Name | Iron Defense |
Base | 0 |
Accuracy | |
Power Points | 15 |
Type | Steel |
Special | Normal |
Range | User |
Contacts Other Pokemon | No |
Contest Type | tough |
Appeals | 1 |
Jams | 0 |
Red Machine | |
Gold Machine | |
Ruby Machine | |
Diamond Machine | |
Black/White Machine | |
Battle | Raises the user's Defense by two stages. |
Contest | Prevents jamming for the rest of this turn. |
Deoxys | Psychic | 73 |
Squirtle | Water | 34 |
Wartortle | Water | 40 P |
Blastoise | Water | 46 P |
Shellder | Water | 49 |
Cloyster | Water Ice | P |
Pineco | Bug | 39 |
Forretress | Bug Steel | 46 P |
Scizor | Bug Steel | 37 |
Larvitar | Rock Ground | E |
Pupitar | Rock Ground | P |
Tyranitar | Rock Dark | P |
Mawile | Steel | 41 |
Aron | Steel Rock | 18 |
Lairon | Steel Rock | 18 P |
Aggron | Steel Rock | 18 P |
Torkoal | Fire | 44 |
Anorith | Rock Bug | E |
Armaldo | Rock Bug | P |
Clamperl | Water | 1 |
Huntail | Water | P |
Gorebyss | Water | P |
Metang | Steel Psychic | 40 |
Metagross | Steel Psychic | 40 P |
Regirock | Rock | 41 |
Registeel | Steel | 41 |
Shieldon | Rock Steel | 19 |
Bastiodon | Rock Steel | 19 P |
Bronzor | Steel Psychic | 26 |
Bronzong | Steel Psychic | 26 P |
Riolu | Fighting | E |
Lucario | Fighting Steel | P |
Probopass | Rock Steel | 1 |
Probopass | Rock Steel | 7 |
Roggenrola | Rock | 20 |
Boldore | Rock | 20 P |
Gigalith | Rock | 20 P |
Drilbur | Ground | E |
Excadrill | Ground Steel | P |
Whirlipede | Bug Poison | 22 |
Scolipede | Bug Poison | P |
Dwebble | Bug Rock | E |
Crustle | Bug Rock | P |
Tirtouga | Water Rock | E |
Carracosta | Water Rock | P |
Vanillite | Ice | E |
Vanillish | Ice | P |
Vanilluxe | Ice | P |
Escavalier | Bug Steel | 40 |
Ferroseed | Grass Steel | 26 |
Ferrothorn | Grass Steel | 26 P |
Golett | Ground Ghost | 17 |
Golurk | Ground Ghost | 17 P |
Pawniard | Dark Steel | 46 |
Bisharp | Dark Steel | 46 P |
Durant | Bug Steel | 56 |