Belly Drum

NameBelly Drum
Power Points10
Contacts Other PokemonNo
Contest TypeCute
Red Machine
Gold Machine
Ruby Machine
BattleUses 50% of your Max HP in order to raise your Pokemon's attack to the Max Level.
ContestYou gain a * if your condition is good, and you receive the number of * in appeal points after the next round. Every * you have (Max 3) lessens the probablity of your Pokemon becoming nervous. (Cute, Appeal=1pt, Jam=0pt)
Charmander Fire E
Teaches To:
Slowpoke E
Cubone E
Lickitung E
Learns From:
Charmeleon P
Charizard P
Slowpoke E
Slowbro P
Cubone E
Marowak P
Lickitung E
Slowking P
Charmeleon Fire P
Teaches To:
Charmander E
Slowpoke E
Cubone E
Lickitung E
Charizard Fire Flying P
Teaches To:
Charmander E
Slowpoke E
Cubone E
Lickitung E
Clefairy Normal EP
Teaches To:
Marill E
Learns From:
Marill E
Azumarill P
Clefable P
Clefable Normal P
Teaches To:
Marill E
Clefairy EP
Poliwag Water 37
Teaches To:
Marill E
Slowpoke E
Poliwhirl Water 43 P
Teaches To:
Marill E
Slowpoke E
Poliwrath Water Fighting P
Teaches To:
Marill E
Slowpoke E
Slowpoke Water Psychic E
Teaches To:
Marill E
Charmander E
Cubone E
Lickitung E
Learns From:
Marill E
Azumarill P
Charmander E
Charmeleon P
Charizard P
Poliwag 37
Poliwhirl 43 P
Poliwrath P
Slowbro P
Cubone E
Marowak P
Lickitung E
Politoed P
Slowking P
Slowbro Water Psychic P
Teaches To:
Marill E
Charmander E
Slowpoke E
Cubone E
Lickitung E
Cubone Ground E
Teaches To:
Charmander E
Slowpoke E
Lickitung E
Learns From:
Charmander E
Charmeleon P
Charizard P
Slowpoke E
Slowbro P
Marowak P
Lickitung E
Slowking P
Marowak Ground P
Teaches To:
Charmander E
Slowpoke E
Cubone E
Lickitung E
Lickitung Normal E
Teaches To:
Charmander E
Slowpoke E
Cubone E
Learns From:
Charmander E
Charmeleon P
Charizard P
Slowpoke E
Slowbro P
Cubone E
Marowak P
Slowking P
Snorlax Normal 15
Snorlax Normal 13
Cleffa Normal E
Marill Water E
Teaches To:
Clefairy EP
Slowpoke E
Learns From:
Azumarill P
Clefairy EP
Clefable P
Poliwag 37
Poliwhirl 43 P
Poliwrath P
Slowpoke E
Slowbro P
Politoed P
Slowking P
Azumarill Water P
Teaches To:
Marill E
Clefairy EP
Slowpoke E
Politoed Water P
Teaches To:
Marill E
Slowpoke E
Slowking Water Psychic P
Teaches To:
Marill E
Charmander E
Slowpoke E
Cubone E
Lickitung E
Zigzagoon Normal 41
Linoone Normal 53 P
Makuhita Fighting 37
Hariyama Fighting 40 P
Bagon Dragon E
Learns From:
Shelgon P
Salamence P
Shelgon Dragon P
Teaches To:
Bagon E
Salamence Dragon Flying P
Teaches To:
Bagon E