Seismitoad | Water Ground | P |
Archen | Rock Flying | E |
Archeops | Rock Flying | P |
Stunfisk | Ground Electric | E |
Deino | Dark Dragon | E |
Zweilous | Dark Dragon | P |
Hydreigon | Dark Dragon | P |
Landorus | Ground Flying | 43 |